So I was watching a little video roundup of some of the worst video games ever the other day and I came across some footage from a justifiably obscure little first-person-shooter called Operation Matriarchy.
The premise of this 2005 PC game, made in Russia, may as well have emerged from the fevered imagination of some Men’s Rights activist. Here’s how the promo blurb at MobyGames explains it, with the especially MRA-ish bits in bold:
In the mid-24th century, a virus of unknown origin wiped through the Velian civilization. It affected only the women, twisting them into brutal killing machines. They modified their bodies, enhancing them with cybernetic and bio-engineered parts. The male population was enslaved, used for genetic experiments and food. The previously democratic society became a matriarchal ant-colony; a hive-mind focused on one thing only – Domination. All-out war erupted between the Velians and their former allies, the Federation of Earth.
But fear not! For a brave Men’s Rights Activist space solider, Senior Sergeant Paul Armstrong of the Federation, stands up against these evil matriarchs and their robot friends when they attack his ship. Also, there are monsters.
So, basically, this game offers dudes an excuse to shoot scantily clad women for hours on end. Granted, some of these women are trying to shoot at the bold defenders of all things male, but others are unarmed, and are shot down long before they get close enough to do any harm, making the game ideal for anyone who fantasizes about shooting down wave after wave of women in fetishy gear.
You can see what I’m talking about in the gameplay video below.
This is all very reminiscent of the fantasies of “restorative, retaliatory” violence that seem to drive so many in the Men’s Rights movement, as I noted in my review of Michael Kimmel’s Angry White Men on the American Prospect.
And some men are very dedicated to these fantasies indeed. One odd little side-note to the history of Operation Matriarchy that seems to underscore that point. You see, the game was so incompetently made that when it first shipped it was basically broken. As Wikipedia explains:
Operation: Matriarchy, was released with what appeared to be damaged music files and incomplete sound files; all of the music files, except for the main menu track, simply play static, while several of the sound files are simply silence.
Also, it was ugly as shit.
But some enterprising fans were evidently so taken by the premise of the game that they decided to step up and fix the game themselves — so they could have the opportunity to, well, shoot down wave after wave of scantily clad women while listening to music at the same time, and without the graphics and the story being quite so completely awful.
Wikipedia again:
A pair of fan made mods that replace these files and made other enhancements to the game were released:
In August 2007, a fan-made music and sound enhancement mod was released, which added a complete in-game music score and enhanced sound effects. In addition, the story was rewritten.
In September 2009, a second fan-made mod appeared. This offered a complete (optional) translation to German and further changes to the sound effects and music. However, the largest changes were to the visuals, with enhanced lighting and improved versions of many textures and bump maps.
I don’t know if the video above is one made using the visually “enhanced” version of the game or not. All of the videos of the game I’ve seen — and there are many, many more on YouTube — look awful to me.
If you want to buy this monstrosity, you can get it on Amazon.
This dystopian future is the natural result of feminism. Unleash the virus, sisters!!!
After doing a bit of research, it appears that footage wasn’t taken with the enhanced textures patch applied.
@OccupyMedic: Lulz. xD
In any case, this game is kinda screwy, no doubt, but honestly, IMO, this one’s got *nothing* on 2002’s “Ethnic Cleansing”, by none other than Resistance Records:
Now THAT, THAT, is fucked up beyond all words. TBH, at least we could try to give the Russian developer of “Matriarchy” the benefit of the doubt; perhaps he may not have had misogyny in mind(though Unfortunate Implications do seem to be fairly prominent, though, no doubt, even if they weren’t intentional), but the motives for the creation of Ethnic Cleansing were all too clear; an expression of hardcore racism and nothing but.
(On edit: it appears I accidentally left out half of the Russian game’s title. My apologies for the slight error on my part.)
An exemplary MRA “game”: violent misogyny and complete incompetence.
The cover of the game looks like someone tried to rip off MDK and put an MRA spin on it.
(Cookies to anyone who remembers MDK!)
Oh, Ally, you know that creepy Elan git you told us about the other day? Seems he made up that whole story. What a tosser.
Elan … Ethan … forgotten Mr Forgettable’s name already. The creep allegedly on the plane, anyway.
Well, that was a lovely little insight into the mind of a misogynist. Apparently anything with boobs is as terrifying as the zombies in Resident Evil. Or they would be if the people who made this didn’t suck at character design.
Still not as creepy as Battle Raper, though.
I bet Elam wants to make that his official title at AVFM.
Gracious no, Elam would never settle for being a mere Senior Sergeant. He’d be a Field Marshal at least.
Or a Grand High Wizard … I can see him going for a pointy white hood.
OH that was something in a Raw Story about a couple of Klan morons in Alabama: one of them called himself the Grand Cyclops. I nearly sporfled my coffee when someone there asked if that means he just has one eye-hole in his hood.
Anyone else reminded of the white supremacist fantasy game ‘Zog’s nightmare’?
Obviously we don’t have any problems in video games, nope! I mean, this game isn’t problematic! It’s… uh… something, I, um… never mind.
rjjspesh: Yeah, I heard about that one on the “Extra Credits” episode about propaganda games. @whee.
You know, VtM:B shipped basically unplayable, cuz e company making it went under. So the developers worked on it for free to get it playable and has had oh so many mods in the ten years since.
Point here? There are great games that need fan fixing, this wasn’t one of them.
I never played the game, but the talking sword in Baldur’s Gate 2 would make at least one reference to the game (by shouting the title in the middle of battle – it was a sword, after all).
What happened to the OccupyMedic comment? It was the first comment…
The blockquote monster is escalating?
Restorative violence. What a horrible concept.
Next up, healing car crashes!
Cloudiah, the Occupy Medic had a joke in it that I thought was a bit questionable and likely to be misinterpreted so I deleted it.
Does this mean …
I dunno games like this (i.e. basement produced shovelware that’s basically a cheap cash in mod made by 3 guys) aren’t really the problem with gaming at large. That’s like saying backwater racist blogs on the Internet are what’s wrong with published modern novels.
“Senior Sergeant” is a literal translation of a real rank used in the Eastern Bloc. The equivalent in English is “sergeant major”.
As for the game… I’ve played another game set in the same universe, Echelon. It was a pretty normal futuristic flight simulator without much of a plot. Reading this, I was hoping that it’s a shared Russian setting, but a look at Wikipedia shows that Operation: Matriarchy is by the same developer/producer. Ewwwwww.