alpha males are these guys 12 years old? beta males boner rage dawgies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill reddit

Red Piller: Don't be any more angry at women for their behavior than you'd be at a dog for chewing things up.

This dog: Clearly superior to Red Pill Redditors
This dog: Clearly superior to Red Pill Redditors

Oh, Reddit! Why must you be so Reddity? As a reminder of how deeply shitty Reddit can be even outside the confines of the Men’s Rights and Red Pill and related subreddits, consider the following comment from AskReddit, in which a RedPiller responded to another comment trying to summarize the “Red Pill Philosophy” for those unfamiliar with it.

Cyralea, a dedicated Red-Pill popper himself, took issue with the notion that Red Pillers are angry. (Gosh, why would anyone think that?)  “Some are, certainly,” he wrote. “Particularly former betas who are recovering and are just discovering the nature of the world.”

But, he added,

The philosophy follows that one shouldn’t be any more angry at a women for her behaviours than one gets mad at a dog for chewing things up. We encourage self-improvement and self-respect in light of this newfound information. Some men use the knowledge to pursue sex, but others use it within their relationships/marriages. Alpha behaviours lead to healthier, stronger relationships. The women we date end up more satisfied in the long run, so both parties benefit.

I think it’s easy to get distracted by the angry people in /r/theredpill. There has been a recent influx of subscibers, so there’s been a little more angst than usual. The philosophy absolutely doesn’t hinge on anger though, though the language used may suggest such.

Emphasis added. As of this moment, this comment has a net 7 upvotes, 11 upvotes and 4 downvotes. That’s right: 11 Redditors saw this comment suggesting that women are like dogs who chew up sneakers and thought, “I’d better reward this bit of timeless wisdom! UPVOTE!”

In a followup comment, Cyralea tried to explain why the word “bitch” pops up so frequently on the Red Pill subreddit. Amongst Red Pillers, he noted, “bitches” is

literally interchangeable with “women”. It does not have the negative connotation when used there, again the same way 4Chan uses “fag”. I can understand how this seems aggressive.

Oh, “bitches” is like “fags.” Well then, no problem, use the word all you want, my dear fellow!

The mods removed this followup comment (though it’s still visible in his comment history). Apparently, in AskReddit, explicitly comparing women to female dogs is fine, and will even win you some upvotes, just so long as you don’t actually use a word meaning the same thing.

Thanks to a reader for pointing me to this very Redditty discussion.

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11 years ago

My mother isn’t smart enough to deal with cats. The dog already stumps her – he’s managed to condition her into giving him treats. She always gave him food to shut him up when we’re having a meal. The dog, not being stupid, quickly realized “barking during meal = treat” and now does it as much as possible.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

chimisaur — those ears almost look like the poodle puppy’s (my former roomate’s dog, unless you asked the pup, in which case I was his human). Are they all fuzzy? Give her an ear rub from me? I miss that little shark poodle (long story)

Also, hi! 🙂

11 years ago

Alpha behaviours lead to healthier, stronger relationships. The women we date end up more satisfied in the long run, so both parties benefit.

I would like to hear “the women they date” side of that story .

11 years ago

Could be difficult getting the story from imaginary or RealDoll dates …

11 years ago

Could be difficult getting the story from imaginary or RealDoll dates …

Or the pages could be stuck together.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Well, it might cause the women the Red Piller’s date to get out faster, which would cause them to be better off in the long run…

11 years ago

Red Pillers, the One-Date Wonders.

11 years ago

Red Pillers, the One-Date Wonders.

We go dutch and we’re proud of it !

11 years ago

i bet those stories usually go something like ” I went on one date with a really creepy guy. he got really weird about splitting the dinner bill, and called me a rude name when I took more than five seconds to find my credit card. needless to say, I changed my number and never saw him again. dodged a bullet there”

11 years ago

screwed up the Blockquotes, sorry. i was responding to lana’s “I would like to hear “the women they date” side of that story .”

11 years ago

Wait, red pillers are claiming they actually have relationships with real women? I call bullshit.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Wait. How does this jive with “WOMEN NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!!11!!” thing that the MRAs have? O_o

11 years ago

emily: I would agree with minpin for the coloration alone on the OP, but she’s such a chubby girl I can’t really see the normal minpin legginess or body shape so I was pretty set on just fancy colored chihuahua (I’m not any sort of breeder though, so could totally be wrong here).

*cough* *resident dog expert clears throat* Colouration-wise it might be a minpin, OR a chihuahua, since chihuahuas come in all colours. If you look at the shape of the head, the OP dog doesn’t have a breed typical chihuahua head. My educated guess would be chihuahua-mix. It’s typical for chihuahuas (and you can see that on Sparky’s avatar, whom I guess is a purebred chihuahua from the look of zir) to have a fairly round head with a little muzzle stuck to the front of it – like, if you were to sculpt a typical chihuahua-head you should first create a sphere, mold a little muzzle separately and then attach it to the sphere to get the right look. The OP dog has too big a muzzle, and a bit more of a regular dog-shape to zir head.

Besides, I don’t have a kitty avatar either. 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

“The philosophy absolutely doesn’t hinge on anger…though the language used may suggest such”?

In other words, we red pillers are absolute crap at articulating our beliefs, so don’t get your knickers in a wad when we call you bitches bitches, bitches – it’s always Opposite Day in redditland!

“I’m a vegetarian, even though my use of language to talk about eating meat may suggest otherwise.”

“I’m not a cat, though my meowing, pouncing, and tuna jones may suggest such.”

11 years ago

Look, new gravatar – lana has been assimilated by the Furrinati!

11 years ago

Look, new gravatar – lana has been assimilated by the Furrinati!

LOL!!! Yeah but once I figured out how to use it I already changed it ! TEE..Tis one of my kitties when he was a babe.

So Im Furrinati???

I like that. Im honored. You’s are good people!

11 years ago

The Furrinati are our feline/canine/you name it cute critter overlords. Have you encountered conspiracy theorist tinfoil hat types who go on about how the Illuminati control everything? One of the old-time trolls here was always on about that sort of thing, and a while back neuroticbeagle and I came up with the idea of the Furrinati, the critters who really rule the world.

neuroticbeagle wrote a post on the Furrinati on our offshoot blog, The Feminist Borg:

Your kit was a cute baby! He hasn’t got the usual tabby markings, is he a particular breed? (The kit in my gravatar’s Katie, who crossed over in 2009; I photoshopped the pic to show her with Louis.)

11 years ago

Wait, red pillers are claiming they actually have relationships with real women? I call bullshit.

That’s the confusion .Go read . The dude said that “the women (plural) we (plural) date “end up more satisfied in the long run ,so both parties benefit.”

All I’m saying is I would like to have an interview with the “women they date” and get their side of the story.

11 years ago

Your kit was a cute baby! He hasn’t got the usual tabby markings, is he a particular breed?

He’s a Bengal .

(The kit in my gravatar’s Katie, who crossed over in 2009; I photoshopped the pic to show her with Louis.)

(((HUGS)))) in memory of Katie .

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

I took “the women we date” to be future hypothetical tense. Like a twelve year old saying “The car I buy is gonna be awesome!”

11 years ago

Oooh I wondered if he might be a Bengal! They’re such beautiful cats.

Don’t worry about Katie, she’s alive and kicking and running the household just the way she wants it, over the other side. Bacon and eggs for breakfast even if we’re not having them, and a king to cater to her every whim – what more could a kittygirl want?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“He’s a Bengal .”


I had all I could do not to kittynap my narcissist ex’s bengal. Before I get shit for that, he was in jail for pedophila charges and the friend caring for the cats had caught the Maine coon no problem, but no sign of the bengal — was going to stop leaving food out since she must’ve escaped right? When I managed to catch her (oh boy was that a production!) I could’ve taken her and no one would’ve been the wiser, and having lived with him, he had them more as playthings than pets. The Maine coon was all “yeah whatever *flop*”, the bengal…not so fond of being ignored. Quite fond of being bribed with meat.

This is the problem with breaking up with people, you break up with their pets too!

11 years ago

I took “the women we date” to be future hypothetical tense. Like a twelve year old saying “The car I buy is gonna be awesome!”

I’m sorry you just have me falling out of my chair laughing!!! I

11 years ago

Don’t worry about Katie, she’s alive and kicking and running the household just the way she wants it, over the other side. Bacon and eggs for breakfast even if we’re not having them, and a king to cater to her every whim – what more could a kittygirl want?

Amen Kittehserf.

I have them on the other side too…not just cats either. They want for nothing.