Well, I know not all my readers are American, and I can’t presume all my American readers celebrate Thanksgiving, but I think we can all be thankful for this cat. Oh cat, you act so outraged, but I’m guessing that at least one time in your life you walked on someone while they were asleep, and possibly sat on their head, so the grand karma wheel of life is even.
Sadly, I’ve run into this a lot lately, mostly from my sister city to the south southwest. Here in my city, we’re funky and feisty, primarily working class and young/hip but not yet economically successful. The People’s Republic to the south is full of pretentious, self-righteous blowhards who can’t be bothered to say “no, thanks”, instead they have to pass judgment on every one of your choices at great length to demonstrate just how morally and ethically superior to you they are, in every possible dimension.
Of course what they usually end up demonstrating is just what a bunch of a$$holes they are.
By which I mean to say, LBT, I feel your pain and I empathize. I wish I could put you and the hubs up in the spare bedroom but Housmate’s brother is visiting for the holidays. He used to be a nice guy, but about five years ago he became a Nice GuyTM and now I can’t stand the sound of his voice (usually droning on and on and on about the deficiencies of ‘modern women’). Luckily they are all at the parental unit’s house for the night and will most likely not be back until well after I’ve gone to bed!
I had the sudden image of the jobs these folk have had:
Running a cattery
House cleaning
Pest control
Dog walking
“So, [housmate’s brother], let me tell you a couple of things: about the theory of the common denominator in your failed relationships, and the deficiencies of the NiceGuyTM and his passive-aggressive whiny bullshit. Sit comfortably, it could take a while.”
RE: kittehserf
what sort of twit gets into the B&B business if they’ve allergies that affect them so badly? Way to make a non-goer of the business.
Enh, in this region, there are plenty of folks with the disposable income and eco-mindedness to get fancy uber-safe laundry detergent. I, alas, am just not one of them right now. (I could only vouch for the past two weeks, not the past month.)
RE: gillyrosebee
Yeeeaaah. Like, I can understand, having horrible allergies really sucks! My skin is sensitive and will break out in itchy blisters for no real reason, so I really sympathize with not wanting that in the house. It was just a major bummer. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sensitivity that big before! D:
I’ll find SOMETHING. I am fucking DETERMINED to have a nice romantic getaway with my husband.
And ew, NiceGuyTM visitor. Those are always a pain.
Well, it really was one failed relationship, and when he’s drunk enough he’ll not only admit it but lay it out pretty honestly. He dated a woman for almost five years who he loved deeply and wanted to spend the rest of his life with, as she did with him. But her dad developed an aggressive cancer and wanted to be able to walk both of his daughters down the aisle before he died (they were giving him about three to six months to get that done, he actually made it almost seven). HoBro didn’t want to break up, but he didn’t want to get married either, so he dumped her.
Now he has OMG HILARIOUS stories of all the women he picks up in bars (gag) and takes home to bang (GAG) and whose behavior, personal grooming and intellectual ability he then dissects at great length. And when he gets drunk enough he will talk about how he sees ex-girlfriend all the time (they work in the same rather specialized industry) and how she’s happy and successful and having her second baby and how he wishes he could get back with her, and how dumping her was the worst mistake of his entire life.
I get whiplash from going from being appalled to feeling sorry for him to being appalled AND disgusted in the space of a few minutes.
Sounds like ex girlfriend dodged a bullet there. He sounds about as appealing as sun-ripened dog turds.
I don’t suppose he could possibly have explained at the time that he didn’t want to marry? What was her opinion on the matter?
Also, what’s the bet his tales of women in bars are at least partly made up? He sounds like a bog-standard MRA loser, and I loathe maudlin drunks. My father’s one, he was always feeling sorry for himself and his self-inflicted woes, the moron.
RE: gillyrosebee
OUCH. Man, what a story. But it sounds like he was totally in charge of his fate; he dumped her, he screwed up, she married someone else. (Though I dunno, I think I would’ve preferred to dump someone too hastily than MARRY them too hastily.) Dude, move on. Shit happens. There are plenty of people in the world. You will live to dump another day.
I’m generally not too sympathetic to NiceGuysTM. We had a freakin’ brigade of them that I couldn’t get rid of them through high school and college. The amount of awful poetry I had to read after specifically saying I wasn’t into poetry…
She didn’t marry, she’s now completely ruining the world as a single mother!!
And honestly, I think she’d get back with him in a heartbeat if he would just drop the crap and ask her. She was even willing to fake the whole thing just so that her dad could walk her down the aisle because she adored him more than she needed to be married per se. But HoBro’s fundamental inablity to ‘bend his principles’ for anyone, even the woman he acknowledges is/was the love of his life means that he bought and paid for his misery and so now he owns (and deserves) it. The fact that he could change it (and he knows it) if he chose to do so makes it hard for me to feel sympathetic for too long.
I don’t doubt the stories if only because he starts out with bravado but by the end he betrays just how miserable and alone he is (and how much of his current misery is self-chosen and self-inflicted as a result of comparing every single one of those women to the girlfriend he dumped) by the stories he tells. I think he intends them as ‘bragging’ but each and every one of them reveals just how pathetic his life is more than anything objectively ‘wrong’ with the women.
I do feel badly for those women, though. Objectively, HoBro is not unattractive, though the mileage is starting to rack up, and he has a stable carreer that he is good at and well respected for. But he is so twisted by his own unhappiness and his regret that he will never be anything but toxic for them.
Ugh, I know a few people like that and they piss me off to no end. Those folks tend to be some of the worst misogynists out there, in my experience.
Great news, everyone! I FINALLY got us a place to stay! And it’s called the StarLight Llama! It’s a little pricey and crunchy granola, but… come on, it’s just for two nights, and I really want to do something nice for hubby. (Especially since this kept getting delayed and I was still stupid and groggy from being eaten by subconscious on his birthday last week.) We can afford it, and it’ll be a lot more memorable and fun than Best Western. It’s a bit of a ways out, but that’ll be okay too.
😀 I am SO PSYCHED for this weekend! We’re going to be schmoopy and kitschy and gay and it’ll be FABULOUS.
Also, ugh, gillyrosebee, he sounds like a right prat with his head firmly wedged in his ass. Hopefully he’ll get over himself one day; I can imagine few fates sadder than living in the past for years and years.
@LBT Hooray for schmoopy and kitschy!!!
Yep, he’s the kind of guy who desperiately needs an optirectomy (to sever the connection between his eyeballs and his a$$hole and get rid of his shitty outlook on life). Sadly, I think he’s also the kind of person who would rather be right than be happy and so I don’t hold out much hope.
I really can’t feel bad for NiceGuys like that. That story and attitude seem extremely common for them; they fuck up a relationship, regret the fuck up but refuse to admit they were wrong to the person they apparently love, and wallow in self pity while trying to cover up their feelings with asshole behavior. I’m happy to say that I’ve never had to hang out with very many of them.
What an awful time that woman probably went through.
Congrats LBT!
Will you marry me?
I haven’t even little sympathy for NiceGuysTM. My sympathy for them is exactly zero.
And that’s on a day I’m feeling kind.
Yeah, it’s weird. The kind of behavior you describe, gillyrosebee, is stuff I associate with high school and adolescence, not adulthood. It’s weird. I have had a rough go of it lately, but I would still waaaay rather be me than him!
Distracted by optirectomies, I forgot to say YAY LBT!
Send those kids to bed early and PARTAYYYY.
Yeah, hubby pretty much has full intention of shutting us in the bedroom as long as possible. And although the place is a little far out from the bus stop (eek, six miles on foot… that or a cab) it looks cozy and fun to hike around in, and it’s not like me and hubby are planning to spend that much time in town. We’ll check out a little craft fair on Sunday, and that’s about it! Otherwise, our time is our own.
Damn, but I look forward to it!
Hey, you’d probably be outraged too if someone was holding you up while squeezing your nads.
I’m thankful both of my cats don’t get offended easily. The only time I get dirty looks is when they go to the vet.
That was exactly my reaction to the photo, too!
Happy Catsgiving to all. The twins and I just got back from my cousins’ house, leaving behind a broken bell and a large amount of throwup. I think our departure was one of the things she was most thankful for.
Yay, LBT! Have a wonderful, schmoopy, and restorative weekend with the llamas.
I am in a bit of a food coma. We usually have a gathering of 15 people, but this year we expanded to 30. I made the same amount of mashed potatoes I make every year for 15 people (because we weren’t told in advance about the expansion), but somehow there were enough for everyone. It was like a miracle. (Or maybe it was the extra salads, sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, rice stuffing, and rainbow layered jello salad that were added in. Oh, and the TWO turkeys.)
(I mean with hubby AND the llamas, of course.)
The feeding of the thirty, starring cloudiah! Never mind yer loaves and fishes, this is serious food. 🙂