$MONEY$ divorce gender swap MRA reddit

Kevin Federline-andry: The most pressing men's human rights issue of our age?

Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Kevin Federline received $13 million from his divorce with Brittany Spears. Would he have gotten more if genders swapped?

Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.

Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.

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11 years ago

Alimony is slavery!

11 years ago

MRA’s: desperately searching for examples of Misandry since 1955.

11 years ago

also, either this comment is quite old, or the person posting it is unaware that the whole Kevin- Britney thing was seven years ago.

11 years ago

MRAs really love to play the “If the genders were swapped, THIS would have happened” game. (For example, “Now if the gender reverse was published in huffpo by a feminist writer…”)

11 years ago

like, totally am I right!

11 years ago

They’re whining that he got a measly thirteen million? I should be so oppressed!

11 years ago

I think I was playing video games when I heard the news. to be fair that’s a safe bet for most of that period of time.

11 years ago

I wouldn’t even have known who this person was, or remembered that Britney Spears had been married and divorced, though unlike dopey in the OP I can at least spell her name.

11 years ago

@ Kittehserf pffft. what will thirteen million buy you these days?

11 years ago

But if he`d been a gurr-el, he`d have gotten a million-bazillion dollars rather than that measley 13 million. MISANDRY!! MRA to the rescue! (Too bad it took them seven years to notice…)

11 years ago

@ David Futrelle so in their hypothetical world for example, queen Henrietta the eighth would have divorced and/or beheaded fifteen or so of her husbands, spermjacking and cockteasing each one along the way?

does that sound about right for something they might come up with?

11 years ago

If he’d been a feeeeemale, he would have gotten sole custody of their kids PLUS a couple of the neighbor’s kids.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Incorrect spelling of people’s names can be dumbassery, or it can be a passive-aggressive way of disrespecting them (see: Fox News continually referring to the “Democrat Party”). Hard to tell with MRAs.

Also, K-Fed only got $1 million, not $13 million, and he and Britney had a prenup. So this complaint only has merit on Planet Asstowel.

11 years ago

No! No! Don’t let them see the trilby!

@feintone, well, it’d by lots and lots of yarn and needles and …

I wouldn’t turn down even the million he really did get. Though I’d pass on the child custody, unless the children were cats. 😛

11 years ago

As long as he got custody of the trilby in the divorce.

11 years ago

man, some the articles lately have given me some real early 200’s nostalgia for some reason. need to fish out my old Linkin park CD’S and play some shenmue!

11 years ago

Kittehserf now I just want to donate a million pounds worth of balls of yarn to the cats at my local animal rescue center (where my family got our cat). then watch them all play with it.

11 years ago

Wait, I thought Kevin had to pay Britney money forever and live on ramen and peanut butter because misandry?

11 years ago

feintone, what a lovely idea! 😀

Of course the best yarn for kitties to play with is the one you’re trying to knit. Just as the best rug is the thing you’re knitting, which looks ever so much better with a few threads pulled here and there, and furs woven in (yes I’m looking at you, Fribbie).

11 years ago

He’d have to get his mom to kill him so his life insurance could feed his children because he couldn’t get a job because divorced men buhhhhhh.

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