are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking matt forney oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape red pill

Matt Forney — yes, THAT guy — dances on Nelson Mandela's grave

Nelson Mandela, RIP
Nelson Mandela, RIP

For more proof that bigotries flock together, let’s take a look at some tweets the always despicable Matt Forney made today after learning of the death of Nelson Mandela:

His “statistical evidence” of an alleged “white genocide” in South Africa? A page that links to a curious document full of unsourced claims and hysterical language, and which refers to South Africa’s former apartheid system as “so-called apartheid.” (It’s a pdf; TRIGGER WARNING for gruesome pictures of murder victims.)

Here’s a piece from Africa Check debunking similar claims of a “white genocide” in South Africa.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that life was better for everyone under apartheid comes from a publication called “The New Observer.” To get an idea of what sort of publication this is, here are some of the top stories on the site at the moment:

  • Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black
  • The Extermination of Whites in Europe: “We Are the Last 3 German Children in Our School.”
  • If White Americans Don’t Start Having Babies Now, the US Will Vanish by 2100

Here’s another Africa Check piece that takes on widely disseminated Facebook post that also claims things were better under apartheid.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that “[u]nder Nelson Mandela and his successors, South Africa became the rape capital of the world” is a link to an article in World Net Daily about a single serial rapist in South Africa. There are no statistics in it.

While it’s a bit ironic to see Forney — an admitted girlfriend-abuser who once wrote that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men [because] it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps” — grandstanding about violence against women, it’s actually rather hard to track down reliable statistics about rape in South Africa, much less statistics about rape during apartheid, because back then the white authorities didn’t exactly give a shit about black victims of rape.

Many of those who’ve studied the culture of rape in South Africa argue that the country’s history of apartheid made the problem far, far worse, engendering “an exaggerated culture of aggression and male dominance, among both black and white,” as one researcher has argued.

My favorite tweet of the bunch, though, is this one:

Yeah. Screw Anne Frank, too. All she did was sit around in that dumb attic.

Here’s “Free Nelson Mandela,” by the Special AKA. When it came out, I never believed it would ever come true.


EDITED TO ADD:  Thanks to @HamSushi on Twitter for pointing me to Forney’s lovely tweets!

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11 years ago

Whites are a minority here in Chicago, and it still exists.

Do you have any evidence for this, other than that you live there?

11 years ago

Where do people keep getting the idea that white people are going to disappear? The way I see it, from a genetic perspective, fair-skinned people will always exist in some form because the alleles that code for it won’t go away.

And even if it did happen, what’s the big deal? These guys are always banging the evolution drum, you’d think they’d at least consider it an interesting possibility.

11 years ago

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.”
― JANE AUSTEN, Pride and Prejudice

“So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him, you swallowed him whole. Love was substance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.”
― JODI PICOULT, Nineteen Minutes

This post tells me that you don’t understand metaphors. Or dry nineteenth-century witticisms. But if you seriously think that Jane Austen is representative of 21st-century feminism, more power to ya, skippy.

11 years ago


Whites are not the majority.

11 years ago

Really, Hry? You don’t believe whites *aren’t* the majority in Chicago? I live in Chicago too and I can assure that is the case. The Sun-Times even did a story on this a while back.

11 years ago

I suspect Hry was asking for evidence that Chicago still existed, per David’s claim.

11 years ago

I think he’s jokingly asking David to prove that Chicago still exists.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Matt Forney is a joke and an asshole and I wish he’d stop using Patrick Starr as his little avatar there.

And how on earth did we get onto Pride and Prejudice and what the hell is it supposed to prove? It’s pretty clear Austen was skewering the situation of middle and upper class British women in the 19th century. I mean, have you actually read Pride and Prejudice? The plot centers around how the Bennett sisters have to find rich husbands before their father does and they’re kicked out on their asses. Because the Bennett sisters are women, and can’t inherit property. And how this whole situation of powerless
women who are completely and absolutely dependent on men for financial stability turns marriage into a business transaction and courtship into something like a military campaign. And how wealth and class leads to (wait for it) pride and prejudice, which Austen considers to be major flaws her characters have to overcome. In Pride and Prejudice, Austen presents several different marriages, some based on love and some based on financial pragmatism, and it’s the marriages that are based on financial pragmatism that are presented as dysfunctional. Austen was opposed to all this tripe and believed that marriages should be made for love and compatibility, but when you have an economic/social situation where young women must marry a man who can financially support her, you’re not going to get that. And yeah, Austen isn’t a member of NOW, but her criticism of 19th century British society is right online with feminist thought. What the hell’s more feminist than “women shouldn’t be forced into a loveless marriage because they have no other available means of supporting themselves?”

And I really don’t know what Jodi Picoult has to do with any of this; that quote seems to be a metaphor for how love consumes a person, or how a lot of our metaphors for love involve consuming or being consumed. Or love as something that sustains a person, like food. Seriously, what?

11 years ago

“The only good thing to note is that the hate barrel really does have a bottom to it. After you’ve said girls need to be raped and you’ve gloated over the death of Nelson Mandela, where can you go from there?”

Knowing these bastards, he’ll just gnaw right through it and keep going, straight on to China…where the women aren’t “westernized monsters”, or some such shit.

11 years ago

What MordsithJ and gelar said. Hry’s commented before, zie’s not a troll.

11 years ago

Sad about Mandela. Not really surprised about the asshats using his death to whine about racisim/men’s rights. There is nothing they won’t use, even if it means misrepresenting the hell out of it.

Re: Chicago. I also read the comment as wondering if the city was really still there, and *then* wondering it was a question about demographics.

Completely off-topic – am I the only person who hears ‘Chicago’ and immediately thinks of the song in the movie Victor/Victoria? (Don’t worry, I know the answer is ‘Yes!’)

11 years ago

Trollyboy doesn’t seem to grasp that there’s a difference between being passionately, and sexually, in love with someone, and feeling nothing but the lust and the desire to control them, which is all we ever see from MRAs. What do they know of tenderness, or care, or concern for their partner’s welfare, or pride in zir achievements, or the pleasures of talking and having things in common, or things they learn from zir, or simple friendship and companionship? MRAs don’t see women as human beings at all, just as rebellious slaves. All the evidence so far says they know nothing of love, and troll’s misapplied quotations just reinforce that.

11 years ago

moldybrehd – I might if I’d seen the film. 🙂

I think of the group, even if I can’t remember any of their song titles offhand, or the Bean, the only piece of abstract sculpture I can think of that I really like.

11 years ago

He read P&P and decided that it was not a terrible, raging monologue against the charter like nature of trying to sell of your chattel of a woman for the highest price, where new neighbors are reduced to their potential, available wallet by desperate mothers who know it’s make or break with the marriage deals, because their children will end up starving and dead if they don’t get the courtship going quickly, but a wry commentary by a woman on how the ideal situation should be carried out to maximize your husbands utility.

Reading P&P and thinking it describes an ideal situation that benefit women and a system they have somehow contrived to set up where they can turn men into financial assets is on par with reading Catch 22 and thinking, yeah, bureaucratic systems are efficient and brilliant. Or reading The Fahrenheit 451 and thinking that, yeah, book burning is a social activity that unites people…

11 years ago

“uhuru” or “the night of the long knives”,”,

I’m so painfully westonised that I read Uhura (original star trek) and Uluru (I’m only 26, but the true name of ayers rock.)
And the night of the long knives was one of the first moves against the jewish population under the nazi’s.

Thank you for opening to these other things.

11 years ago

Now I’m terrified that my last post is down/up playing one or the other. I was just saying thank you for opening my mind some.

11 years ago

Funny how white racist settlers are always trotting out the “white apocalypse/Götterdämmerung/Ragnarok/end of the fucking world” scenario. Conversely, funny how MRAs are always trotting out the “end of Man/gendercide/Save Teh Menz!!!!eleventyhundredeleven!1111” scenario.

And funnier still, is how all that just somehow never happens.

11 years ago

I just did a quick read to remind myself who were the victims in the German Night of the Long knives, and it seems the term is quite old in German. I wonder if the South Africans using it now have a clue about what happened in that particular round of assassinations and arrests? Because, ah, if it’s what they’re thinking of, they’re identifying black South Africans with Hitler’s core group, and themselves not just with opponents to Nazism who were targeted, but the fuckin’ Brownshirts, who were too rowdy and independent in their violence for Hitler’s liking.

Way to make yourselves look good, not.

11 years ago

Ah, I’m getting confused with Kristallnacht, but yeah. A peculiar wording to use!

11 years ago

Actually if they’re Godwinning over there and painting themselves as the victims (not, like, the beneficiaries of their ancestors’ invasion, murder, enslavement of the local people, etc, etc), Kristallnacht would make more sense.

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

You went to South Africa? What was it like, and how did your trip come to pass? I knew a couple folks from there, but have never been there myself.

11 years ago

lol. Shoulda been more specific in order to avoid being chewed out. It was an attempt to make a witty joke. The evidence part was meant to reference Chicago still existing, not whites being a minority. Can’t believe I didn’t realise that it could be construed that way.

11 years ago

Meanwhile, we are still waiting for the evidence that Chicago exists.

11 years ago

If Chicago doesn’t exist, then I don’t have to pay property taxes anymore.