antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA penises

Men's Rights Activist: "If women sucked d*** half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces."

Women: Utterly iuncapable of athletic acheivement
Women: Utterly incapable of athletic achievement

Men Against Misandry is a blog, and a Facebook page, devoted to the proposition that feminism is misandry.

The anonymous fellow (or fellows) behind the sites, or group, or whatever it is, has apparently decided that the best way to fight the alleged misandry of feminism is with raging misogyny.

I would call it fighting fire with fire, but it’s more like fighting an imaginary campfire with the flaming pits of hell.

The latest post on the Men Against Misandry blog takes on the issue of women athletes, and why they get less attention and money than their male equivalents. Mr. MAM has a fairly simple explanation:

Why are there no truly famous women in sports?

It’s because women suck at sports. Period. We all know there’s only one real professional sports team that anybody actually cares about – the men’s team. Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.

I didn’t put that bit in bold. He did. He wanted to make sure we understood just how much he thinks women really suck at sports.

And in case we haven’t gotten the message yet, he continues:

You know that old saying? you throw like a girl!

Well, it’s a saying for a reason. Women just plain suck at sports. If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.

Yep, he’s the one that put that last bit in bold, too. Indeed, he was so proud of that last sentence he posted it — just that one sentence — as a separate post on his Facebook page.

It’s all in a day’s work for this noble fighter against misandry.

Thanks to the folks in AgainstMensRights for pointing me to this blog post.

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11 years ago

Well, given that a lot of these guys also complain about having to do horrible things like shower for women, the tiniest thought of putting my mouth anywhere near them is seriously ‘Ewwwww’!

11 years ago

@Moldybrehd personal hygiene? MiSANDRY!

11 years ago

Well, there’s some truth in it. men are considerably stronger and faster than women, and so no woman is ever likely to be the best in any sport she plays, she might be the best woman, but she won’t beat a man at the same sport. like when Martina Navratalova played Jimmy Connors at tennis, he beat her very easily, even though she was given an advantage to try and even it up a bit.

11 years ago

Well, given that a lot of these guys also complain about having to do horrible things like shower for women,

Men are expected to jump through hoops ya know . Our expectations are too high .

(having said that all the men and my world WANT to take a shower and shave every day )

11 years ago

Ugh, his Facebook has a post comparing gettin raped while drunk to a drunk driver crashing their car. Because women totally just bump into rapists when their tipsy and get raped.

What does this mean ? Like if a woman gets drunk then she should not be surprised if she gets raped because she was irresponsible like driving drunk ?

Driving drunk is a crime . Getting drunk and someone raping you because you are under the influence isn’t.

11 years ago

My boyfriend’s cousin (who was on the silver medal US Olympic volleyball team in London 2012) would find that tirade especially adorable. Would love to watch her (very likely) tower menacingly over this bro til he peed himself.

11 years ago

“”How many more great men are going to be chopped in half before we do something?” -Bill Burr ”


I agree . Huh?

11 years ago

“”How many more great men are going to be chopped in half before we do something?” -Bill Burr ”

Ehhhh. I googled this Bill Burr, apparently he’s a misogynistic comedian. That line is from a stand-up routine in which he suggests that a woman who divorces her husband and takes half their combined property is the equivalent if spousal abuse:

(TW for gendered slurs; minimizing DV; and all-around stupidity)

11 years ago

He must amuse the night staff at the ER frequently in his noble quest to create the hummer of world peace.

Is every MRA/PUA blog like this? Read at risk of injuring your eyeballs from eyerolling? Knowing them they probably mistake this for orgasms.

11 years ago

My boyfriend’s cousin (who was on the silver medal US Olympic volleyball team in London 2012) would find that tirade especially adorable. Would love to watch her (very likely) tower menacingly over this bro til he peed himself.

Volleyball is one of those sports I actually love to watch your typical young meathead asshole try to play. IMHO, volleyball is a much more controlled skill and team oriented sport. It’s definitely not something you really can muscle your way through, but try those meatheads will to just KILL THAT SPIKE even though they have no control so either wind up going in the net or hitting the ball out of bounds.

This is why I’m generally pretty wary of high school aged looking dudebros who show up at my pick up volleyball group from time to time. Not only are they painfully inconsistent players, they also fall into the trap of high school dudebro assuming women can’t do anything. So they run around in front of all the women who could pass well, getting the ball, and generally ruining all the plays with their terrible passing and inconsistent net game.

@kitteh, thanks for the package :). I’ve been around, actually, just under a different nym and lurking mostly.

11 years ago

Apparently the “no feminists in burning buildings or sinking ships” BS has its origins in this Bill Burr’s comedy routine as well. There’s videos I didn’t watch, but someone on a AVfM quotes from it thusly:

“There are no feminists in a house fire. That’s a guarantee. You could take the most hardcore feminist… the second those flames break out, she’s going to twist those little hairs into pigtails… and leave you standing in the burning house like you’re not flammable.”

Maybe I would understand this better in more context, but huh? Even if I *am* a misandrist bitch, you think my first reaction to my house being in flames is going to be making pigtails?

11 years ago

I found another transcript that might be more like what he actually says (I should watch the video myself, but I’m not in a place where I can at the moment):

“See what I’m saying? where are all those feminists then? You can’t find ‘em! You have no feminists in a house fire. You can take the most hardcore feminists. You know some chick right in your face. “You chauvinistic son of a bitch”, you know. Little short little haircut, you know. Second those flames break out, she’ll twist those little hairs into little pigtails. “Ooo. I’m just a girl. I wanna go play jump rope.”

I was wondering what he meant by “little hairs.” So I guess all feminists have short hair, and if they are in a fire, they will try to make it appear that they have long hair, because then you’ll think they’re worth saving from burning to death??? Also jump rope??

This is getting more and more WTF all the time.

11 years ago

“Little short little haircut, you know. Second those flames break out, she’ll twist those little hairs into little pigtails. “Ooo. I’m just a girl. I wanna go play jump rope.”

Is he assuming that every man is a lolicon? Also doesn’t GWW have a pixie cut? What is happening?

Wait, does this mean I have to cut my hair in order to maintain my feminist card? Only, I really like my long hair. It’s quite warm in the winter.

Also, the last thing I am going to be thinking about in a fire is going to be my goddamned hair, except in terms of trying to make sure it doesn’t catch fire and roast my entire head. Does this guy actually think pigtails are a survival strategy???

11 years ago

Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.

I live not too far from a town which has a women’s basketball team which gets lots of publicity and which has turned into somewhat of a force in its own right. Partly this is because, due to a series of bad breaks and stupid moves, there is, as of now, no men’s basketball team in the same town, so that the women’s team helps fill up some of the gap. And partly — I have no doubt — it’s because the male fans of the team show up to watch athletic young women with flapping ponytails run up and down a basketball court (which is perfectly fine). But there’s one thing I’m sure about, and it’s that women were never the reason for the existence or growth of this team. It isn’t there to help us feel better about ourselves. It’s not there to provide us with an ego boost. It’s not there as a response to any or our needs. The reason it’s there is because men love sports; it’s there because men like sports so much that the men’s teams don’t fully saturate the market. There are dozens of men’s teams, and there’s still room for more. Here in America we’ve already got football, baseball, basketball, and hockey, and there’s still room for the introduction of soccer. None of this is because of women or because of anything women think or do, it’s because there are always male sports fans out there who are willing to pay to watch another game, no matter of what, and no matter who plays. Men can always find or make time to watch more sports. Most men don’t particularly object if women participate: in fact, since most women who play sports are pretty good-looking, men have an extra incentive to watch them cavort.

What’s just the truth is that most of the stuff that happens in the world is not impacted much by what women want. (It’s mostly not impacted much by what men want either; but industries which peddle directly to desire, like the sports industry, are an exception to that rule.)

Some of what these MRA guys have to say contains a few fragments of truth, though usually it’s truth which has been so blown to atoms as to be unrecognizable. There’s enough truth in their gospel to get a disinterested observer to wish they wouldn’t say things which are flat-out untrue. That’s not going to stop them from doing it, though.

11 years ago

Re: house on fire. I think the implication is that in the event of a fire, the feminist will revert to a feminine… thingy… so she doesn’t have to actually do anything about the fire and leave it (phoning the fire department, I guess?) up to the man. It also implies that all men are instinctual firefighters. (I thought the trope was that all men liked to blow things up, but YMMV).

11 years ago

Re: house on fire. I think the implication is that in the event of a fire, the feminist will revert to a feminine… thingy… so she doesn’t have to actually do anything about the fire and leave it (phoning the fire department, I guess?) up to the man. It also implies that all men are instinctual firefighters. (I thought the trope was that all men liked to blow things up, but YMMV).

Yes. I couple people up thread pointed out its like the old cliche: “There’s no atheists in foxholes.” What annoys me is that comedy like Burr’s is presented as “edgy.” There’s nothing new or witty or edgy about that. It’s an old, old cliche that women are helpless. It’s passé. The only people who’d find it funny are those who think women really are useless.

11 years ago

That line is from a stand-up routine in which he suggests that a woman who divorces her husband and takes half their combined property is the equivalent if spousal abuse:

How is HE getting “chopped in half” when she leaves half of hers behind ?

11 years ago

Apparently he was on the TV show Breaking Bad. I never saw that show (or many other current/recent offerings) because my TV doesn’t work, but someone else might know him from there?

11 years ago

Re: house on fire. I think the implication is that in the event of a fire, the feminist will revert to a feminine… thingy… so she doesn’t have to actually do anything about the fire and leave it (phoning the fire department, I guess?) up to the man. It also implies that all men are instinctual firefighters. (I thought the trope was that all men liked to blow things up, but YMMV).

Hmm…so women just sit in a burning house and wait to be rescued?

Um no I have woken up to fire. The first thing I did was try and extinguish the fire. (the fire dept told me I should not have done that i should have exited and called them) once I saw no more flames it was dealing with shock and smoke and I found my 3 year old and called 9-1-1. They told me to get out of the house. Which I did .with my 3 year old .

They arrived .The fired was in fact extinguished but without the oxygen mask they are equipped with I could have (so could my son have been ) overcome by the smoke.

Sorry I don’t keep oxygen mask and fire proof gear next to my bed. But I DID extinguish a mattress on fire in a house filled with smoke all by my female self and survived.So did my child.

And Im just a girl .

11 years ago

I’m thinking of all the people who died in the Black Saturday fires here, couples who tried to save each other, or their kids, or pets, or properties … and y’know, I bet survivors who lost loved ones that dreadful weekend would tear this guy to shreds for his bullshit. People making jokes like that should fuckingwell have to try fighting a fire themselves.

Since this moron probably never heard of Black Saturday (or Australia, or any other country) here’s a relevant article about the women of 9/11:

Also less known is that women were among the firefighters, police officers and rescue workers. As the media kept talking about “firemen” and “policemen,” the existence of these women became invisible. There might have been more: women (and minority racial groups) have long alleged discrimination that’s kept many women from serving in the New York City police and fire departments. Among those who died were:

Captain Kathy Mazza, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department
Moira Smith, Police Officer, New York City Police Department
Yamel Merino, EMT

Other women who served survived, and some have told their stories. Some worked in their official capacity as police officers, EMTs and firefighters. Thousands of other women volunteered their time, as chaplains, as doctors or nurses, as rescue workers, bringing food or other supplies, helping neighbors left homeless, and in countless other ways. Here are a few of those who served officially, with some of their stories:

FDNY Lietenant Brenda Berkman, who has spoken out eloquently on the invisibility of the women of Ground Zero in media coverage
EMT Bonnie Jean Giebfried
NYPD Lieutenant Terri Tobin
FDNY Firefighter Maureen McArdle Schulman


11 years ago

Also, I guess every single house fire that a woman is in also has a man in it. Every single time it happens.

11 years ago

And no house fire a woman (with children, often enough) dies in is ever started by a man, usually her so-wonderful partner.

11 years ago

Sometimes fires are accidents. Most of them are. Saying that women are incapable of dealing with them is bull shit. Saying that women sit around like dumb asses waiting for a man to save them is also bull shit.

11 years ago

Just that blog entry praising Bill the Shithead. Here’s a viperous feline to help folks brain-bleach:
comment image

11 years ago

By the way ..the fire dept chief in my city is a woman .

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