Well, I know not all my readers are American, and I can’t presume all my American readers celebrate Thanksgiving, but I think we can all be thankful for this cat. Oh cat, you act so outraged, but I’m guessing that at least one time in your life you walked on someone while they were asleep, and possibly sat on their head, so the grand karma wheel of life is even.
So, you’re having a memorable Thanksgiving!
That is one way to look at it.
And now, because I have committed an even worse sin (putting a cat on the wrong side of a closed door), I am being treated to The Ring Cycle in feline, with Adora on the hallway side adding accompaniment.
I can’t stop staring at this fantastic picture.
I got to have Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle, owners of the Perpetually Outraged Kitty. They keep insisting she’s a sweet cat, no matter how many times she hisses and swipes at their guests. The powers of Furrinati mind control, I guess.
gillyrosebee – ha, who said memorable had to be good? 😉
Hmm, the Ring Cycle, eh?
Coffeeyum, that gravatar is amazing.
That is all.
Yep. Times two, one only slightly muffled by the bathroom door.
Fortunately, I have bourbon and apple cider and that helps.
Fixed that for you. =P (Cookies to anyone who gets it.)
What is Coffeeyum’s gravatar about? People have mentioned it before and I’ve no idea what, or who, it is.
I don’t get it D:
Kitteh, it’s from the movie The Room, which the worst movie ever made, which makes it the best movie ever made!
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDd7IaajjR8
It’s based on a quote from The Room, which is an infamously terrible movie.
Oh my goodness, I’m a moron.
I was going to say the avatar was tearing me apart too. I can’t believe I didn’t get it.
I love you Ally.
Ah, righto.
Now this is a holiday I can get behind. Happy Outraged Selfie Cat Day to all.
Also, I understand it’s currently Hannukah, so happy Hannukah too, if you celebrate that.
Oh hi kitty. *pats cat, grabs flowers, leaves*
Alas, our current crash space provider’s cat has taken ill. He was sick the past couple days, and now he seems in pain, so unfortunately, our friend is spending tonight at the vet hospital. 🙁 Hopefully the cat is okay.
As for me, I’m kinda bummed. It took three tries, but I FINALLY got my damn bus tickets for my weekend with hubby celebrating our anniversary… only to find we can’t get a goddamn room! We’ve now had three B&Bs that can’t host us, the most recent because we were fragrance-free enough, and I’m starting to worry we’re going to spend our anniversary in freakin’ Best Western or something. C’mon, I just want a nice little room where we can pretend we’re middle-class for two days!
Sucks 🙁 I hope you guys find a place.
Here’s another Outraged Selfie Cat pic: my sister with Mads.
D’aww, that kitty!
Sounds rough LBT. What does “we were fragrance-free enough” mean though?
@LBT That sucks, and I hope you find a place!
@kittehs I love it. Mads is all, “DAMMIT HUMAN!!” though if she’s anything like my Evie, she’s purring the whole time!
And, speaking of Evie, she has had her tummy washed and she is OMG NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!!! Despite her best efforts, I did not get bitten, though I have a nifty new scratch along my forearm.
RE: baileyrenee
Oops, typo. We WEREN’T fragrance free enough. Pretty much, the owners had extreme allergies so you couldn’t stay there unless you’d used non-scented uber-fancy eco laundry detergent on your stuff for the past month… which, since I’ve been couch-surfing, wasn’t something I could guarantee. So far, our attempts to get a room have been the following:
#1: family emergency, hasty cancellation
#2: never gets back to us
#3: not fragrance free enough
And now a lot of things are booked for the holiday. I still have hope, but it’s definitely becoming less of a “romantic getaway” and just a frantic scramble to find SOMEWHERE to sleep.
I am getting quite dismayed how much of my life recently can be summed up with that sentence.
That sucks, LBT, I hope you find a nice place to stay.
Man. That’s annoying 🙁 I hope everything works out.
And I’m sure y’all smell just lovely.
LBT – what sort of twit gets into the B&B business if they’ve allergies that affect them so badly? Way to make a non-goer of the business.
gillyrosebee – that’s Mads all over! She’ll frash the tail around, or lean back until she’s almost falling out of your arms, and have the staring into space OMG I AM GOING TO DIE look … and be purring the whole time.
So glad you have a new and exciting mark to impress family and friends and start interesting conversations. Cats are so thoughtful that way.
Ha, I was thinking the same thing Kitteh. I’ve had to not wear perfume for work/school before, but all that sounds really extreme for that line of work.