Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:
Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.
Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.
Is it misandry to sit in a rocking chair with a cat on one’s lap, instead of doing something for a man, even if one is talking to said man about his earlier life?
If Britainey had been married to a woman ,her wife would have gotten more than sole legal and physical custody of their children .And she would have gotten every asset of hers .And Britainey would have had to work for the rest of her life paying for her ex -wifes “rent” until the day she died while Britainey lived in a homeless shelter eating dog food.
Absolutely. That’s the ultimate man hating shit. What are you going to do next ? Rob him at gunpoint?
Cats and rockers? MISANDRYYYYY!!! How dare you rock something on your lap that ain’t a penis?
I knew it! I knew it! I had this niggling fear that sitting talking to (or listening to) a man instead of feeing or sexing him would be misandry. Even if the guy in question is happy sitting talking and doesn’t care much for sammiches anyway. (He’s either a mangina or just doesn’t Know How Terrible This Is.)
… Can a king be a mangina?
Kitteh, omg @ Fat Steve in the “Pigtails and pedophiles” Feministe thread… X_X
Oh, that reminds me. I found the funniest meme on Facebook today. It’s a photo of a sandwich, captioned: “Good thing we don’t have to hunt for our food anymore. I have no idea where sandwiches live.” I LOL’d. MISAAAAANDRYYYYY!!!
Ally, I know! It’s just AAAAAAGH with his posts there and the abortion thread. WTF?
Bina – LOL hunting sammiches, worse than hunting the haggis!
@Kittehserf never underestimate the haggis. or the snark. or even Haggisnark, the most deadly creature known to man.
Some foods I totally understand, straight meat products — cut a bit off, roast it, simple — the sorts of fruits and veggies you pull off a tree // out of the ground // whatever and bite into. And then there are the things that seem like something went off but fuck it it tastes good.
And then there’s haggis. Who the FUCK first managed to invent that?!
Kitteh // Ally — link?
Carroll missed a great opportunity when he didn’t write the Hunting of the Haggis.
So did McGonagall.
“Weird Al” Yankovic is a misandrist:
It starts here, Argenti:
I see Steve’s now got into defensive mode.
@Argenti: (I looked it up after the mention :D)
Also off-topic but I feel like such a terrible pet owner because my GSD just freaking tore open my little puppy’s (the one in my gravatar) ear. It was so stupid of me, I fed them and I always stand in the room watching them because, well, we have 5 dogs and that’s a recipe for disaster if you let them finish unsupervised. But today one of the other dogs really had to go out right after he finished so I stepped into the other room to let him out, and my stupid GSD finished his dinner and moved in on my puppy’s food, and her being all scrappy she tried to defend it, and by the time I was able to get in and separate them her ear needed 8 stitches. 🙁 I know better than to do that, but I thought it was okay and now my poor puppy is hurt. I feel so awful.
Oh, AK, hugs for you and puppy (and Stern Looks for GSD). It doesn’t sound like you could have done anything to prevent that – other dog had to go. 🙁
Thanks kittehs. It really caught me off guard because he’s usually a great “big brother”…he and the pup are super cuddly and best buds. I know that doesn’t mean much when they’re scrapping over food (and he’s 85 pounds to her 25, so I doubt he even meant to hurt her), but man…
On the plus side, she’s curled up in my lap and seems quite content (if slightly drugged), so I’m stuck browsing the internet for the evening. 😉
Also can I just say I’m really happy to be able to comment here again? I don’t know why but WordPress decided it hated me for like 3 weeks and wouldn’t let me comment anywhere. I missed you guys. 😉
Somebody really freaking hungry, is my guess. Although, there are similar products in a lot of cultures across the world. I had it in Scotland (with neeps and taties) and it was really quite good, in a cold-weather, comfort-food kind of way.
I wondered where you’d been, AK!
Just think: now your Furrinatus is established on your lap, it would be dereliction of duty to get up and disturb her. So playing on the internetz for the evening is virtuous.
Unimaginative – I tried haggis in Scotland back in the day. I thought it’d be something different (don’t ask me how) but it was just like mince meat that’d been smothered in pepper, then had pepper added, plus a bit of pepper.
I just ate the neeps and tatties.
Haggis is presumably one of those things that comes about when people don’t have much meat and can’t afford to waste any of the bits.
Yeah, karak, Fat Steve, and ldouglas have been very condescending lately. And it’s a shame, too, because they often have smart things to say otherwise.
I quite liked the haggis on our Scotland trip!
@Kittehs, I missed your question yesterday. I put my hairbrush on Bailey for about 3 seconds and then he looked at me, affronted, so I removed it.
Viscaria – so, Bailey isn’t going in for this athletic endeavour. 😀
Ally – ldouglas strikes me as condescending most of the time, whether or not zie has something smart to say on any given occasion. Steve just doesn’t seem to have much judgement about when is not a good time to be flippant, generally, but he’s being a right pain at the moment. EG made a very good point about how he does not get to impose his narrow definitions of the words on everyone else.
Yeah, he has a long history of that, AFAIK.
BTW, EG is totally one of my favorite commentators there! I don’t think I’ve ever had any major disagreements with her. Folks like her are why I still hang out at Feministe.
I’ve never liked Fat Steve much, honestly. He can’t seem to stop splaining, whatever the topic is.
Haggis is edible as long as you don’t think too much about what’s in it. As far as Scottish comfort food goes, though, I’d vote for one of the soups over haggis any day.
Damn straight. Y’all are stuck with me for the evening!
That Feministe thread…wow. I haven’t been reading that site for awhile (well, not the comments anyway), and it’s kind of reminding me why. It’s keeping me busy at least, and there are some awesome commenters in there to counterbalance the bad!