are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking matt forney oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape red pill

Matt Forney — yes, THAT guy — dances on Nelson Mandela's grave

Nelson Mandela, RIP
Nelson Mandela, RIP

For more proof that bigotries flock together, let’s take a look at some tweets the always despicable Matt Forney made today after learning of the death of Nelson Mandela:

His “statistical evidence” of an alleged “white genocide” in South Africa? A page that links to a curious document full of unsourced claims and hysterical language, and which refers to South Africa’s former apartheid system as “so-called apartheid.” (It’s a pdf; TRIGGER WARNING for gruesome pictures of murder victims.)

Here’s a piece from Africa Check debunking similar claims of a “white genocide” in South Africa.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that life was better for everyone under apartheid comes from a publication called “The New Observer.” To get an idea of what sort of publication this is, here are some of the top stories on the site at the moment:

  • Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black
  • The Extermination of Whites in Europe: “We Are the Last 3 German Children in Our School.”
  • If White Americans Don’t Start Having Babies Now, the US Will Vanish by 2100

Here’s another Africa Check piece that takes on widely disseminated Facebook post that also claims things were better under apartheid.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that “[u]nder Nelson Mandela and his successors, South Africa became the rape capital of the world” is a link to an article in World Net Daily about a single serial rapist in South Africa. There are no statistics in it.

While it’s a bit ironic to see Forney — an admitted girlfriend-abuser who once wrote that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men [because] it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps” — grandstanding about violence against women, it’s actually rather hard to track down reliable statistics about rape in South Africa, much less statistics about rape during apartheid, because back then the white authorities didn’t exactly give a shit about black victims of rape.

Many of those who’ve studied the culture of rape in South Africa argue that the country’s history of apartheid made the problem far, far worse, engendering “an exaggerated culture of aggression and male dominance, among both black and white,” as one researcher has argued.

My favorite tweet of the bunch, though, is this one:

Yeah. Screw Anne Frank, too. All she did was sit around in that dumb attic.

Here’s “Free Nelson Mandela,” by the Special AKA. When it came out, I never believed it would ever come true.


EDITED TO ADD:  Thanks to @HamSushi on Twitter for pointing me to Forney’s lovely tweets!

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11 years ago

@daintydougal, Uhura’s name is actually derived from “uhuru”.

11 years ago

Sn0rkmaiden, thank you for introducing me to Claire Khaw, seriously. I have been reading her blog all day – I can’t stop. It’s like a clown-car crash of hate. It’s hilarious.

11 years ago

Chicago existed last summer! I visited. 😀

11 years ago

But does it still exist? Or did you just imagine it existed with your poor ladybrain?

11 years ago

@LBT, I went to SA and Zimbabwe about 10 years ago. (Mostly SA + Victoria Falls.)

It was great. The plane ticket was super expensive, but once I was there everything was really cheap because of the exchange rate.

Here’s a cropped (for anonymity’s sake) picture of me and my sister petting a cheetah.

Here’s the sign at the entrance to Robben Island, where Mandela served 18 years. We rode over on a boat with an ANC youth club, which was cool.

11 years ago

The cheetah is alive. It was purring, just like any kitty. It was at a sanctuary for cheetahs that for whatever reason couldn’t live in the wild any more.

Fun fact: Cheetah fur is mostly very wiry and coarse, but the black spots are a totally different texture: soft and fuzzy.

11 years ago

You got to pat a purring cheetah! I haz all the envy.

I didn’t know that about cheetah fur!

11 years ago

“Man created God to protect him from Woman.”

Does anyone understand the last one?

Sounds like an arse-about-face version of acknowledging that misogynistic thinking gives rise to misogynistic religions. Not “protect from” but “reinforce power over”.

11 years ago

@kittehs, I was with three males who can confirm it! I was with two females as well, but alas they too have ladybrains.

11 years ago

CheetahSQUEEEEEE! Oh, I envy you being able to pet such a beautiful big kitteh. My torbie longhair polydactyl kitten is cute (and has quite the tail!), but she’s so…small, compared to that.

And wow, female misogyny. That’s…different.

11 years ago

Sounds like Michelle Malkin, only the latter is Filipina. But otherwise, a total Asian white supremacist. A special breed of loopy, in other words.

11 years ago

Ooh, ooh, I was in Chicago a month and a half ago! And I don’t have a ladybrain, so my male rationality says it must still be there!

RE: cloudiah

That is so cool that you got to go. I’ve never been anywhere in Africa at all, and though I love travel, I’m always a little dubious about traveling somewhere I don’t speak the local language/s. I would really like to visit the ruins of Carthage, though, and Egypt and Nubia and aaaagh I could never choose. The continent is so BIG! There’s too much to see and too many people to meet!

Oh, and guys: BEHOLD! The first of the Feminist Borg critters: the Devon Rex kitten! What do you think? Okay?

11 years ago

I wanna pet a cheetah! Or a lion or a tiger or jaguar!

Borg kitty! squeeeee! Here take my tuna!

11 years ago

This is going to be a different way than my usual commissions, since I’m kinda doing them for all y’all instead of my usual one. So I guess I’ll try and churn out two a week, post them as I go, and if there are any problems, poke me. Does that sound all right?

11 years ago

@Alex & LBT:

@kittehs, I was with three males who can confirm it! I was with two females as well, but alas they too have ladybrains.

Ooh, ooh, I was in Chicago a month and a half ago! And I don’t have a ladybrain, so my male rationality says it must still be there!

So that’s several men who can confirm it! PROOF!

BORG KITTY! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Your tuna will be assmilated, neuroticbeagle.

However you want to pace it is fine by me, Rogan – it’s your work, after all. 🙂


She’s a militant atheist who thinks all morals should be based on the Koran

She’s of Chinese decent and she’s a white nationalist. Idk what to do anymore. Is my head supposed to hurt this bad?

OW have you any spare headache pills?


My torbie longhair polydactyl kitten is cute (and has quite the tail!), but she’s so…small, compared to that.


11 years ago

Ask and ye shall receive! Here’s my kitten doing the Hokey Pokey:

And here she is, tail-approving a snow shovel:

And here’s one showing her awesome paws:

11 years ago

Okay, I don’t know why it doesn’t want to link to Instagram. Internets FAIL.

11 years ago

Both borgie kitty and torbie kitty are awesome.

11 years ago

It’s linking now, Bina.



Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“She made some tweet about how she wouldn’t want a mentally disabled kid, so women should “accidentally on purpose” literally drop zie till zie dies. She backpedalled… To say that she would chose a more merciful method or something.”

The fucking fuck it’s called fucking adoption! Give the kid up for adoption, don’t fucking murder your goddamned child!

11 years ago

Great, it’s working for everyone but me. Glad you like her!

11 years ago

So – because she wouldn’t want a mentally disabled child (or rather, want to have the trouble of caring for one, because who actually wants their child to be disabled in any way, before the fact?)* she thinks other women should kill theirs?

That makes no fucking sense, apart from all the wrongness.

*Someone with Munchausen’s-by-proxy is the only exception I can think of.

11 years ago

BTW, here she is being rude:

And here she is, being cute:

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

You know, I like it when people tell me that I’d be better off dead than with mental disabilities. How merciful is it to know that I’m not worthy enough to live?

11 years ago

Bina – kitteh is obviously punishing you via the internets for taking her picture. You have seen (or not seen, in this case) Cat Anger Consequences.