So my post yesterday pointed out a rather extravagantly misogynistic post by the Men’s Rights Activist behind the blog Men Against Misandry. If you read it, you probably remember the money quote from his post, which he was so proud of he posted separately on Facebook:
If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.
Today a new commenter here on Man Boobz, evidently an MRA irritated that I had quoted his comrade, posted a link to a discussion on the Men’s Rights subreddit that went up a couple of hours ago, and that specifically disavowed this quotation, declaring “This is NOT who we are, and this is NOT Okay.” The thread, when last I checked, had gotten nearly 800 upvotes from the Men’s Rights regulars.
I thought to myself, “wow, a rare moment of self-reflection, and self-policing, from MRAs!”
But then I started reading the comments.
Many of the Men’s Rights regulars seemed less bothered by the reference to blow jobs in itself than by the implication that better blow jobs would lower the divorce rate. Because, you see, most divorces are initiated by women for nefarious womanly reasons.
As JoshTheAspie put it:
Meanwhile, here’s one of the top comments in the thread, and the discussion it spawned. Notice the reaction to sad_woman, after she offers a criticism of uberpower’s “argument.” Also, notice uberpower’s own reaction.
If you’re puzzled by RZRtv’s cryptic comment, he is suggesting that sad_woman go back to the ShitRedditSays subreddit, a subreddit devoted to calling out various bigotries on Reddit, and which is regarded by most of Reddit with the same sort of wild-eyed horror and contempt with which Men’s Rightsers regard Man Boobz.
Knucker2, meanwhile, thought that the dick-sucking reference detracted from Men Against Misandry’s other truly valuable points:
As you may recall from my post yesterday, the main point of Men Against Misandry’s “argument” was that women suck at sports. Indeed, the title of his post was “Gender inequality in sports: male athletes paid more. (HINT: women’s sports suck)”
And then there was this enlightening exchange, featuring none other than A Voice for Men’s TyphonBlue and her signature brand of double-reverse whammy logic:
First of all, Young_Ocelot — who seems a bit naive even for a young ocelot — WHY WOULD YOU THINK ANYONE WOULD ASSUME ALL MEN THINK THIS WAY?! No one thinks that all men are raving misogynistic douchebags. However, there are quite a few people who think that a significant portion of Men’s Rights Activists are. For evidence, I would suggest reading, well, this post, or any of my other posts, or even the thread you were posting in.
And Typhon, poor deluded Typhon, do you really think that if someone wrote a HuffPost column arguing that if men were half as good at eating pussy as they were at sucking at sports the divorce rate would drop, they’d get applause? That doesn’t even make the slightest bit of sense.
And even if you adjust the “gender swap” a bit it doesn’t work. If men were half as good at eating pussy as they were at, I dunno, failing to ask for directions when they get lost while driving, there would be no divorce? Huh?
If Men’s Rights Activists were half as good at actually calling out their own misogyny as they are at loudly denying their misogyny while at the same time saying blatently misogynistic shit, well, I might have to shut down this blog.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS BIGOTRY! The guy who posted the “this is not who we are” post to the Men’s Rights subreddit, our old nemesis Chris3992m, also recently posted this in the White Rights subreddit. When he was called out for this on AgainstMensRights, he explained that “I only post when there are real issues of white discrimination.”
He also believes that “[m]ost whites during the slave era were actually treated WORSE than the slaves. They had to work for the slaves, because they couldn’t be bought and sold and were considered useless by slaveowners.”
EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Since I wrote this post, more Men’s Rights Redditors have posted comments more directly disavowing the misogyny of the original “blowjob” quote. If they are sincere about trying to remove the stain of misogyny from the Men’s Rights movement, I would suggest that they also try to convince the subreddit’s mods to remove the links to blatantly misogynistic and hateful websites like A Voice for Men from the subreddit’s sidebar, and that they do a better job of policing the misogyny that pervades the subreddit, many examples of which can be found by looking through the Man Boobz archives for Reddit here.
Yeah, don’t read the comments, guys, unless you want transphobia and transmisogyny out the wazoo.
I’m kind of leaning towards a recognizable marsupial (koala, kangaroo), but you can try to talk me into one of the less recognizable ones!
Borg thylacines would be awesome. They could do REVENGE!!!eleventy!
For all the writers here, this Manly Guys would have been apt last month. 🙂
That… that article is something. I’m not totally sure what it is, but it is definitely something.
I think my favorite was the table explaining the difference between markers and tokens. Apparently, buying someone a drink* and talking to them are masculine–and therefore superior–markers, while asking someone to coffee so you can talk to them and enjoy coffee together is a token where “one thing means another” and is feminine and bad.
This wasn’t even a big table; they were right next to each other.
… I have no fucking clue.
Also, on the idea of him writing this in a labcoat, this made me LOL, because people almost never write in their labcoats–the labcoats are for the lab, get hung up on the door on the way out, and the computer is usually in an office or cubical somewhere.
Also, some genes on the X chromosome don’t get shut off during X inactivation–most of which are also present on the Y, so they don’t require dosage compensation. If this were not true, people with Turner syndrome (X0) would be basically indistinguishable from XX people. However, this does likely explain why Turner syndrome is the only chromosomal disorder I can name that results from missing a whole chromosome**.
*I first typed “buying someone for a drink” which is I think a Freudian slip.
**Missing other chromosomes therefore likely leads to a non-viable embryo–and possibly even one that doesn’t make it to a stage to be studied.
How about a wombat?
Analyzing the drinks thing…
So, asking someone for a drink (of the boozy variety) means “Will you fuck me?”, therefore it’s perfectly clear and means what it means, therefore it is masculine and direct. Whereas “would you like to meet for coffee?” means “would you like to meet for coffee” and doesn’t indicate whether or not sexing is going to happen, therefore it is feminine and deceitful and doesn’t mean what it appears to mean.
Hey, did I hallucinate something about Weeboy having his surgery and it going well? I’ve been kind of hit and run in the comments lately. I hope I didn’t hallucinate that.
Wow, Titica is great! Her name makes me think of the lake in South America.
I am always looking for fun new music to dance to with my nieces (4 of them ages 2-7) While her video for Chao Chao may be a little grown up, I will be playing her tune and getting my dance on with some little girls this Xmas. 😀
Thanks, auggziliary!!
Again, I know I point this out every time, but the basic premise of misogynist arguments about (what they assume are) common dating practices is that all women should be sex workers, and that their rate should be $5-10 an hour. So if a man buys a woman a drink, regardless of whether or not she even wanted it, she then owes him 1-2 hours of sex, depending on how expensive the drink was.
cloudiah, no, you didn’t hallucinate that! I can’t remember which thread it’s in, though.
That whole “coffee” thing with its unclear meaning … Oh, so are they admitting now Elevator Guy wasn’t just saying “want a coffee?” to Rebecca Watson?
What is it about YouTube that brings out people’s inner screeching ragemonkey? Even the comments on the most innocuous stuff (cat videos, music, makeup tutorials) end up full of assholery.
And I suggest starting with military suicides, which are now outnumbering combat deaths at a rate of (I believe I heard) 3 to 1. And don’t even CONTEMPLATE blaming war on feminism. We are not in Sparta, bucko. Women do not hand men their shields here with the admonition “With this or ON this!” Most feminists are ardent pacifists, recognizing all too clearly the macho roots of militarism and war. And we don’t buy the “gallantry” shibboleth, either. That was 100 years ago. It is now 100 years out of date.
Have you guys seen the videos of You Tube comments being voiced by classically trained actors?
Here’s one if you haven’t!
LBT, I just funded a borg-critter. I know we have a kitty, but I’m kind of leaning toward a borg-tiger, unless someone has a better idea.
Question? How does the Manboobz kittytariat feel about the word “guys”?
I just realized I threw that in there without thinking and thought I would ask.
Can’t remember seeing anything about it.
More importantly, Bina… YES!!!
Military suicides are awful. I have a few veterans in my family (all men) who served in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the things they suffer being back home are indescribably awful.
If I could find one group that defines itself as Men’s Rights Activists, that were actually fighting the bullshit gender binary because it hurts men, I would gladly volunteer some time.
Alas, all those groups I can think of are Feminist or Humanist groups.
I read that comment as confused, and saying kudos for the video, but not being a fan. I could easily be missing something!
RE: CassandraSays
all women should be sex workers, and that their rate should be $5-10 an hour
It’s gross, isn’t it? And it’s just bizarre to me, since part of my hubby’s torrid youth was being the designated rebound guy for what seemed like an entire bar. The difference being, him and his one-night stands all seemed pretty happy at the deal and didn’t feel like it was a monetary exchange at all. He’d buy them drinks, and after a while, they started buying HIM drinks. It seemed a pretty… ‘fluid’ economy.
RE: Kittehs
I love Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. It cures my trans blues, and the creator is a cool person! (I got to meet her at a little con here earlier this year–she drew me things!)
RE: cloudiah
I’m cool with wombats!
Okay, so we’ve got a wombat, a Rex cat, a donkey, and a clown loach so far. I’ve received enough donations for SIX little cyborg critters now, and I didn’t get requests for two of them, so that’s two still up for grabs!
Oop, never mind, serrana just called tiger! ONE left for grabs!
It is gross, but on the plus side it makes them nice and easy to mock! They’re not a social justice movement, they’re just too cheap to hire a real sex worker.
RE: Kittehs
I dunno, I wasn’t quite with the music either, but I wouldn’t describe it as ‘disturbing.’ That and the misgendering is the transphobic part.
RE: CassandraSays
Hubby over my shoulder says that he did his time as a volunteer, but he doesn’t expect career folks to do it for free.
I guess one’s perspective on this might be different if one had never encountered a volunteer…
Which doesn’t make their logic OK, it just makes it really easy for us to point and laugh.
MRA class about toxic masculinity.
“So, toxic masculinity. It’s a good thing! The only reason anyone calls it toxic is because of misandry, and no, we’re not going to talk about how this ties in with poor healthcare outcomes for men. Any questions? No, not from you, we don’t allow girls to ask questions in this class.”
Would the misgendering come from people not knowing Titica (though “still not a fan” suggests that commenter does) or just seeing her presenting as a man and as a woman in the video?
Damn, this sounds more like I’m doing apologia than trying to tease it out. I’m thinking how I’d have seen the video before reading Manboobz, and I’d have assumed she was a guy cross-dressing, or even a drag act, if I’d known nothing about her.
Enh, I saw her specifically stated as a trans woman by other commenters. If someone can’t put that amount of effort in, it’s a dick move. Also, calling ANYONE a man/woman, unless they’ve specifically stated that they’re okay with it, is a douche move. If you’re that confused, you can damn well ask, rather than say “disturbing.”
Also, I watched most the vid and only saw her present female the whole time?