antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA penises

Men's Rights Activist: "If women sucked d*** half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces."

Women: Utterly iuncapable of athletic acheivement
Women: Utterly incapable of athletic achievement

Men Against Misandry is a blog, and a Facebook page, devoted to the proposition that feminism is misandry.

The anonymous fellow (or fellows) behind the sites, or group, or whatever it is, has apparently decided that the best way to fight the alleged misandry of feminism is with raging misogyny.

I would call it fighting fire with fire, but it’s more like fighting an imaginary campfire with the flaming pits of hell.

The latest post on the Men Against Misandry blog takes on the issue of women athletes, and why they get less attention and money than their male equivalents. Mr. MAM has a fairly simple explanation:

Why are there no truly famous women in sports?

It’s because women suck at sports. Period. We all know there’s only one real professional sports team that anybody actually cares about – the men’s team. Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.

I didn’t put that bit in bold. He did. He wanted to make sure we understood just how much he thinks women really suck at sports.

And in case we haven’t gotten the message yet, he continues:

You know that old saying? you throw like a girl!

Well, it’s a saying for a reason. Women just plain suck at sports. If women sucked dick half as well as they suck at sports there would be no more divorces in the great US of A.

Yep, he’s the one that put that last bit in bold, too. Indeed, he was so proud of that last sentence he posted it — just that one sentence — as a separate post on his Facebook page.

It’s all in a day’s work for this noble fighter against misandry.

Thanks to the folks in AgainstMensRights for pointing me to this blog post.

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Ally S
11 years ago

Sounds like a dude who once lost a tennis match to a girl and has never gotten over it to me.

You just reminded me of the time one of my uncles did a running race with a 14-year-old girl in flip-flops…and he lost. He tried to save face by saying that he needed new shoes (he didn’t). I could tell that he couldn’t get over it.

11 years ago

Funny thing is, I can do a push-up because of yoga, which he would surely dismiss as a girly way of exercising.

11 years ago

“Men just let women have their own sports teams to feel better about themselves. That’s just the truth.”

The TRUTH, people. He knows the TRUTH. No citations needed.

11 years ago

Funny thing is, I can do a push-up because of yoga, which he would surely dismiss as a girly way of exercising.

*snork* I actually had a room-mate dismiss my yoga time, until he lost a bet and had to do 20 minutes with me. Whimpered the whole time, and then he never called it “lame standing around so old white women can feel like they exercise” again. God forbid he ever have to try pilates or ballet XD. Silly sport snobs.

11 years ago

Wait, I thought the ebil wimmens were doing all the divorcing.

11 years ago

Oh hell yeah, chimisaur, I won similar bets too. 🙂 It’s always so satisfying.

11 years ago

Now if only the political parties y’all have to put up with were made up of patriots like that. The RePUGlicans would be worth voting for, and so would the DemoCATS.

11 years ago

I love this other little pearl of astute rational man logic wisdom on his FB page: “There are no feminists in burning buildings and sinking ships.”

11 years ago

(Patriots like the pics neuroticbeagle posted, I mean.)

11 years ago

“There are no feminists in burning buildings and sinking ships.”

What does brainboy even mean by that? That men are always Bravely Brave persons getting themselves left behind in disasters ‘cos it’s women and children first (and of course men are never feminists)?

11 years ago

I sort of love it when the mask slips and they admit they just think women are terrible.

Not that I love that misogyny exists, it’s just that I am pleased when they can’t cover up their underlying motivations.

11 years ago

His blog’s got an angry post asking feminists why he has to pay for dates, that thing we’ve been told MRMs don’t care about. That post is kind of funny. But the post defending rape victim-blaming really is not.

I am also questioning whether this guy can really be for real.

11 years ago

I wonder if he needs to learn about personal hygiene? His toxic personality would be explanation enough, but if he’s taking his personal grooming tips from the likes of Roosh “crawling with bacteria unknown to science” V, he probably gets the Ewwww reaction in more ways than one.

11 years ago

If he isn’t for real, it doesn’t sound like he’s satirising them too well. Poe’s Law indeed.

11 years ago

““There are no feminists in burning buildings and sinking ships.”

I second kittehserf…what the hell does that mean? Women don’t die, only men do? Huh? What?

11 years ago

I just want to post this here because I just watched it and I love Geena Davis and it’s amazing. <3

11 years ago

Come now, kittehs; we all know personal hygiene is misandry.

11 years ago

“His blog’s got an angry post asking feminists why he has to pay for dates…”

He goes on dates? Color me cynical.

11 years ago

Only for menz, of course! Women having any sort of body odours is misandry too.

11 years ago

“There are no feminists in burning buildings and sinking ships.”

And how would he know? He’s never been in either, the fucking sheltered coward.

11 years ago

“There are no feminists in burning buildings and sinking ships.”

Apparently in burning buildings and sinking ships any feminist (usually made of straw) goes “fuck gender equality, women and children first! Men are disposable, let them die!” (Well, first humans anyway. The Furrinati is obviously first but I doubt the mra fuckers are smart enough to realize that).

11 years ago

“Suggesting that men can’t do anything* is MISANDRY.

*Except not raping women or housework.”

So if I said that men can’t ovulate, would that be misandry?

11 years ago

If it’s like the “no atheists in foxholes” thing, they’re claiming that in adverse circumstances women inevitably embrace patriarchy.

That is very telling. Patriarchy as a protection racket.

11 years ago

No more than Mr Tightwad’s ever been on a date.

I wonder if it’s ever occurred to him that firies and other emergency crews, or sailors, or passengers, might just possibly be feminists?