Oh, Reddit! Why must you be so Reddity? As a reminder of how deeply shitty Reddit can be even outside the confines of the Men’s Rights and Red Pill and related subreddits, consider the following comment from AskReddit, in which a RedPiller responded to another comment trying to summarize the “Red Pill Philosophy” for those unfamiliar with it.
Cyralea, a dedicated Red-Pill popper himself, took issue with the notion that Red Pillers are angry. (Gosh, why would anyone think that?) “Some are, certainly,” he wrote. “Particularly former betas who are recovering and are just discovering the nature of the world.”
But, he added,
The philosophy follows that one shouldn’t be any more angry at a women for her behaviours than one gets mad at a dog for chewing things up. We encourage self-improvement and self-respect in light of this newfound information. Some men use the knowledge to pursue sex, but others use it within their relationships/marriages. Alpha behaviours lead to healthier, stronger relationships. The women we date end up more satisfied in the long run, so both parties benefit.
I think it’s easy to get distracted by the angry people in /r/theredpill. There has been a recent influx of subscibers, so there’s been a little more angst than usual. The philosophy absolutely doesn’t hinge on anger though, though the language used may suggest such.
Emphasis added. As of this moment, this comment has a net 7 upvotes, 11 upvotes and 4 downvotes. That’s right: 11 Redditors saw this comment suggesting that women are like dogs who chew up sneakers and thought, “I’d better reward this bit of timeless wisdom! UPVOTE!”
In a followup comment, Cyralea tried to explain why the word “bitch” pops up so frequently on the Red Pill subreddit. Amongst Red Pillers, he noted, “bitches” is
literally interchangeable with “women”. It does not have the negative connotation when used there, again the same way 4Chan uses “fag”. I can understand how this seems aggressive.
Oh, “bitches” is like “fags.” Well then, no problem, use the word all you want, my dear fellow!
The mods removed this followup comment (though it’s still visible in his comment history). Apparently, in AskReddit, explicitly comparing women to female dogs is fine, and will even win you some upvotes, just so long as you don’t actually use a word meaning the same thing.
Thanks to a reader for pointing me to this very Redditty discussion.
skip to 4:17 for the relevent joke. could not resist after Cassandra’s Tomagotchi comment
Hi, Merus, are you new? If so, please help yourself to that Welcome Package just above. 🙂
You should go right on using the Matrix as a metaphor for patriarchy. Not only does it make more sense, it has the bonus that it’d make these losers’ heads explode if they heard you.
Oooohhh: thanks for the welcome package! I *was* wondering if SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES was a thing, or if we just all had some dislike of fake-cinnamon-smells here.
Two more off-topic questions, and then back to strictly mocking the above redpill bozo –
1) Are there any pressing reasons to change my avatar to a kitty? I love kitties, and angering misogynists is a good reason, I guess I’m just missing exactly how that happens (who the heck doesn’t like kitties?)
2) Anyone know what breed the dog in the article picture is? He’s got similar markings to our pup, and we’ve been trying unsuccessfully to figure out what her parentage might be (her litter was rescued without any sign of mom). We were thinking jack russel, but she’s gotten larger than that weirdly early, and doesn’t act like a terrier so now it’s anyone’s guess.
Right-o, done with the off-topic now, promise.
Oh, and yeah, puppysaur whizzed on my unpleasant red-piller father-in-law’s bed-runner (but it was bunched up on his carpet, so kind of the same thing?) on our annual obligation visit. Thanks, she is a bit bigger now, but still rather cute ^_^. In the interest of complete puppy-training and respect for other people’s things, I had to tell her “bad” but it was so damn hard!
Poor tomagachi! I had to give mine to my brother because its short life-cycle was perpetually making me sad. I was kind of a wuss as a kid. XD
I guess that’s not a problem redpillers or the code geass bunch will have. Lucky them?
The Furrinati are never off-topic. They’d probably say everything else is.
The pup in the OP pic looks like a chiahuaha to me. Your little one looks vaguely like an Australian shepherd, or something with a bit of collie background, but I’m just guessing.
I can just imagine how hard it was to say Bad instead of Good, lol Having a red-pill FiL must be such fun.
There’s no need to change to a kitty if you don’t want. There are quite a few critters or people floating around in the gravatars. 🙂
I miss my Furrinati. I left her with my mom on Thanksgiving-so she wouldn’t have to be alone on Black Friday (just because I have to suffer doesn’t mean she should). But my mom still hasn’t given her back yet. 🙁
True: I shall be more considerate of our Furrinati overlords’ preferences when referring to pertinence in the future 😀
He *does* look like a chihuahua to me, but the min-pin-like markings with the white belly splotch were too familiar not to double-check on; but since she already outweighs max chihuahua poundage at <50% weight (assuming she grows like anything other than a teacup breed) I think I can rule that out. Aussie sounds like a real possibility; thanks!
As for the FiL 'fun' is the least of the words I could use, but at least I got a sweet-as-pie feminist partner who takes pains to only visit once a year, and mock the highlights of said visit on the drive home to make up for it. Otherwise there would probably be carpet problems from more than just the puppy.
Oh, the picture that paints! 😀
neuroticbeagle – d’you think your Furrinati (is the singular Furrinato?) is doing the Big Sad Beagle Eyes thing on your mum?
You … are … in … my … power …
You … will … give … me … treats …
Yes, chewing is a natural puppy behavior, but it can be avoided if you give the pup her own things to chew and keep her busy enough that she doesn’t get bored. I know redpillers, especially PUAs, like to talk about training women, but for this particular simile it doesn’t really work.
@chimisaur, the OP has a Chihuahua face, but the coloring suggests it’s a mix. Minpin, maybe?
beagle: So sad! I hope you get her back soon. I’m sure she misses her accustomed human as well.
emily: I would agree with minpin for the coloration alone on the OP, but she’s such a chubby girl I can’t really see the normal minpin legginess or body shape so I was pretty set on just fancy colored chihuahua (I’m not any sort of breeder though, so could totally be wrong here).
kitteh :Well, you did start it with the whole peeing on redpiller’s stuff thing – I just brought it back to its logical conclusion! 😛
LOL chimisaur!
If some red-piller started on about training women like dogs, I’d like to remind him that dogs bite, then present him with a set of teeth like these. (Warning, horror movie pic.)
Hooboy – any smart person (whether/which red-pillers count is debatable) would stop right there, especially considering the relative deadliness of people bites (our mouths, as it turns out, are icky). Does seem a fun alternative to the other wonderful threats I had been sitting on though: much more to-the-point.
The pup is plenty cute for Manboobz avatar purposes, no worries 🙂
I just got back to my furrinati (check my avatar) after spending Thanksgiving with my parents, though I did get sat on by one of their cats, who we’ve had since I was in middle school. She’s an old lady cat who spends most of her time sleeping on her blanket and anyone who will have her.
“To the point” GROAN!
Wouldn’t it be good if we could just sense misogynists and sprout teeth like that in their presence?
Daww! She’s so fluffy. Congrats on being chosen by the lap-kitty – that’s a serious honer. My dad’s cats are much the same, although they do seem to pick in order of who does the best job keeping them away from my youngest (9 YO – my family never stopped breeding >_<;) brother. Since I'm short, I never get picked, but now I get to bring my own 😀
kitteh – teeth would be fun, but I would pay even better money to sprout an automatic dome-o-silence. Think of all the sleep we could catch up on during our previous daily misogyny time!
Lapcat is not picky. She’ll sit on guests, so long as they aren’t small children. If she’s on her blanket, she’ll let you pick her and the blanket up and put them both on your lap… which is good, because when I’m home we don’t really have enough space on the couches for everyone and both cats.
She’s a devon rex, so a total heatseeker.
Ooh ooh ooh, the doggy in the OP pic is definitely a chihuahua (or at least half-chihuahua). And I love that pic, btw. Chihuahua size actually varies pretty widely, up to 10-12 lbs.
I don’t think your cute little puppy is a chihuahua, chimisaur. But it’s kinda hard to tell with her being so young. She almost looks like she has some beagle in her. Not sure though, I just know chi’s. And welcome!
Damn what do they do, wait around at their computers refreshing pages until someone mentions the red pill? And women? And pretty much anything else lol?
At least I hope that all those up votes came from red pillers. Or else I’m pretty much screwed..
Um, “f*g” still has a heterosexist connotation among 4Chan folks. And the word “bitch” definitely still has a misogynistic connotation as well. The only context in which “bitch” isn’t misogynistic is a reappropriative one.
Doesn’t the fact that “women” and “bitches” are interchangeable among red pillers encourage him to question whether they have terrible views of women? I suppose not.
David Futrelle
Again with the comparing of women to dogs, and they want us to believe they’re not sexist.
No..really its not what it seems. Its totally all good .You’re just not being logical .Your’e using your emotional female spaghetti brain .Calm down bitch .