antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA penises

Men's Rights Activist: "If women sucked d*** half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces."

Women: Utterly iuncapable of athletic acheivement
Women: Utterly incapable of athletic achievement

Men Against Misandry is a blog, and a Facebook page, devoted to the proposition that feminism is misandry.

The anonymous fellow (or fellows) behind the sites, or group, or whatever it is, has apparently decided that the best way to fight the alleged misandry of feminism is with raging misogyny.

I would call it fighting fire with fire, but it’s more like fighting an imaginary campfire with the flaming pits of hell.

The latest post on the Men Against Misandry blog takes on the issue of women athletes, and why they get less attention and money than their male equivalents. Mr. MAM has a fairly simple explanation:

Why are there no truly famous women in sports?

It’s because women suck at sports. Period. We all know there’s only one real professional sports team that anybody actually cares about – the men’s team. Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.

I didn’t put that bit in bold. He did. He wanted to make sure we understood just how much he thinks women really suck at sports.

And in case we haven’t gotten the message yet, he continues:

You know that old saying? you throw like a girl!

Well, it’s a saying for a reason. Women just plain suck at sports. If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.

Yep, he’s the one that put that last bit in bold, too. Indeed, he was so proud of that last sentence he posted it — just that one sentence — as a separate post on his Facebook page.

It’s all in a day’s work for this noble fighter against misandry.

Thanks to the folks in AgainstMensRights for pointing me to this blog post.

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11 years ago

So is the mayor.

11 years ago

I always feel complaining about the “friendzone” is mostly just shooting yourself in the foot. Heck, I’ve been “friendzoned” by men and even if they decided I wasn’t a romantic option, I’m still absolutely grateful to have them in my life because they do offer caring, support, and networking with their other friends and who knows that might lead to . . . this is all besides my basic feeling that it is a Good Thing to Have Friends.

Same here, and oh HELLZ yes. I was even “friendzoned” by a gay guy who remains my best friend to this day. I went through an awful period between the stages of grief and acceptance (my first honest-to-gawd contemplation of suicide, among other things), but ultimately it was more than worth it. I got myself a fine gaydar, an awareness of LGBT issues, and a bone-deep understanding of the futility of trying to force a relationship into a box it doesn’t fit, among many other gifts. So if that’s the “friendzone”, I’m glad to be in it. You still stand to learn and gain so much. Why is “I no can haz nookie” such a tragedy for these guys, anyway? I’ve gone without for much longer stretches than I’ve gone with, and I survived. Just another Girl Thing™, I guess. (shrug)

11 years ago

Also, put me down as another of the Bespectacled Klutzes. I’ve worn glasses since I was eight. Not only does it make depth hard to perceive, it also makes shielding oneself from incoming projectiles (eg. a baseball) a prudent thing to do. And by the time I got contacts, I was 18 and it was too late. I already loathed gym class and all the assholes in it, so I quit as soon as it was no longer mandatory to take.

11 years ago

The whole equation is simple. “There are no feminists in burning buildings” because the moment the building starts to burn, they will be rescued first, thus taking advantage of the patriarchy (you know, that thing that doesn’t exist?), becoming big hypocrites and forever proving that feminism is a sham.

11 years ago

@argenti Math and science require a lot of creativity. I get upset that the creativity of the sciences gets downplayed compared to the creativity of fine arts. I think a lot of writers for popular culture translate their troubles with science into writing for science-minded people. I want to be careful though. I do not want to say that fine arts are unnecessary. I just wish they did a better job with this piece.

11 years ago

Bill Burr makes a podcast which I tried out once. He spent a lot of time talking about baseball and then went into a long rant about Kobe Bryant’s divorce settlement and insisted women write in and justify why the ex wife was awarded so much money.

11 years ago

and insisted women write in and justify why the ex wife was awarded so much money.

The only correct answer is, “Just to piss you off.”

11 years ago

“…Don’t be a co-dependent pussy. Man up and deal with the pain….”

Why the fuck is he liked by MRAs if he says this shit? They’re always fucking complaining about how men are expected to “man up”.

Don’t look for consistency from MRAssholes. They’ve always been all over the place. I think the only real thing they have is their hate. I can still remember the first time I saw one on either Oprah or Donahue. That dude in the skirt, whose name I forget. He was all about men being allowed to do whatever women could “get away with”, but he still adhered to that macho mangry shit that is the default setting for unreconstructed types. I still remember exactly what I thought of him, too: Wear a skirt if you damn well want to, I don’t care, but for fuck’s sakes, adjust your attitude! I can get this woman-hating shit from any old person in pants, dude. He was so obviously a misogynist that any valid point he had to make was lost in the man-rage. And they call US emotional?

11 years ago

feintone: “@lana now I can just picture a lonely boner, out in the snow, wrapped up in a woolly jumper. sad violin music is heard as it wanders on through a cold day, just trying to find its way home.”

I enjoyed this image immensely. Thank you.

CassandraSays: “I used to get the “I bet you’re super flexible (wink wink)” stuff about gymnastics too. Yes, and like most former gymnasts I’m also much stronger than I look, so don’t piss me off.”

Yepyep. My ex was one of those guys who thought flexible=hot, but boy did he look disappointed when he was unable to force my legs open, thanks to my amazing thigh muscles. (He was pretty close to the “actual rapist” category, but luckily? stayed on the “narcissistic/manipulative asshole” side of it. Small mercies.)

11 years ago

I have worn glasses. But I always sucked at sports anyway.

That, of course, does not mean that all women do.

11 years ago

er, I mean I have NEVER worn glasses.

11 years ago

@ redcap glad I entertained you! sorry that your ex was such an asshole!

11 years ago

Bill Burr makes a podcast which I tried out once. He spent a lot of time talking about baseball and then went into a long rant about Kobe Bryant’s divorce settlement and insisted women write in and justify why the ex wife was awarded so much money.

Maybe she sucked LESS at sucking dick than he did in sports ?

11 years ago

Sometimes fires are accidents. Most of them are. Saying that women are incapable of dealing with them is bull shit. Saying that women sit around like dumb asses waiting for a man to save them is also bull shit.

Yuppers. When I got hit by a car, at 14, I was thrown 30 feet. I still landed on the road, though, so I was anxious to get up and away before I was run over. I picked myself up, broken pelvis and all, and walked a couple of steps before collapsing in shock. But hey! At least I didn’t wait to be rescued. Even as a damsel in distress, I “manned up”, as these guys define it.

Oh dear, I just heard the sound of breaking glass. Another silly stereotype bites the dust…

11 years ago

Sports to me were always a mixture of “thing I have no interest in” and “thing I despise because all the barely literate thugs at school loved them”. The thugs included our sports teacher, who had a fondness for trying to humiliate people into taking part. I tended to see sport as something you did if you liked it, not a proper school subject or something one should be compelled to do. There was nothing said, ever, about why it was worth doing (this was the 70s, mind you).

I got very good at forging my mother’s signature for notes about why I couldn’t do Phys. Ed that day. I don’t think it was believed for a minute, but the teacher, bully though she was, evidently couldn’t be stuffed checking it out.

One time a few of us “forgot” our uniforms and were given the punishment of copying out text. Suited me fine.

11 years ago

This post is actually a little weird for me. See, the cis men in my immediate family were athletic. REAL athletic. My younger brother was outdoing me at volleyball well before he hit puberty. They did swimming, cycling, plus just about any sport you can name that has a ball involved, and they were GOOD at them. They believed that women were naturally poorer athletes. (Never mind that our mother was a runner; she’d destroyed her feet doing it and couldn’t do it much anymore.) They’d mock the women’s athletic teams, or women athletes, saying that various male athletes would completely stomp them.

For the longest time, I always assumed I was completely unathletic, because I was always so outshone by them. It wasn’t until I was actually around other people that I realized that sure, I wasn’t the best athlete ever, but I was actually pretty fit. I can hike forever. Before I blew out my knee, I used to run miles a week, and swimming was my overexercise of choice when my ED was in full swing. I just always assumed that it didn’t count unless I was winning games for a team.

I dunno. It’s just weird having this conversation bang into some of the sort of unstated assumptions my family had.

I don’t even GET the “no atheists in foxholes” thing. I’ve been through some shitty times, and at most, I’d turn to the Golem of Prague or Ed Wood, neither of whom I actually believe exist as supernatural entities. I just needed to scream into the void, and they were convenient thoughtforms for the process.

RE: cloudiah

Hey, I’m not a Melissa Harris-Perry worshipper,

Did she do something wrong? And actually, that’s a handy syllabus. I should hit it up; I keep meaning to read Lorde and then not.

11 years ago

They’d mock the women’s athletic teams, or women athletes, saying that various male athletes would completely stomp them.

This is the core of it, of course: the assumption that being bigger, stronger, faster, able to hurt someone makes you more important, more worthy of consideration. It uses male upper-body strength as the baseline and apportions worth to people on that basis.

11 years ago

Honestly, I’d kind of like to know what female bodies are generally better at. I keep hearing it like typically male bodies are on average better at fucking EVERYTHING and I’m like, come on, there must be SOMETHING female bodies are typically better at than bearing children! COME ON.

11 years ago

Well we all know man ever dies in a fire that’s not a fire man.

11 years ago

No man ever saves a man . All men save themselves.

11 years ago

My terrible ex boyfriend used to differentiate between “sports” (good) and “games” (shameful, embarrassing) by a complicated formula that basically boiled down to: “sports” are any competitive, physical activities where young men would stereotypically have an advantage over people of other genders or anybody over 30. “Games” are any other competitive activity.

The one non-shameful kind of game is, of course, the blessed real video game. You can recognize real video games because they are played by “hardcore gamers,” as opposed to “casual gamers.” Hardcore gamers are young male people who play video games. Casual gamers are all other players of video games.

In special cases, real video games can become sports, if there is a league of (young male) players competing somewhere. Starcraft counts, apparently.

11 years ago

LBT – I’m in two minds about the “women are better at this” argument. It’d certainly be good to be reminded of that, yet I side-eye the whole idea that physical abilities – especially in fuckin’ sports, ferchrissakes – actually count for worth, and that’s what this garbage comes down to.

11 years ago

I have just found the Realest Real Sport™ ever: Catstacking!

11 years ago

Yes! Not Who We Are you have earned 10,000 cookies for noticing that this article was misogynistic congratulations please go eat them somewhere else kthx.