kitties off topic open thread

Happy Outraged Selfie Cat Day

What?! I am outraged!
Why, I never!

Well, I know not all my readers are American, and I can’t presume all my American readers celebrate Thanksgiving, but I think we can all be thankful for this cat. Oh cat, you act so outraged, but I’m guessing that at least one time in your life you walked on someone while they were asleep, and possibly sat on their head, so the grand karma wheel of life is even.

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11 years ago

@gillyrosebee; ever seem to notice the connection between guys who don’t want to get married on principle and being a self-interested, misogynist ass? He was never a genuine nice guy. He just is pissed that he couldn’t have his cake and eat it too.

@Toddles Manboob; oooooohhhh, that’s not an Elizabeth Warren reference, is it? Admit it, that whole thing came down to a racist mess once it became clear that she didn’t use her small NA ancestry for affirmative action at work/school but to join a club for people who had NA ancestry. Cultural appropriation is using someone else’s culture for some benefit to you, right? šŸ™‚ It’s pretty clear that Elizabeth Warren didn’t do that.

I had a great turkey day. It started out rough as FIL’s car battery died in the morning and hubby disappeared forever to go pick him up and bring home some breakfast. After he did I had to run out and get more butternut squash as the ones I just got had mysteriously rotted. >< So I was running late for roasting my butternut and therefore running late to lunch with my hubby, kids, and MIL. But after that we had a nice lunch with turkey, stuffing, turnip&carrot mash, sweet potato, butternut squash casserole, garlic green beans, pecan rolls, mashed potatoes, and homemade apple and pumpkin pie. My MIL talked about pet birds with my oldest daughter and hubby was happy to watch TV. Afterwards I left the kids with hubby and brought some of the food to my parents as they couldn't go out. I managed to visit them for several hours with no kids, which is nothing short of a miracle. šŸ˜€ It was really a very nice visit, which is so important because this is probably the last Thanksgiving my mother will be alive. šŸ™

Turkey day was always my favorite holiday. To me it's much more relaxed than Christmas or Easter, not to mention that the food is so much better. I know a lot of Native Americans don't like it, but I always look at it as the one moment in Wampanoag/English history that wasn't complete shit. šŸ™

Happy Outraged Cat Day, everybody. šŸ™‚

11 years ago

Kittehserf said:

“Seranvali ā€“ not to mention that the whole idea of the First Fleet was hardly something to be proud of, either.”

This is very true. We had seriously unpleasant beginnings and frankly, after the last election I’m not too hopeful in our future either.

11 years ago

MEZ: I personally thought it was a reference to Jonny Depp as Tonto.

Happy Black Friday/Tryptophan Recovery/Buy Nothing Day!

11 years ago

Cat: “Heeeeey! Watch the genitaaaaalia, maaaaaaan!” Or maybe just “Put me dowwwwwwn!”

Yup, I’m still laughing like a gooneybird.

11 years ago

@leftwingfox, I forgot that Jonny Dep is 1/16 Cherokee as well. Seems like there’s been a lot of controversy over different people being 1/16 Cherokee in the last few years. Tonto looked like a pile of crap, although apparently being 1/16 Cherokee means you can’t be racist as hell?

11 years ago

Happy Outraged Selfie Cat Day!
(I know I’m late, but 1) There is no holiday here today and the closest thing we have to Thanksgiving is on the 20th of August. 2) I’m busy copying 400GB of stuff between removable hard-drives on a laptop with overheating problems… yep, it goes slooooooowly.)

11 years ago

Um, for anyone in need of support during all the holiday stuff.

So many feelings!

11 years ago

So, after we discovered that my brother’s family were pretty much all working (at different hours, no less) on T-Day and that my mom was staying home this year, the wife and I called up my best friend and his wife, and made arrangements to go out there for the annual Glutton-Fest.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Turkey, garlic-mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, real in-the-bird stuffing, a HUGE turkey that actually cooked faster than expected and was cooked to perfection, salad, side-bowls of pepperoncini and olives, broccoli (with no expectation that I’d eat any), both real cranberry sauce and the funky canned stuff that looks like red Jell-o, homemade Hawaiian sweet-bread that had a crust so sweet it tasted like a cookie, and homemade apple and pumpkin pies (the last item was our contribution).

Then we went into the living room and their girls quizzed me on My Little Pony trivia; I got a B, I think.

11 years ago

Hey, youā€™d probably be outraged too if someone was holding you up while squeezing your nads.

Why do you assume its “nads’ being squeezed ? (wink)

Love the cat! And yes I have cats (past and present).Lots to them and the scars to prove it. (physically and emotionally) And I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world.

11 years ago

This is very true. We had seriously unpleasant beginnings and frankly, after the last election Iā€™m not too hopeful in our future either.

Too right. I saw someone refer to George W. Abbott in the Age the other day, and that’s being kind. This scuzzbag’s a menace. I must admit I’m getting a certain schadenfreude watching the Liberals offend one country after another, fucking morons that they are, but it’s not going to do the rest of us any good in the long run. And reneging on Gonski … yeah, right, but it was Gillard who was the liar, Mr “Don’t believe anything I say unless it’s scripted”.

Fingers crossed this is a one-term government and Abbott gets the boot he sorely deserves.

11 years ago

Thanksgiving turned into Drunksgiving here. My best friend came up from Houston, we had much food, wine, dessert, and capped the evening off with a big ol’ fire in the chimnea/punk rock sing-a-long.

Today I am feeling way too old for that nonsense.

11 years ago

I fell asleep during Casino Royale. Blame it on the wine.

11 years ago

There was a point during the festivities that I had to check my eyelids for holes, but it was a short nap.

11 years ago

LOL!!! Hellkell

I’m from Dallas .You sound like you’re from my area.

We do Chimnea all summer(and when weather permits)!

Yesterday just fire place.

11 years ago

hellkell – lemme guess, you’re feeling about a decade or so older than yesterday?

Sounds like most manboobzers had pretty good Thanksgivings. I’m glad. šŸ™‚

11 years ago

Happy TG, ‘mericans!

LBT – yay on the room! And LOVE my story (Top of the Food Chain) – hope you guys checked it out šŸ™‚

So open thread, cats… hoping to get some advice. I help my neighbour take care of a feral cat colony in our neighbourhood. She’s the official caretaker; our city has a feral colony registry and some fairly good resources for feral cats.

Anyway, I have the evening feeding shift… and we’ve attracted a family of raccoons. Looks to be a mum and 4 young, um, cubs? Pups? They aren’t fighting or anything, just stealing the cat’s food. Sometimes a raccoon and a puss will eat together; other times the raccoons get grabby and snatch the food dishes away.

Anyone have any ideas on how to… I don’t know, deal with raccoons? (They are super cute but the pusses need food more than they do)

11 years ago

I don’t know how to deal with raccoons (obvs) but that’s worrying, because they can kill cats, or kittens, at least.

11 years ago

Only thing I can advise is make sure the kitties have rabies shots. Raccoon’s have a fairly high rate of rabies infestation today . Baby raccoon’s around here are called “kits” .

Have the feral’s been captured given rabies shots and released back?

11 years ago

Oh and Happy TGing!!!!

11 years ago

Also Tracy??

Call the local animal control and ask their advice.They are usually very informative.

My main concern personally IME would be protecting the feral’s from rabies.

11 years ago

lana: I’m in Austin. It was perfect chimnea weather last night. Thankfully none of us idiots set the backyard on fire.

kittehs: yes, feeling ten years older, but pie for dinner helped!

Maybe trap the racoons and relocate them or call animal control? We get ’em sometimes. It’s amazing the way the little boogers can climb, we’ve had them fighting on the roof before.

11 years ago

lana: Iā€™m in Austin. It was perfect chimnea weather last night. Thankfully none of us idiots set the backyard on fire.

HA! I love Austin ..Keep Austin weird …(sorry )

11 years ago

Pie for dinner should help! We had chicken and leek pie for dinner last night, with boiled spuds and veggies. Yum!

11 years ago

Also Hellkell,

Dallas has had beautiful weather too the past 3 or 4 days .Crisp sunny around 65 70 for a hi.Blue skies white puffy clouds.

I just open the windows .Haven’t done the chiminea in a few weeks.


11 years ago