Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:
Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.
Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.
Wouldn’t be that much of a stretch – he probably already had to get his mom to watch the kid, because having to watch your own kids is MISANDRY.
I just read through some of the comments on the post on Reddit. One guy made the not-so-unreasonable suggestion that rather than freak out that he didn’t get more money we should care more that perhaps no one should get absurd amounts of money for divorce. Well.. that suggestion didn’t go over too well, apparently he just didn’t understand the issue.
“Your focus is off, that’s all. We see it a lot on this board — folks who don’t understand that the only issue is the double standard, not whether a thing is right or wrong”
Because we don’t care about actually fixing the issues, duh!
Is Taylor snarking, or being serious? It’s so hard to tell…
Also, BEHOLD! The second Manboobz cyborg critter, a clown loach in Argenti’s honor!
I’ll just assume troll until stated otherwise.
Other things that are totally JUST LIKE SLAVERY, guys:
paying taxes
losing the Superbowl
working a job you don’t like
women having jobs
I read Taylor’s comment as snarking at MRAs.
Borg clown loach, d’awwww!
Drawing cute colorful animals is oddly soothing!
I think Taylor’s probably snarking (but Taylor you might want to clarify!), and BORG CLOWN LOACH IS ADORABLE.
In other news, I have a terrible cold. 🙁
::hands cloudiah stash of tissues:;
::stuffs tissues up my nose::
Feel better Cloudiah!
Also, I am in love with Borg loach. It makes me squee.
*Makes cloudiah some herbal tea*
Aw, poor cloudiah. Salt water gargles and honey for you!
“If he’d been a feeeeemale, he would have gotten sole custody of their kids PLUS a couple of the neighbor’s kids.”
Thank you, Cloudiah, that made me lol. XD
::sends Cat Laser Eye Beams to dry up cloudiah’s nose::
I have a cute cat sleeping right next to me, and she’s not helping with the nose at all. Why doesn’t SHE have Laser Eye Beams?
She does, she’s just too lazy to use them.
She just started rubbing her nose with her paw. I think she’s making fun of me.
Lazy AND mocking you.
Sounds about right.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. And also I want Chris Crocker to have more than the five seconds of fame the internet seems to have allotted him.
Me: Pussycats. What do they care?
Mum: It’s not a word in their vocabulary.
My cat comes and curls up next to me and acts sweet when I’m sick. Is she actually a dog?
Obviously if the genders were swapped, Keven would have gotten ALL DA MONEYS and custody of ALL DA CHILDREN, and Britney would be left living on dust bunnies 4EVAS!!!1!
La Strega, apparently he’s doing gay porn now, so his fame will live on.
Ah, and he seemed like such a sweet, sensitive lad. We do live in shameless times, don’t we?