antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA penises

Men's Rights Activist: "If women sucked d*** half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces."

Women: Utterly iuncapable of athletic acheivement
Women: Utterly incapable of athletic achievement

Men Against Misandry is a blog, and a Facebook page, devoted to the proposition that feminism is misandry.

The anonymous fellow (or fellows) behind the sites, or group, or whatever it is, has apparently decided that the best way to fight the alleged misandry of feminism is with raging misogyny.

I would call it fighting fire with fire, but it’s more like fighting an imaginary campfire with the flaming pits of hell.

The latest post on the Men Against Misandry blog takes on the issue of women athletes, and why they get less attention and money than their male equivalents. Mr. MAM has a fairly simple explanation:

Why are there no truly famous women in sports?

It’s because women suck at sports. Period. We all know there’s only one real professional sports team that anybody actually cares about – the men’s team. Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.

I didn’t put that bit in bold. He did. He wanted to make sure we understood just how much he thinks women really suck at sports.

And in case we haven’t gotten the message yet, he continues:

You know that old saying? you throw like a girl!

Well, it’s a saying for a reason. Women just plain suck at sports. If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.

Yep, he’s the one that put that last bit in bold, too. Indeed, he was so proud of that last sentence he posted it — just that one sentence — as a separate post on his Facebook page.

It’s all in a day’s work for this noble fighter against misandry.

Thanks to the folks in AgainstMensRights for pointing me to this blog post.

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11 years ago

To be fair, I’ve met men who I ended up dating in bars/clubs. Not the kind that advertized some sort of tacky Laydees Nite, though.

11 years ago

When I was in elementary and middle school I competed in a sport that, AFAIK, has absolutely no male-presenting people* in it–rhythmic gymnastics. I was terrible at it because I have no flexibility, though my equipment-handling skills were pretty good. But the thing is, there are things that male-stereotype** bodies are statistically better at and things that female-stereotype bodies are better at, and many things that there are really no difference… and all our popular sports emphasize things that male-stereotype bodies tend to be better at (upper-body strength) rather than things that female-stereotype bodies are better or equal at (flexibility).

However, rhythmic gymnastics required strength, but just enough to deal with your own body, and mostly in the legs, but the kind of flexibility that very few people are able to master, and more women than men. So it is a sport that even in men did it, the women would still likely dominate.

*Not to leave out any of my fellow gymnasts who may be trans but… well, it is kind of a sport where you peak in your teens (I now have strong doubts about how ethical those kinds of sports are). Most are unlikely to have actually transitioned while competing.

**I’m trying to talk about the kind of bodies that get you assigned as either male or female at birth.

11 years ago

Squee! A pic of Furrinati HQ.

Of course they’re all linked by the Great Furrinati Hivemind; what one sees, all see.

They tried cameras, but it proved a bit awkward. This was the prototype Beaglecam:

11 years ago

all our popular sports emphasize things that male-stereotype bodies tend to be better at (upper-body strength) rather than things that female-stereotype bodies are better or equal at (flexibility).

Exactly. Male-stereotype bodies’ performance, or areas where they tend to do better at are presented as the norm, the default; things where female-stereotype bodies tend to do better are ignored, or dismissed as trivial, not “real” sports. Then, of course, the men get to say “Women are no good at any sport” because they’ve erased whole fields from consideration.

11 years ago

and all our popular sports emphasize things that male-stereotype bodies tend to be better at (upper-body strength) rather than things that female-stereotype bodies are better or equal at (flexibility).

So true! I play on a quidditch team, and they are required to be coed. A good team uses all kinds of strategies depending on who is playing. Big, strong players can often barge through defenses and score, but often a small, quick player (often a female player!) will sneak right through the defenses to the hoops, catch a pass and score an easy goal. Many other female players have a background in dance, and they will trick the defenders and spin right through them. Even full contact sports like quidditch is definitely don’t have to be about being big and strong, especially not when there are bludgers to deal with! Bludgers don’t care how big and strong you are, if you get hit you are off your broom and back to the hoops with you!

11 years ago

Well, it looks like in some non-US countries (like Japan) there are male rhythmic gymnastics, but like in regular gymnastics, there are major differences between the two events. According to wikipedia,

Athletes are judged on some of the same physical abilities and skills as their female counterparts, such as hand/body-eye co-ordination, but tumbling, strength, power, and martial arts skills are the main focus, as opposed to flexibility and dance in women’s rhythmic gymnastics.

Which just emphasizes my point: when men take up a sport that was originally female, it gets altered in ways that emphasize male strengths while de-emphasizing their weaknesses, while when women take up a men’s sport any changes get derided as women being weak.

11 years ago

Looks like I forgot how to blockquote. Sorry. That first paragraph was quoting wordsp1nner.

11 years ago

Blockquote monster!

Middle paragraph is a wikipedia quote about rhythmic gymnasts from here:

11 years ago

If anyone wants to see what I mean by flexibility, have a gander at these google image results:

I saw similar abilities at my lower-level competitions. Also, it takes a shitload of work to be able to do those stunts, and they hurt like nothing else. Center splits, IME, are particularly excruciating to practice.

11 years ago

To be fair, I’ve met men who I ended up dating in bars/clubs. Not the kind that advertized some sort of tacky Laydees Nite, though.

Same here. Definitely not in that situation either. More like a local watering hole on a slow night, there with friends, him too, and one of them was a friend of a friend. That sort of thing.

Of course, I bet Baby Einstein would also swear up and down that men and women can’t be friends. Even though that’s exactly what this dude and I were, for a few months before we dated…oops, there goes the “friendzone” myth, too…

11 years ago

That’s incredible! But you know the first thing a lot of men say when they see women doing things like that. They almost always make some comment about how she must be good at sex. Because a woman is still just a sex object to them. Ugh. Reduce all her hard work and skill into how she must be fun to fuck!

11 years ago


LOL at the sex comment. I’d wonder where they had time–its a full-time job for the really competitive girls* plus they have to do schoolwork. Also, I saw little tiny elementary-age girls doing a lot of those stunts, which was adorable.

*Rhythmic gymnasts tend to peak young, the same as regular (artistic) gymnasts. I feel the word is appropriate.

11 years ago

Other than a couple of one night stands back in my late teens I’ve pretty much exclusively dated/slept with men who I was friends with before anything sexual happened. I don’t think this is all that rare.

11 years ago

Other than a couple of one night stands back in my late teens I’ve pretty much exclusively dated/slept with men who I was friends with before anything sexual happened. I don’t think this is all that rare.

Not rare at all. How else do we get to know them well enough to decide that we want to go further? Of course, the PUAssholes would say we were “shit-testing” them. Because not wanting just a crappy one-nighter is somehow wrong.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Bina – But of course it is! You’re denying that poor men sex! That’s like even worse then motherfucking genocide, remember?

11 years ago

The whole process by which misogynists think women decide which men to fuck and which men not to is so…odd. Like, do we have any proof that they’ve ever actually met a woman? Because they don’t seem to have met any woman that I know.

They seem to think it goes as follows.

1. Man approaches woman
2. Woman decides whether or not man is alpha enough. She doesn’t care how he looks unless she’s a BITCH EVIL HYPERGAMOUS MISANDRIST BITCH, she’s just waiting to see if he can socially dominate her.
3. If he does, she drops to her knees and offers a blowjob. If not, she sneers contemptuously and walks off to look for someone more alpha

This is not how it actually works, not even in tacky clubs.

11 years ago

Bina – But of course it is! You’re denying that poor men sex! That’s like even worse then motherfucking genocide, remember?

D’ohhhhh, but of course. Because sad boners are what’s killing teh menz! Sad boners and a lack of social dominance, caused by Ebil Wimmin making boners sad. All that Natural Male Superiority™ sure rests on mighty fragile ground…

11 years ago

1. Man approaches woman
2. Woman decides whether or not man is alpha enough. She doesn’t care how he looks unless she’s a BITCH EVIL HYPERGAMOUS MISANDRIST BITCH, she’s just waiting to see if he can socially dominate her.
3. If he does, she drops to her knees and offers a blowjob. If not, she sneers contemptuously and walks off to look for someone more alpha

To iron his shirts with Happy Feminine Energy™, no doubt brought about by a shot of his Liquid Gold Sperm™…(snort)

The one and only time I ever blew a guy I met at drunken random, he didn’t socially dominate me. And I didn’t kneel down. I took quite the upper hand, actually. And he liked it!

I can only conclude that I’m Doin It Rong.

11 years ago

If you’re a woman and you’re happy and confident you’re definitely Doing It Wrong.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Bina – EXACTLY! Sad boners is the most dangerous plague to affect people-kind! It’s even worse than AIDS in Africa, that’s how terrible it is!

And all because of EBIL WIMMINS!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

How a woman works:

1. Man approaches woman with TRU MANLINESS™.
2. Woman gets down on knees and begs to be sexed at.
3. Feed her LIQUID FUCKING GOLD™ sperm, the best semen on the modern day market!
3. Woman begins to exhibit an aura of HAPPY FEMININE ENERGY™. If she buzzes, that’s totally normal; it means that you have filled her “tank”, so to speak.
4. Woman irons your shirts, still buzzing.
5. ????

11 years ago

Alternatively, the buzzing may indicate that transformation into robospiderzombiething has been initiated, so check for fangs before attempting to sex her again.

11 years ago

I know he’s all puffed up with how clever his repartee sounds (to him), but I seriously cannot parse his final sentence.

I suck dick well. And I’m pretty good at sports. However, I do suck at some sports.

If I were to suck dick (exactly) half as well as I suck at those sports that I suck at, wouldn’t that be pretty terrible? Why would you wish that on someone? lol

11 years ago

@cassandra the buzzing may also indicate that she is about to assimilate you into the borg.

11 years ago

Undefeated Olympic Champion boxer Katie Taylor would like to have a word.