Oh, Reddit! Why must you be so Reddity? As a reminder of how deeply shitty Reddit can be even outside the confines of the Men’s Rights and Red Pill and related subreddits, consider the following comment from AskReddit, in which a RedPiller responded to another comment trying to summarize the “Red Pill Philosophy” for those unfamiliar with it.
Cyralea, a dedicated Red-Pill popper himself, took issue with the notion that Red Pillers are angry. (Gosh, why would anyone think that?) “Some are, certainly,” he wrote. “Particularly former betas who are recovering and are just discovering the nature of the world.”
But, he added,
The philosophy follows that one shouldn’t be any more angry at a women for her behaviours than one gets mad at a dog for chewing things up. We encourage self-improvement and self-respect in light of this newfound information. Some men use the knowledge to pursue sex, but others use it within their relationships/marriages. Alpha behaviours lead to healthier, stronger relationships. The women we date end up more satisfied in the long run, so both parties benefit.
I think it’s easy to get distracted by the angry people in /r/theredpill. There has been a recent influx of subscibers, so there’s been a little more angst than usual. The philosophy absolutely doesn’t hinge on anger though, though the language used may suggest such.
Emphasis added. As of this moment, this comment has a net 7 upvotes, 11 upvotes and 4 downvotes. That’s right: 11 Redditors saw this comment suggesting that women are like dogs who chew up sneakers and thought, “I’d better reward this bit of timeless wisdom! UPVOTE!”
In a followup comment, Cyralea tried to explain why the word “bitch” pops up so frequently on the Red Pill subreddit. Amongst Red Pillers, he noted, “bitches” is
literally interchangeable with “women”. It does not have the negative connotation when used there, again the same way 4Chan uses “fag”. I can understand how this seems aggressive.
Oh, “bitches” is like “fags.” Well then, no problem, use the word all you want, my dear fellow!
The mods removed this followup comment (though it’s still visible in his comment history). Apparently, in AskReddit, explicitly comparing women to female dogs is fine, and will even win you some upvotes, just so long as you don’t actually use a word meaning the same thing.
Thanks to a reader for pointing me to this very Redditty discussion.
I agree Cass I don’t feel sorry for those women . You want to live like that fine .Just don’t go around bashing women who choose not to hate their own guts to appease their misogynist husbands and buddies .
Red pill women are stupid and boring. What is there to talk about, aside from “be young forever” = um, impossible, morons. What next? Seems there’s a lifetime of blowjobs, piemaking and asskissing to look forward to. (maybe the RP poster above is beginning to find the asskissing part a little nauseating.)
Maybe that’s where the spinster envy comes in. 😀
You know, I’ve had a couple of women drag their husbands into disputes with me recently. Is this a thing? One was a nice religious lady with whom I was having sort of a philosophical debate, the other was a neighbor who thought I was driving too fast (25 in a 15– I thought it was 25) and so she threatened to call the cops. Mundane neighborhood drama. After I calmed down a little, I went back to talk to her about it; instead of coming out to deal with me herself, she siced her lawyer husband on me like I was supposed to be impressed, though he wasn’t even around at the time of the original dispute.
both cases: IDGAF what your husband thinks, lady. What do YOU think?
If you notice what that woman (who needed to check with her husband ) was talking about ? Tearing down other women and how annoying they are for invading the poor men’s space.
She is critisizing other self loathers.Not even feminist .Those kind of women can’t stand other women .She is calling them annoying ,desperate,rude ,useless,unintelligent. NOT LIKE HER !
I have met a few of them by accident before I even heard of red pill or MRA. They tend to prefer men as friends (not all women that do are haters on women) .But they will explain why .Women are manipulative,women are drama queens,women are back stabbers,women are emotionally needy ,women don’t understand men ,women are self centered etc…
That’s it ! That’s where these alphas find their bitches .In the female women hating club.That would make for a lot of perfect matches .Matches made in hell!
It’s a terrible idea, but the problem is, if someone actually wants to go play house with whatever their idea of a big strong male authority figure looks like, nobody has any right to stop them, and if you try they aren’t going to listen anyway. There are a few of them who set of my “this person is being abused” alarm bells, but there are also a lot of the more casual ones who seem to just be in love with this retro idea of what a relationship should look like, and in some cases it seems like it’s because they don’t want to have to manage their lives like normal grown-ups.
Auggz, I read somewhere once that sexist people seek each other out, and reinforce each other’s worst gender stereotypes in the process.
Might have been here. Wish I had saved the links.
Makes sense– birds of a feather and all.
I’m sure some redpill women are, or will be, relatively trapped, unless someone else is willing to lend them a hand to help them pull out of a bad relationship. My mom was totally financially dependent on my dad for 25 years– fortunately the kids were grown and her church and extended family could offer her help to get back on her feet when it all fell apart. Not everyone is so lucky.
But Sunshine is sufficiently well educated to leave… if she wanted to. I think she just has a crippling fear of being alone, and honestly no amount of education or resources can fix that.
On the women who despise other women, the thing is, they’re just as fundamentally toxic in terms of personality as the MRA dudes are, so I can’t help feeling like maybe they deserve each other.
(Even though both halves of that kind of relationship will inevitably emerge from their breakup even nastier than they were before they met each other.)
“internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug” 😀
Of course! Except when she’s doing it on my stepdad who is more likely to give her something.
And that’s why the MRA would love to have divorce made very difficult to attain .And its why you hear them loathe that women have resources like abuse shelters and that the church has more divorce care for women than men.They want to make it HARDER for women to get away like your mother.
I was on a forum one time (more than one time actually LOL) and what I know recognize as “MRA” guys would warn of women even calling an abuse hotline . Because their “agenda” is to steer women towards divorce not get the couple help .
I’ve also seen them warn other men to keep an eye on what other women they are talking to.Because their friends are going to tell them you should go where your heart leads you ,you deserve to be happy etc. Like that’s wrong ?
Abusive partner checklist, part 1 : attempts to isolate you from your friends/family/social network.
Good morning! looks like I missed a bit.
Oof, about that woman who has to ask her husband before bashing other women online: that dynamic, and the one that these red-pillers seem to be touting as desirable look a lot to me like some terrifying Goren fantasy crap. The potential for abuse there cannot be overstated, and while I acknowledge these misguided womens’ autonomy (not to mention obnoxiousness) I still can’t help but feel a touch sorry for them. That woman’s quote makes me really sad 🙁
On a lighter note, Lana, your Bengal is GORGEOUS! I was going to second the call for more pictures, but I see you have that covered (squeeeeeee!).
If you talk about the potential for abuse ? When the man is the ‘final authority” and the woman is to “submit ” ? Heads spin around like the exorcist. Power breeds corruption seems to not apply in marriage where one has most of it .
Then the argument is its not an imbalance of power or inequality .They are equal but just have different “roles.” …Right just like a slave master and a slave are “equal” (as in human beings ) just have different “roles.”
Your cat is ignoring you on purpose.
Thanks Chimisaur !
Cassandra: yup! From my persepective now, my dad pulled a lot of classic abuse/control shit, like stir up big scenes at church, which seemed incomprehensible and strange at the time but in hindsight was probably an attempt to embarrass my mom into severing any kinds of ties she had outside the family, since she didn’t have a job or a social life outside church. When that didn’t work he accused her of having an affair with the pastor, on no evidence, which was really an absurd accusation for several reasons and nobody believed it for a second. But… she didn’t want to fight about it. Pastor could have done without that kind of drama, too. When she finally retreated home… he started making “subtle” references to the Laci Petersen case, how easy it would be to just pull something like that off. At which point she freaked out and disappeared into a women’s shelter with not much but the clothes on her back.
Turns out there was another woman on his end the entire time. I wouldn’t really have faulted him for just getting a divorce like a normal person and moving on; sometimes relationships run their course, sometimes people find a new partner before moving on from the old one, which isn’t maybe “right” or admirable but also isn’t unusual or a criminal.
But it was really, really, REALLY sick the way he did it, and what’s worse, I am pretty sure in MRA-land, it’s still my mom’s fault. ha If you ask him, of course, none of it is his fault. There is NOTHING he could have done any differently and he’s just the maligned victim of an ungrateful family. argh
You should also hear some of their definition of abuse .There is no such thing as emotional abuse for one. Unless its lack of sex . That constitutes physical and emotional torture .
Anyway, for all that, my mom was really a very, very conservative woman. I wonder now what we’d have thought of each other if we’d been peers, if she’d had a blog or a twitter feed where she explained to other women how to do marriage The Right Way. ‘Cause as I recall, she had opinions on the subject. lol (She still has opinions, but… not the same ones. 😀 I’m pretty damn proud of her.)
ceebarks: Jeez, I’m sorry. Your dad sounds like a real piece of work. Is your mom ok now?
Seconding auggz. “Hey, I could kill you and dump your body somewhere!” is not so much a red flag as it is a giant blinking Vegas-style neon sign reading RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN.
Ugh. That’s fucking awful.
[Content note: murder, death threats, abuse]
Also, my mom got a restraining order on my dad not because of any small personal issue they could solve via marital counseling, but because he threatened us (yes, my mom and her children) with murder and other forms of violent punishment and attempted to force us to be religious. And this was after several years of attempted rape, various physical assaults against my mom, and other things that I can’t clearly recall at this time. His violation of the restraining order was the last straw to her, and so then my mom divorced him.
I doubt any of that could have been solved/avoided via marital counseling – after all, it was only 2 years ago when he threatened to murder my mom, my step-dad, my step-brother, my sister’s boyfriend, and my brother’s ex-girlfriend.
Do ya’ll know how to contact David ? I need to ask him something in private .
Yeah, she’s doing great. Going to college, working, hobbying with her extracurricular club, hardly has time to talk to me anymore. lol Kind of wish they’d gotten divorced when I was a kid; she’s a kick in the pants now. He never seemed “that bad” when we were growing up, and you hate to break up a family that’s doing “ok” but I think she sacrificed huge chunks of her personality for a long time in the name of preserving the peace with his enormous ego.
You can reach him by email by clicking the big red head at the top right of the site. He also has his email address written underneath the head.
Ally that’s horrible ! I so glad ya’ll got away safe .(((HUGS)))
And no making divorce more difficult or mandatory counseling prior to would not have changed your dad .