$MONEY$ divorce gender swap MRA reddit

Kevin Federline-andry: The most pressing men's human rights issue of our age?

Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Kevin Federline received $13 million from his divorce with Brittany Spears. Would he have gotten more if genders swapped?

Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.

Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.

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11 years ago

I guess they’re pissed off that after the divorce she went on being more important than he is, just like she was before they got married. They seem to want divorce to be a thing that ruins women’s lives forever so that women will be too scared to ask for one, but that doesn’t really work when the woman was the one who had all the money and power to begin with.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Is she actually a dog?”

Hadn’t we already established that, or was that someone else’s cat dog?

11 years ago

My cat comes and curls up next to me and acts sweet when I’m sick. Is she actually a dog?

She may be a cat wearing a dog suit wearing a cat suit.

Just to mess with your mind.

There are cats who are really dogs – Kodi comes to mind.

11 years ago

My old cat would fetch, but only for my mum. She should have tried training animals for movies.

11 years ago

I’m pretty broken up about the imaginary injustice done to imaginary ManBritney in Imaginary Town. I made this frowny face right here: 🙁

11 years ago

My old cat mourned my father when he passed. He would go around the house each morning and meow at all the closed doors, and then meow at all the open doors in case Dad was hiding behind them, and then he would go sleep on Dad’s side of the bed. It was heartbreaking.

He possibly could have been a dog though, he was big enough.

11 years ago

Viscaria, have you done any catstacking yet?

11 years ago

Look at this – it is possible to herd cats.

11 years ago

Ah hell, their Britney rage is is nothing compared to their feelings about Madonna. Want to identify a MRA or misogynist in meatspace? Mention Madonna and just sit back and watch. A few years ago, when she broke some bones after falling off one of her horses, there were shitlords here and there celebrating her injuries. Her crime? Being one of the most famous women in the world — and by god, she seems to know it. That’s a hanging offense, don’t ya know?

11 years ago

As if only getting a scant thirteen million dollars in the settlement wasn’t enough, here’s even more proof that society treats Kevin Federline as disposable:

11 years ago

Incorrect spelling of people’s names can be dumbassery, or it can be a passive-aggressive way of disrespecting them (see: Fox News continually referring to the “Democrat Party”). Hard to tell with MRAs.

I think it’s the latter.
People have been referring to her as Brittany loads of times, especially during her break-down.
Since she is so well-known (not to mention that the stories these people commented on usually had her freaking name in the headline), I always assumed that it was used as an insult. Kinda like “Oh look at her, so fake she can’t even use her real name!” which is doubly hilarious since Wikipedia just told me that her real name actually is Britney.
As for the complaint in the OP? Yeah, it sure is unfair that a backup-dancer who latched onto a multi-millionaire ended up with only 13 million plus monthly child support for two kids after the divorce. /sarcasm

11 years ago

Since the topic seems to be about jumping spiders, here’s a spider that’s a king of the rumba beat:

11 years ago

Yep …a blaring example of the gender inequality in our divorce laws .

11 years ago

@Auggz, even when my arachnophobia was really bad, I thought jumping spiders were cute. I like the way they’ll drop down a thread in the middle of the room and just hang there for ages.


Kittehserf now I just want to donate a million pounds worth of balls of yarn to the cats at my local animal rescue center (where my family got our cat). then watch them all play with it.

I’m going to take this otherwise innocuous comment as an opportunity to hop on my soapbox and dispel a common myth: yarn is not a good cat toy. Anything string-ish, like yarn or ribbon or actual string, can be a real hazard to a cat. If they start swallowing it, they have no way to bite it off, so they just keep swallowing. The results are…not good.

How about a million dollars’ worth of catnip mice? Or the plastic rings from milk jugs – my cats love those.

@Kittehs, you’re my hero! I’ve had a gif from that herding cats video for ages, but I had no idea what it was from.


“Your focus is off, that’s all. We see it a lot on this board — folks who don’t understand that the only issue is the double standard, not whether a thing is right or wrong”

But…you can’t fix the double standard until you decide which is the “right” outcome, so you can work toward it. I know MRAs are famous for not actually accomplishing shit, but it’s not often they just come out and say “we’d rather complain than change anything”.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Interesting he chose this couple as his example, considering that the court granted Federline’s petition for sole physical custody of their children, siding with him and against Spears, who had also petitioned the court for custody. She also pays him $20K per month in child support.


11 years ago

It’s almost like they purposefully choose to talk about cases/situations that most people would never see misandry and try to argue their case as hard as possible. Not sure what that’s about, maybe hoping people will be like “woah, you’re right!” and then see misandry everywhere. It mainly makes them and their grievances look outrageously silly. They’d be better served focusing on real problems, of which there are some (not that I have any hopes for that).

11 years ago

emilygoddess, it was sheerest luck finding that video! I was poking around on John Scalzi’s blog yesterday and someone had linked it there. 🙂

Good point about yarn and kitties. Mine only get to poke around the wool I’m actually knitting with (because it’s no fun otherwise) and I wouldn’t leave them with a ball of yarn.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

How about kitties and pipe cleaners? Kitty loves killing them (and then depositing them in the dog’s water dish when she’s declared that one good and dead)

Only time they seem to go in her mouth is to control them for a better pounce.

Of course, my father insists that chicken bones and the chocolate in my granola and onion and garlic are all safe in small doses (I may’ve convinced him on chicken bones after having to pry one out of the dog’s jaw) — my brother and I both threaten him with bodily harm when he pulls that shit.

11 years ago

One of the women in my fiber arts group (who is ironically a vet) had to take one of her cats in for major surgery after he ingested a bunch of tatting thread (really strong cotton). It cost her 700 dollars (for non-Americans, that’s my rent for a one-bedroom apartment). It’s made me a bit paranoid about my own yarny pursuits.

Pan is currently fighting with the sleeve on my warm jacket, which at least he’d have trouble swallowing 🙂

11 years ago

Yep, when I was a vet tech we saw a bunch of cases of cats ingesting string/yarn and needing surgery to get it removed. I think it’s okay if you’re closely watching the cat and can stop them from ingesting it, but they should never be allowed to play with it when not under close supervision.

11 years ago

But…you can’t fix the double standard until you decide which is the “right” outcome, so you can work toward it.

No, see, you don’t understand. Good thing happens to women, bad thing happens to men = horrible bigotry double standard of doom. Good thing happens to men, bad thing happens to women = that’s just an immutable law of nature, stop complaining already.

11 years ago

@emily yeah sorry about that. honestly I’ve never given a cat yarn to play with. glad I’m aware now though. my cat loves to claw at my jumper sleeves and socks at any opportunity, when there are no mice to kill.

11 years ago

No, see, you don’t understand. Good thing happens to women, bad thing happens to men = horrible bigotry double standard of doom.

No ,see ,you don’t understand .Good things happen to a man = it probably would have been even better for a woman.Therefore misandry .

11 years ago

As far as I can see, K-Fed and his douchebag hat ARE misandry. Personified.