are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking matt forney oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape red pill

Matt Forney — yes, THAT guy — dances on Nelson Mandela's grave

Nelson Mandela, RIP
Nelson Mandela, RIP

For more proof that bigotries flock together, let’s take a look at some tweets the always despicable Matt Forney made today after learning of the death of Nelson Mandela:

His “statistical evidence” of an alleged “white genocide” in South Africa? A page that links to a curious document full of unsourced claims and hysterical language, and which refers to South Africa’s former apartheid system as “so-called apartheid.” (It’s a pdf; TRIGGER WARNING for gruesome pictures of murder victims.)

Here’s a piece from Africa Check debunking similar claims of a “white genocide” in South Africa.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that life was better for everyone under apartheid comes from a publication called “The New Observer.” To get an idea of what sort of publication this is, here are some of the top stories on the site at the moment:

  • Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black
  • The Extermination of Whites in Europe: “We Are the Last 3 German Children in Our School.”
  • If White Americans Don’t Start Having Babies Now, the US Will Vanish by 2100

Here’s another Africa Check piece that takes on widely disseminated Facebook post that also claims things were better under apartheid.

Forney’s “statistical evidence” that “[u]nder Nelson Mandela and his successors, South Africa became the rape capital of the world” is a link to an article in World Net Daily about a single serial rapist in South Africa. There are no statistics in it.

While it’s a bit ironic to see Forney — an admitted girlfriend-abuser who once wrote that “[w]omen should be terrorized by their men [because] it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps” — grandstanding about violence against women, it’s actually rather hard to track down reliable statistics about rape in South Africa, much less statistics about rape during apartheid, because back then the white authorities didn’t exactly give a shit about black victims of rape.

Many of those who’ve studied the culture of rape in South Africa argue that the country’s history of apartheid made the problem far, far worse, engendering “an exaggerated culture of aggression and male dominance, among both black and white,” as one researcher has argued.

My favorite tweet of the bunch, though, is this one:

Yeah. Screw Anne Frank, too. All she did was sit around in that dumb attic.

Here’s “Free Nelson Mandela,” by the Special AKA. When it came out, I never believed it would ever come true.


EDITED TO ADD:  Thanks to @HamSushi on Twitter for pointing me to Forney’s lovely tweets!

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11 years ago

Whats been said “best here ” is Mr .Mandela’s life speaks for itself. I mean really he doesn’t need to be defended from some empty ball sack .(a spineless creature) .

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

Here’s something much more respectful for Mandela, which comes much closer to the eulogy he deserves.

SPLC remembers human rights icon Nelson Mandela

11 years ago

I shouldn’t have said “empty ball sack” . More like a person who the part to the brain that uses logic and emotions both are impaired. Underdeveloped.

11 years ago

David, I think it’s good to cover their desperate flailing for attention.

11 years ago

He reached for the stars.

“I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society, in which all persons will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.”

11 years ago

Are MRAs ever just, like, not fucking vile human beings? Do they love? Do they laugh in lighthearted comraderie? Do they have a kind thought? Behave selflessly? Admire a beautiful sky? Enjoy playing with a puppy? Ever? At all? I know people are complex and all that, but it seems MRAs are this special breed that is only capable of being fucking terrible, always and forever.

11 years ago

yep. Maybe change the headline to “Matt Forney Flails Desperately For Attention On Nelson Mandela’s Grave.”

11 years ago

With any luck, he’ll flail himself into an early, and very unwept, unhonored, and unsung grave.

11 years ago

Are MRAs ever just, like, not fucking vile human beings? Do they love? Do they laugh in lighthearted comraderie? Do they have a kind thought? Behave selflessly? Admire a beautiful sky? Enjoy playing with a puppy? Ever? At all? I know people are complex and all that, but it seems MRAs are this special breed that is only capable of being fucking terrible, always and forever.

Alex ,

That is what is so spine chilling .In answer to your questions I don’t think they do .

That would be too much like a girl .

11 years ago

If it’s any consolation*, this is hardly going to make Mr. Forney stand out. Because I have not learned my lesson, I just looked at some conservative politicians’ FB pages (Rick Perry and Ted Cruz) and although they both posted decent “tribute” posts . . . the reaction in the comment from their supporters is . . . not recommended. Nothing Forney is doing here is not being done a billion times elsewhere by other people.

Which is super depressing. But it means Forney’s not likely to get much of any kind special attention for it.

* that’s very dark humor on my part

11 years ago

Obama called him “profoundly good” .

11 years ago

” a man who took history in his hands and bent the arch of moral universe towards justice”

11 years ago

Forney really is desperate for attention, isn’t he?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

How else are you going to make yourself the center of attention? Be a decent person? BAH!

11 years ago

Yeah, that’s way too much like hard work!

11 years ago


The News Hounds watch blog (“We watch Fox News so you don’t have to”) is as close as I’m willing to get to the cesspool of hate that is the Fox Nation “community”, whose racism is never surprising, but still manages to chip away at my hope for humanity.

News Hound post on Fox Nation’s reaction to Mandela’s death

The first commenter on that blog peered into the same abyss you did:

I checked a few of Clear Channel’s broadcasters’ fb pages. (The ones that carry Sean and Rush.) I actually was surprised by the vicious racism. This is beyond politics. There is a segment of whites in this country, probably more than a million people, who truly hate ALL black people and their ignorance is being exploited by the right wing media.

As a side note, when I googled Simon Sheppard, the British racist neo-Nazi Cloudiah dug up in the other thread, I discovered Matt Forney gave a positive review to Simon Sheppard’s All About Women: What Big Sister Doesn’t Want You To Know.

Matt Forney Likes Neo-Nazi’s approach to misogyny

Forney is reviewing the book, “an important” one according to him, because both Forney and Sheppard are published in something no doubt god-awful called Alt Right. Shepard’s second book, published in 1998, “pioneered many concepts and ideas that we in the manosphere take for granted”. Crikey.

If Forney can shill for a raving far-right hardcore White Nationalist like Sheppard, I seriously doubt that he can be morally shamed about anything. I can see why David tends to describe Forney like he’s shit he just scraped off his shoe.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Exactly! Better to be an asshole. It’s easy too, all you need to do is to have absolutely no shred of empathy towards anyone who isn’t white, cis*, and straight, and you’re gold!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Addendum: and male! Don’t forget male!

Brooked – That’s an insult to shit. *nod*

11 years ago

Are MRAs ever just, like, not fucking vile human beings? Do they love? Do they laugh in lighthearted comraderie? Do they have a kind thought? Behave selflessly? Admire a beautiful sky? Enjoy playing with a puppy? Ever? At all? I know people are complex and all that, but it seems MRAs are this special breed that is only capable of being fucking terrible, always and forever.

Evidence so far suggests not. They seem incapable of love, or at most, they confuse it with lust and the desire to possess someone.