Well, I know not all my readers are American, and I can’t presume all my American readers celebrate Thanksgiving, but I think we can all be thankful for this cat. Oh cat, you act so outraged, but I’m guessing that at least one time in your life you walked on someone while they were asleep, and possibly sat on their head, so the grand karma wheel of life is even.
Indignant little shits, aren’t they? I’m currently nursing a feral kitten back to health, getting her ready to rehome, and last night when photographing her it was no end of the stink eye.
Good timing. I just got through stuffing my face. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
We have four cats in the house right now. My son and his girlfriend are visiting her family out of town for five days and we’re watching their two kitties, as they don’t trust them to their negligent roommates. They’re all getting along pretty well, except Leaf and Nilla, and that’s just been a couple of hisses on Nilla’s part. I think having two from each family helps even things out.
I’m Canadian, so our Thanksgiving was last month, and I can’t take selfies (iPad!), but thank stupid narcissist boy for this hilarious LOLcat, anyway.
Outraged Selfie Cat Day should certainly be a thing.
This isn’t a selfie in the usual sense, but Katie was definitely outraged:
I’m Irish so no Thanksgiving for me. But Happy Thanksgiving to all the American Manboobz readers!
I’ve got three cats in the home atm. Bossy little shits. I’m about to go finish up the giblet gravy. I’m using cornstarch t avoid lumps and raw flour flavor. Any tips? Happy Thanksgiving, btw, you USians. 😛
I technically already ate Thanksgiving stuff last Saturday. As usual, my dad did nearly all of the cooking, and when people wanted to help him out he refused. It’s consistent with his martyr complex – he likes manipulating people that way. I wanted to help him out, but then I remembered how angry and super-stressed out my dad is every time he cooks. I don’t want him to scream in my ear while I’m trying to wash dishes (yes, that has happened before).
Though I hate to admit it, the food was pretty good. I’m glad that I managed to enjoy the food while staying as far away from him as possible (since we all ate at this large park). Anyway, aside from the food, I really don’t care about Thanksgiving, and I certainly don’t like celebrating it because of its history. And since I’m part Native American, I have yet another reason to feel uncomfortable with celebrating it.
Glad you got to enjoy turkey, Ally. I’m with you on not wanting to participate in or even recognize Thanksgiving. I do love roast turkey, though, and most of the other comfort foods in the Turkey Day toolbox. Maybe one of these days you can come to my house: if you are willing to do dishes, the only thing I’ll be yelling is encouragement!
I mean, I hope I’m not engaging in any kind of appropriation or anything – I’m only 1/8th Native American. But that still makes me feel even more averse to Thanksgiving as a holiday.
@Ally S: I think you’re clear so long as you’re not “1/16 Cherokee”, the official ethnicity of cultural appropriation.
I know what you mean. You don’t need to have an indigenous ancestor to feel that way, either. I get really angry and upset on “Australia Day” because of our history with the Aborigines. Worse, not only were they abused in the past but they’re still being treated badly so I don’t think we have much to be proud of. I loathe nationalist festivals anyway. I tend to stand with George Bernard Shaw on the subject.
Seranvali – not to mention that the whole idea of the First Fleet was hardly something to be proud of, either.
Mmm Turkey Day! My father more or less behaved, no one invaded my cranberry sauce, and my brother did not bite into a turkey leg while carving it. One of those is a lie, and amazingly it isn’t the first one! (Seriously dude, finish cutting it first!)
Toddles Manboob — I totally get the “my great-great-grandmother was a Cherokee princess” thing is complete fucking appropriation and so many degrees of wrongness. But I give some side-eye to short handing it as “1/16th Cherokee” — I’m 1/16th Blackfoot and fairly pasty and raised white working class, so I can’t exactly be the judge here, but I think my question is whether you can appropriate anger at historical injustice.
As for the OP, as my brother would put it…”you gotta support the butt!” // “you don’t got the butt, why you no have kitty’s butt?” (I swear he reverts to a 5 year old around the cat)
Argenti – your brother’s just reacting to Cat Proximity. Perfectly normal response.
I’m disappointed, I thought your father said he was going to march off to Macca’s and have his dinner there. Promises, promises …
Yay, kitty-selfies! *nod*
Today on turkey day, I’m traveling! Yay!
Still dunno what’s going to happen for dinner though.
Travelling for fun, I hope, Alice! 🙂
Okay, I have an outraged cat, though there aren’t pictures because I was too busy trying to pry her off the turkey carcass (left to cool on the counter in the kitchen before I break down the last of the edible bits from it for soup) to grab the camera. I went into the other room to answer a phone call and came back to find Evie straddling the carcass and trying, as best she could (it’s easily as big as she is) to drag it off the counter. I’d be angry, but the spectacle, and the growly sounds she made as I tried to disentangle her, were just too funny.
Priceless, gillyrosebee, priceless! 😀
kittehs – Well, if you call going home for free food fun, sure.
I can’t wait to give my brother this book though. Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: The No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology. I cracked up.
kittehs, I eventually had to deploy the only weapon that could break the bond of desire between a cat and a turkey. Yep, I opened a can of tuna.
And now I need a change of clothes and a drink.
No! Not the TUNA! That’s my weaknesssssssss!!!!!11!
– Said gillyrosebee’s kitty
Tuna, the Kryptonite of kitties!
(Well, most kitties. Mads seems impervious.)
Alice – Hmm, well, free food’s always good. And that book title is perfect. Zeus had a really warped sense of humour.
It was a close thing for a minute there. She clearly wanted the can, but she was not willing to let the turkey sternum out of her mouth. She’s locked in the bathroom at the moment, because when she calms down I’m gonna need to give her a bit of a bath. She has turkey goo all over her tummy. I’m sure by the time I go in there, she’ll have cleaned some of it up, but she’s still going to go in the tub, and I can only hope that the tryptophan will have kicked in by then.