a woman is always to blame divorce doubling down evil women internal debate misogyny MRA racism reddit TyphonBlue

Men's Rights Redditors try to call out misogyny, fail (BONUS BIGOTRY: The misogyny caller-outer posts to the White Rights subreddit)


So my post yesterday pointed out a rather extravagantly misogynistic post by the Men’s Rights Activist behind the blog Men Against Misandry. If you read it, you probably remember the money quote from his post, which he was so proud of he posted separately on Facebook:

If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.

Today a new commenter here on Man Boobz, evidently an MRA irritated that I had quoted his comrade, posted a link to a discussion on the Men’s Rights subreddit that went up a couple of hours ago, and that specifically disavowed this quotation, declaring “This is NOT who we are, and this is NOT Okay.” The thread, when last I checked, had gotten nearly 800 upvotes from the Men’s Rights regulars.

I thought to myself, “wow, a rare moment of self-reflection, and self-policing, from MRAs!”

But then I started reading the comments.

Many of the Men’s Rights regulars seemed less bothered by the reference to blow jobs in itself than by the implication that better blow jobs would lower the divorce rate. Because, you see, most divorces are initiated by women for nefarious womanly reasons.

As JoshTheAspie put it:

JoshtheAspie 14 points 1 hour ago (16|2)  ... leaving aside any offense or outrage... what he's saying doesn't even make sense.  80% of divorces are initiated by women. How would them being better at sexually pleasuring husbands reduce the amount of divorce?      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]1standarduser -1 points 1 hour ago (2|3)  happier men make better husbands which makes the women happier.  This is only assuming the 20 minutes of sucking is a lesser burden than 24hrs of an unhappy partner.

Meanwhile, here’s one of the top comments in the thread, and the discussion it spawned. Notice the reaction to sad_woman, after she offers a criticism of uberpower’s “argument.” Also, notice uberpower’s own reaction.

uberpower 30 points 1 hour ago (35|5)  Divorces will decrease when men's finances get gender-neutral protection.  Remove the divorce incentive for women, increase two parent families, increase the success of our nation's children.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Pecanpig 6 points 1 hour ago (6|0)  The former would probably cause the latter.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]sad_woman -16 points 44 minutes ago (4|20)  you people are seriously fucking warped. this sentiment is more offensive than the one in op's pic. i gotta go take a fucking shower after stepping into this place, christ      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]RZRtv 6 points 41 minutes ago (7|1)  gb2SRS plz.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]uberpower 2 points 23 minutes ago (5|3)  Aww, you don't want to lose the right to entice a man then dump him for half of everything he's got?  Is your ex-man paying for your shower sweetie?      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]JimiJons 1 point 7 minutes ago (1|0)  Nothing about what he said is warped or offensive in the slightest. Perhaps you read it wrong, and simply reacted in an extraordinarily unwarranted manner.

If you’re puzzled by RZRtv’s cryptic comment, he is suggesting that sad_woman go back to the ShitRedditSays subreddit, a subreddit devoted to calling out various bigotries on Reddit, and which is regarded by most of Reddit with the same sort of wild-eyed horror and contempt with which Men’s Rightsers regard Man Boobz.

Knucker2, meanwhile, thought that the dick-sucking reference detracted from Men Against Misandry’s other truly valuable points:

knucker2 6 points 1 hour ago (7|1)  I agree. I think the phrase "its offensive* is an extremely weak criticism. It's more accurate and more persuasive to criticize this post for being unconstructive, intentionally inflammatory, and poorly communicating his point.  People are going to get distracted by the dick sucking reference and ignore the valuable points about double standards. If you are going to be inflammatory, then at least do it in a way that keeps people on topic. This is distracting.

As you may recall from my post yesterday, the main point of Men Against Misandry’s “argument” was that women suck at sports. Indeed, the title of his post was “Gender inequality in sports: male athletes paid more. (HINT: women’s sports suck)”

And then there was this enlightening exchange, featuring none other than A Voice for Men’s TyphonBlue and her signature brand of double-reverse whammy logic:

Young_Ocelot 4 points 1 hour ago (6|2)  Holy crap this looks really bad...I hope no one takes that and blanket applies it to the mindset of all men.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]typhonblue 1 point 1 hour ago (4|3)  Only idiots would extrapolate this to all men.  Now if the gender reverse was published in huffpo by a feminist writer... or similar sentiments were repeated over and over by numerous women... or if it was expressed to applause on a mainstream daytime tv show...

First of all, Young_Ocelot — who seems a bit naive even for a young ocelot — WHY WOULD YOU THINK ANYONE WOULD ASSUME ALL MEN THINK THIS WAY?! No one thinks that all men are raving misogynistic douchebags. However, there are quite a few people who think that a significant portion of Men’s Rights Activists are. For evidence, I would suggest reading, well, this post, or any of my other posts, or even the thread you were posting in.

And Typhon, poor deluded Typhon, do you really think that if someone wrote a HuffPost column arguing that if men were half as good at eating pussy as they were at sucking at sports the divorce rate would drop, they’d get applause? That doesn’t even make the slightest bit of sense.

And even if you adjust the “gender swap” a bit it doesn’t work. If men were half as good at eating pussy as they were at, I dunno, failing to ask for directions when they get lost while driving, there would be no divorce? Huh?

If Men’s Rights Activists were half as good at actually calling out their own misogyny as they are at loudly denying their misogyny while at the same time saying blatently misogynistic shit, well, I might have to shut down this blog.

EDITED TO ADD: BONUS BIGOTRY! The guy who posted the “this is not who we are” post to the Men’s Rights subreddit, our old nemesis Chris3992m,  also recently posted this in the White Rights subreddit. When he was called out for this on AgainstMensRights, he explained that “I only post when there are real issues of white discrimination.”

He also believes that “[m]ost whites during the slave era were actually treated WORSE than the slaves. They had to work for the slaves, because they couldn’t be bought and sold and were considered useless by slaveowners.”

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Since I wrote this post, more Men’s Rights Redditors have posted comments more directly disavowing the misogyny of the original “blowjob” quote. If they are sincere about trying to remove the stain of misogyny from the Men’s Rights movement, I would suggest that they also try to convince the subreddit’s mods to remove the links to blatantly misogynistic and hateful websites like A Voice for Men from the subreddit’s sidebar, and that they do a better job of policing the misogyny that pervades the subreddit, many examples of which can be found by looking through the Man Boobz archives for Reddit here.

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Ally S
11 years ago

*waves at AK*

11 years ago

Yay! I am finally able to comment here again! 😀

I just wanted to point out how hilarious Chris3992’s excuse for posting in the White Rights subreddit is. There’s literally a neo-Nazi symbol in the header, but he only posts there when there are “real issues” so he’s totes not racist, guys! Sorry bud, doesn’t work like that…

Also, while indentured servitude was terrible as well and there were plenty of abuses, white indentured servants also had far more legal and social protections than black slaves did. Even when comparing the institution of indentured servitude to the institution of slavery, slaves unquestionably had it worse.

11 years ago

“All men are brothers indeed but are we our brothers’ keepers?”

Well, at least you’re honest about how your “Human Rights Movement” actively tries to avoid taking any responsibility to actually, you know, defend the human rights of anyone. Quoting Cain is extremely apt in context. Bravo.

11 years ago

I learned in AP US History in high school that contrary to popular belief, most whites weren’t even close to owning plantations. This is a politically incorrect truth that is hidden from the public.

I’m guilty over how long I’ve let myself be distracted by that exquisitely stupid sentence.

11 years ago

“The argument is usually about white indentured servants, and claims that they were often worked to death because the person holding their debt had a limited time to get maximum use out of them, while black slaves were considered a long-term investment and were thus apparently not worked as hard or treated better or something, so therefore slaves had it better than a handful of white people.”

Indentured servants weren’t subjected to kidnapping, torture, erasure of identity, deliberate constant humiliation and being hunted down like animals, so there’s that for starters.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Obviously there was no such thing as poor people before APUSH came along. Before then, everyone was rich and mighty, with ten thousand slaves and a 2000 acre plantation to boot.

Thank heavens that APUSH has awakened him to the light! Taking APUSH makes you an expert on racism and sociology, right?

11 years ago

Ugh. See, Its things like this that make me wonder how many ‘MRA’ Are just naive or Confused people who really want to help, but are painfully ignorant/misogynistic enough to not notice when IT becomes apparent they are being fed a bunch of lies. The red pill my ass.

To be fair, I Occasionally used to refer myself as a MRA, but that was back when I was under the impression that the MRA was about the ACTUAL issues men face, with an occasional loud and ugly minority. (like feminism, or any other group In existence.) Not An actual hate group that accomplishes almost nothing to actually help men. (Other then maybe the occasional sexist, entitled man, being ‘persecuted’ by those ‘creep shaming’ feminists!11!!!)

Thinking about it, I can see why maybe someone would be fooled into Agreeing with the MRA ideas, Until said person got a good look at them. On the surface level, The MRA act like they are equal to feminism or even better, since the media sure loves it some crazy feminists!(It doesn’t help that there is a somewhat common perception that ‘sexism is over’ So people like to view The current wave of feminism as trying to imbalance things) Then, they bring up Very ‘traditional’ ‘grievance’ that men Supposedly have been suffering since the dawn of time, Thanks to those Wacky woman, And somehow these things combine to make the MRA seem like some kind of common sense.. Doubly so if you actually ARE Slightly or wholly mysoginistic.

Then suddenly, you see something like the ‘solid gold seed’ Or the usual bs ‘hypergamy’ Or even some of the ‘nice guy’ Arguments. The way I see it, once you’ve reached that point, You either realize how full of it the ‘movement’ of the MRA is, or you plunge into the depths and embrace your own little inside misogynist that thinks being able to blame woman for everything is better. I mean, they arn’t people, right? They are from Venus after all!
(personally, thats something I blame for a lot of misogyny. The Idea that woman and men are so far apart, they cannot ever understand each other, since they may as well be different species. Obviously, that isn’t true, but Heyo for ‘classic’ sexist explanations for double standards and Social segregation!)

Ugh. sorry for the rant of a first post. Cant you tell im someone who only discovered this crap In the last few months?

11 years ago

Getting a divorce is less of a burden than 20 minutes of sucking the dick of a complete ass hole . No need to have to put up with 24 hours or any hours for that matter of a dick head or sucking anything of his for 20 minutes .

11 years ago

Can I derail for a moment and encourage everyone to read How Feminism Led to Two World Wars?

The TABLES, oh dear FSM, my SIDES. I am crying with laughter.

Please read this now.

11 years ago

Idk about his education, but I knew most whites back then weren’t plantation owners back then. Who teaches that they were?

I doubt anyone’s teaching it. I think he’s just one of those people who believes it’s not racism unless every single white person is doing it.

11 years ago

The Accident Signal (e.g. spilling a dink)

His Freudian slip is showing again.

cloudiah: these tables are comedy gold!

11 years ago

cloudiah: he calls it the “Six Million myth,” so we know this dude probably hangs out at Stormfront more than a little.

11 years ago

I didn’t learn a single thing about the US at school (we weren’t the 51st state then) yet somehow I’ve known, as long as I’ve known the US Civil War was a thing, that white =/= plantation owner. Amazing, innit.

11 years ago

cloudiah, that link looks priceless… I’m bookmarking that to read on my long commute home tonight.

Ally S
11 years ago

Procedural Analysis is a new system of human behavior analysis proposed by this author. Referring to Table 1, females prefer signals and tokens because they are ambiguous and therefore manipulative, while males prefer markers and handles because they are unambiguous and often involve the wealth that he creates. Behaviors are regarded as masculine or feminine according to whether they are advantageous for the propagation of male or female genes. The optimal male policy for the furtherance of his genes is to impregnate as many reproductive females as possible, while the optimal female policy is to secure a single, long-term mate of exceptional fitness who will remain with her and provide for her while she rears children.

Wow, not pretentious at all.

11 years ago

The incentive for divorce ? Where are all these wealthy men that have women luring them in to divorce them to get half of everything “hes got ?” I mean they are all into charts and everything .Why can’t they look up the stats ? The majority of married couples BOTH contribute to the finances /paying bills and building assets .Of the families who have only the husband earning a large proportion of that is couples with children under 6 .Not to mention some women are the sole providers.

And seriously I get whiplash .On the one hand they bitch and moan about women delaying marriage and children to the ripe old age of 31 BUILDING a career .Then at the ‘last minute” want to “jump off the carousel ” to start a family .On the other hand the wominz conspiracy is to “entice a man in ” to dump him for 1/2 of everything HES got???????

They get their feelings hurt(bitch) when the evil feminists say they don’t NEED a man (marriage) to support her or even to have children .But yet her(collective her) whole plan is at the same time to entice one in for his money ?

WHICH one is it ? Can you please DECIDE on one?

“They” also need to look up the ‘average” income of a single male in the U.S. Its really not all that impressive to a gold digger. Lets put it this way .Not impressive enough to want to suck his dick for 20 minutes on any kind of regular basis OR marry him only to go through a divorce to get 1/2 of everything “hes got.”

11 years ago

And why is it since women divorce 72% (not 80%) of the time is the theory if she sucks his thing for 20 minutes he’ll be happier so she will be happier ? UM no .She is obviously the unhappy one right ? So why don’t you figure out how to use your tongue maybe ? With a little sucking action to boot ? Then she will be happier and maybe not divorce you .

But in the mean time just stop being an ass hole if that’s at all possible first. Because I wouldn’t personally let an ass hole have the privilege of going down on me. I’m not that desperate .

11 years ago

Hmmm…about your quote Ally..

I thought it was the wominz that wanted children ?

Also if that is true .The optimal male policy to impregnate as many females as possible she wants a single long term mate ? Then why does the woman ever get a divorce ?(and yes even with young children in tow even when that means LESS security for her children ?) And don’t they complain about women acting like sluts screwing many men and not wanting to get married at 19 ?

11 years ago

That article, wow.

“I’m going to totally make up my own ‘system of human behavior analysis’ to justify my own sexism, racism, anti-semitism and homophobia! Yay! I make science! With footnotes and tables and other sciency things!”


11 years ago

Just read Cloudiah’s link. It is a spoof, right?

11 years ago

Behaviors are regarded as masculine or feminine according to whether they are advantageous for the propagation of male or female genes.



11 years ago

My rule of thumb: the more self-assured a person sounds, the more full of shit they must be. Not that it’s hard to tell in this case.

11 years ago

@Sparky “Yay! I make science!” made me think of this comic.

11 years ago

This is some priceless jibber jabber, bless you Cloudiah.

Table 2: Components of the DSoD (“Dee-sod”; Dishonest Submersion of Difference) Theory

AMSoSD: The Actual Male Submersion of Small Differences
EFPoSD: The Enhanced Female Perception of Small Differences
IMAoLD: The Inordinate Male Amplification of Large Differences
DFSoLD: The Dishonest Female Submersion of Large Differences

Increased population benefits the female; one of its effects, possibly the primal one, is that male targeting strategies are disrupted.

I hope the author was wearing a lab coat when he typed this up.

I don’t know the source or specifics of 72% of divorces initiated by women factoid, because I don’t particularly care about divorce statistics, but, wow, it clearly haunts the dreams of a lot of MRA types. They can talk social policy, divorce laws, mating protocols, female fickleness and such at length, but it doesn’t hide the rage at women having legal rights.

11 years ago

Y-to-the-fucking-awn. So many words to just repeat the same tired biotruthisms.