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Kevin Federline-andry: The most pressing men's human rights issue of our age?

Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Kevin Federline received $13 million from his divorce with Brittany Spears. Would he have gotten more if genders swapped?

Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.

Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.

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11 years ago

talking Scottish comfort food, are any of you aware of the magical creation that is the deep fried mars bar?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

December 6, 2013 at 8:54 pm | Permalink | Reply
Don’t even read the comments on that page. They’re as ugh and [ableist term redacted] as one would expect.

December 7, 2013 at 2:20 am | Permalink | Reply
That’s a modded term here? Okay, sorry about that.

What the heck did you say? Idiotic? I remember one of my final straws over there was them having a fit at David (yes our David) saying idiot.

11 years ago

Zomidawg, I love Weird Al! I guess I just committed A Misandry.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

AK — aw, poor puppy, hope the little one is getting lots of rubs and the GSD all the glares. The GSD smart enough to realize that biting puppy was a Bad Bad Thing?

11 years ago

My final straw was the fact that there are so many threads like the one kittehs linked to.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Mangos? Or take away the mangos? I know I’ve done comic sans and disemvowelment, but I can easily do one to add a warning.

Of course, if I add mangos to the mod filter, I won’t be able to tease pecunium, and what would be the fun in that? Hmm, I could do it manually as a response to flagged comments since only those of us with back end access can disemvowel…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ooh, I know!

Cassandra, well yeah, that combined with all the little things made it just not worth the brain cells.

11 years ago

AK — aw, poor puppy, hope the little one is getting lots of rubs and the GSD all the glares. The GSD smart enough to realize that biting puppy was a Bad Bad Thing?

I think he does. I’m trying to treat him normally now even though I’m still upset with him, because I know dogs don’t really think like that and he doesn’t know *why* I’m upset with him anymore, but it’s a little hard. He is laying under my feet (abnormal, usually he lays on the couch or a comfy dog bed) and whenever the puppy shifts position he jumps up and tries to lick her ear (which I have to prevent; she has an e-collar but I’m not making her wear it while she’s in my lap, although she’ll have to while not under direct supervision). I don’t know if he feels bad just because I’m not sure dogs think like that, but I know he knows she is hurt and is concerned about it.

11 years ago

Cassandra – ::snicker:: I didn’t mind knowing what was in the haggis; I’d just like to have been able to taste it instead of having my tastebuds burnt out. 😛

Argenti – yup, idiotic was the word I used. Not worth having a fight over, there, but I thought calling it ableist was pretty bloody stupid. (I wonder if there are any sites where “stupid” gets redacted for being ableist?)

AK – oh noes, we are stuck with someone we like commenting for the evening! 😛 But I’m very glad you’re doin’ your Dooty by the Furrinati.

feintone – ::shudder:: I’ve heard of deep-fried Mars Bars. It surprised me when I heard they’re a Scottish (or is that just Glaswegian?) invention. I’d blamed that lot up in the Deep North* or that lot further north in the Deep South**.

*the US Deep South

11 years ago

I think most of the deep fried oddities originate in Glasgow. Lovely place except for the food, but if you’re drunk enough and it’s freezing cold you’ll eat anything that’s warm.

(Don’t ask me how I know this.)

11 years ago

Argenti – do you read Scalzi’s blog? He latched on to a great idea, setting the Mallet at Kitten. He replaces really gross troll stuff with comments about kittens and rainbows and whatnot. D’you want a link?

11 years ago

I have had a bite of one once. the deep frying pretty much removes the mars bar flavour, so its actually kind of bland tasting. that being said, I definitely did not feel well an hour later.

11 years ago

I’m trying to remember what I ate in Glasgow – sammiches and a hot chocolate, I think (I only did a day trip there).

11 years ago

@ cassandra apparently they were invented in Aberdeen, and are actually quite hard to find these days. the one my brother and I could only get one on Edingburgh’s royal mile, so basically they only sell them for tourists.

11 years ago

Oh no, you can get all kinds of weird things deep fried in chippies in Glasgow, including pizza. I spent a good part of my teenage misadventure years there, and ate many a questionable item while under the influence.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — sure, though that requires manual editing and creating the cute.

Speaking of cute, the previous batch of cory babies has at least five that’ll reach full size, and my cories are, presenting, mating. I’m trying not to watch, figure they should have some privacy!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


11 years ago

Deep frying anything sweet makes me want to run for the hills. I’ll stick to fish and chips for that sort of thing! 🙂

11 years ago

Argenti – yay for cories!

Yeah, I didn’t think you’d want to add the work with that, it was just the cutest notion. Now if it could automatically replace trollishness with Cute Furrinati pics, that’d be cool (it could be LBT’s Borg drawings – the troll has been assimilated …)

11 years ago
if you are ever in this part of Scotland, visit this place. I can personally vouch for the excellence of the fish and chips.

11 years ago

Deep fried moro bar is a Kiwi invention, and it is fantastic. Because there’s toffee in an NZ moro bar it gets scalding hot and burns your mouth something fierce.

The fish and chip shop by my school did them, so I had one pretty much every week for three years. Somehow I have not died of heart disease.

11 years ago

::deep sigh:: I’d love to go back to the UK. There are so many places I’d like to see, or revisit. Don’t think it’s going to happen, though.

Totally OT, I got this template done at lunchtime and I’m really pleased with it. Now to find a suitable background!

11 years ago

I’m not so fond of deep fried sweet things either. I like sweet things that are hot, but when you coat them in batter everything just ends up tasting really bland to me because the batter overpowers the other flavors.

My favorite hot dessert is this.

You can still eat them when they’ve cooled, but they’re better hot.

11 years ago

I guess technically they have a batter too, but it’s so thin that what you mostly taste is the sticky rice and the sesame. I think I’m just not crazy about thick batter in general. Even on fish I prefer it to be as thin as possible.

11 years ago

Christmas pud is probably my favourite hot dessert; the others would be variations on apple pastries. I like the occasional sticky date pudding or chocolate pudding, but they tend to be a bit overwhelming.

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