are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking matt forney oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape red pill

Matt Forney — yes, THAT guy — dances on Nelson Mandela's grave

Nelson Mandela, RIP
Nelson Mandela, RIP

For more proof that bigotries flock together, let’s take a look at some tweets the always despicable Matt Forney made today after learning of the death of Nelson Mandela:

His “statistical evidence” of an alleged “white genocide” in South Africa? A page that links to a curious document full of unsourced claims and hysterical language, and which refers to South Africa’s former apartheid system as “so-called apartheid.” (It’s a pdf; TRIGGER WARNING for gruesome pictures of murder victims.)

Here’s a piece from Africa Check debunking similar claims of a “white genocide” in South Africa.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that life was better for everyone under apartheid comes from a publication called “The New Observer.” To get an idea of what sort of publication this is, here are some of the top stories on the site at the moment:

  • Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black
  • The Extermination of Whites in Europe: “We Are the Last 3 German Children in Our School.”
  • If White Americans Don’t Start Having Babies Now, the US Will Vanish by 2100

Here’s another Africa Check piece that takes on widely disseminated Facebook post that also claims things were better under apartheid.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that “[u]nder Nelson Mandela and his successors, South Africa became the rape capital of the world” is a link to an article in World Net Daily about a single serial rapist in South Africa. There are no statistics in it.

While it’s a bit ironic to see Forney — an admitted girlfriend-abuser who once wrote that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men [because] it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps” — grandstanding about violence against women, it’s actually rather hard to track down reliable statistics about rape in South Africa, much less statistics about rape during apartheid, because back then the white authorities didn’t exactly give a shit about black victims of rape.

Many of those who’ve studied the culture of rape in South Africa argue that the country’s history of apartheid made the problem far, far worse, engendering “an exaggerated culture of aggression and male dominance, among both black and white,” as one researcher has argued.

My favorite tweet of the bunch, though, is this one:

Yeah. Screw Anne Frank, too. All she did was sit around in that dumb attic.

Here’s “Free Nelson Mandela,” by the Special AKA. When it came out, I never believed it would ever come true.


EDITED TO ADD:  Thanks to @HamSushi on Twitter for pointing me to Forney’s lovely tweets!

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11 years ago

I just assume racist right-winger’s would keep white supremacist nazi types at arm’s length, if just for appearances. Even after Pat Buchanan and John Derbyshire were deemed to be too openly racist for The National Review crowd and ended up at Vdare, they still deny the white nationalist label by claiming to be anti-immigration and race “realists”.

Sheppard seems beyond the pale, even if he’s dressed up as a martyr to political correctness and hate crime laws. Forney links to Donovan, who slithers around Sheppard’s nazism (“whether you agree with him or not, Simon Sheppard stood up to tyranny”). Thanks for the clarification, though, I’m always interested to see how people try to recast racist doctrine and pretend it acceptable.

The Heartiste/Forney/Jack Donovan wing of the manosphere is pretty much all “alt-right”.

Is The Spearhead in the same vein?

11 years ago

MF is such a funny guy. The other night on Twitter he complained that feminists were saying he was broke and unemployed – and then he failed to rebut that. He’s so desperate for attention he tweeted his own loserdom!

The only good thing to note is that the hate barrel really does have a bottom to it. After you’ve said girls need to be raped and you’ve gloated over the death of Nelson Mandela, where can you go from there?

11 years ago

“Are MRAs ever just, like, …”

“…or at most, they confuse it with lust and the desire to possess someone.”


“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.”
― JANE AUSTEN, Pride and Prejudice

“So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him, you swallowed him whole. Love was substance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.”
― JODI PICOULT, Nineteen Minutes

11 years ago

‘yep. Maybe change the headline to “Matt Forney Flails Desperately For Attention On Nelson Mandela’s Grave.”

@Mordsithj, that sums it up very well.

Ah, so you guys know all about Simon Sheppard, I encountered him via Claire Khaw’s bizarre blog, from which I gleaned Simon’s idea of a perfect day for a man:

It’s quite far down the post on pages she’s scanned from one of his books, if any of you can be arsed to check it out it’s pretty hilarious (and misandrist in my view) 😛

@ bodycrimes, I wouldn’t be so sure, he hasn’t ridiculed dead children yet has he?

11 years ago

@Mejas, I can’t speak for Picoult, but Austen was a satirist. And one of the thing P&P critiques is the way the culture of the landed gentry encouraged seeing marriage as purely a way to improve one’s social standing. An attitude that was largely a product of patriarchal norms that made women dependent on male relatives.

11 years ago

@Leum, no you see satire, according to the worldly wise MRAs, is when you write something grotesquely dumb and offensive and then say ‘Aww, I was only being satirical!!’ when someone calls you out on it.

@Mejas, Jane Austen = Hypergamous bitch, amiright??

11 years ago

And I felt like a terrible person for being glad Madiba passed away in the week I wasn’t working.

Matt Forney is good for one thing – making me feel like a better human being.

11 years ago

“Women Are Natural-Born Stalkers, and That Can Be a Good Thing”


“SCIENCE Is Finally Catching on That FEMALE PROMISCUITY Is Natural”

11 years ago

Shouldn’t this have the ‘literal Nazis’ tag?

11 years ago

The tag (@realmattforney) is making me laugh. Is he afraid people might get him confused with some other matt forney who isn’t a complete arse?

Also I don’t believe I have ever gone onto a site I disagreed with a proceeded to dump lots of irrelevant links in the comments. What a peculiar urge that must be.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

And one of the thing P&P critiques is the way the culture of the landed gentry encouraged seeing marriage as purely a way to improve one’s social standing. An attitude that was largely a product of patriarchal norms that made women dependent on male relatives.

Exactly! The Bennett women would be booted out of their home and on the street if the patriarch died, and Austen was obviously pointing out how seriously fucked up that was.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

And then Mejas follows up with evo-psych bullshit. LOL. Keep flailing.

11 years ago

I have no especially set beliefs in the afterlife, but I would like to say I hope there’s some kind if hell for people like Forney and some peaceful place for heroes like Mandela.

11 years ago

I see Mejas went to the Not Good school of commenting–throw out some links and quotes, while failing to understand them. Got it.

11 years ago

The link-spewers are just trying to be helpful and get us to understand how crap women are. If it entirely derails a conversation (even if that conversation was about kittens) so much the better!

11 years ago

I was wondering when I’d hear from the racists. I honestly wasn’t expecting to hear it from the MRA folks first.

Good job, Bros. Human rights movement of the century, you are.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

Off-topic, but here’s some more clear endorsement of male supremacy:

How in the hell did he convince The Daily Beast he’s a moderate?

11 years ago

I’m always baffled by the way people will go to blogs that aren’t Jezebel in order to complain about articles on Jezebel.

11 years ago

Mejas, do fuck off. You’re boring, and you lack reading comprehension.

11 years ago

Every night I do; and every morning too ;p

11 years ago

I’m convinced that Mejas is a random quote and link post bot.

11 years ago

I was hit surprisingly hard by the news of his death. I normally don’t care about celebrities and politicians and whatnot, but Madiba was just special. My heart hurts as if I’d lost someone close to me, although I’d never even met him. He was one of the greats, and I am pleased that history will remember him as such.

Unfortunately, this asshat Forney’s rants are a dime a dozen here in South Africa, where I can assure you, there really isn’t any white genocide going on.

Some white people and white people radio stations are freaking out right now, though, because apparently and for some strange reason that I don’t get, Nelson Mandela’s death will signal “uhuru” or “the night of the long knives”, where all black south africans will kill all white south africans, once again for reasons that are completely unclear but fervently believed in.

I’m torn at being amused (boy will they be disappointed), outraged (do these people not know any black people? In *South Africa* in 2013?!?) and deeply saddened (What a disgusting way to tarnish the legacy of a great human rights activist).

*shakes head* People are such assholes.

11 years ago

The only good thing to note is that the hate barrel really does have a bottom to it. After you’ve said girls need to be raped and you’ve gloated over the death of Nelson Mandela, where can you go from there?

You’re giving him far too much credit. Never underestimate the power of MRAs to dig their shithole ever deeper.

11 years ago

Where do people keep getting the idea that white people are going to disappear? The way I see it, from a genetic perspective, fair-skinned people will always exist in some form because the alleles that code for it won’t go away. Maybe White Nationalists should take Genetics 101 again and pay attention this time around.

Also, I’m curious who Forney considers “white.” People who look European can be found in the Middle East as well. However, these people are Muslim and that probably excludes them from being white in Forney’s eyes. I also wonder if he doesn’t consider Italians or Greeks “white,” like many of his ilk.

Screw you Forney, you’re an awful human being. Mandela was a great man, a kind man, unlike you. Stop trying to make South Africa into some White Nationalist paradise, black Africans are and always will be the majority there. There are only white people there because of colonialism. Why can’t you guys get it through your thick skulls?

tl;dr. Mnemosyne hates White Nationalists.