a woman is always to blame beta males evil sexy ladies hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic laidnyc men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sluts

How slut-shaming transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold

One sexy cheeseburger
One sexy cheeseburger

Longtime readers of Man Boobz will have noticed that most of the pickup artists and “game” gurus I write about here are also vociferous slut-shamers.

This might seem a little odd and, well, counterproductive, in that you might expect that men who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of women would in fact be kindly disposed towards women who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of men.

Sadly, no. In fact, the “game” masters berate these women every chance they get. The best explanations I’ve come up with so far for this curious phenomenon are

  1. PUAs are hypocritical misogynist douchebags
  2. They attack “sluts” as a way of dealing with the massive numbers of rejections they get on a regular basis from women they want to fuck.

But now our old friend LaidNYC — the legendary “my seed is liquid gold” dude — has offered his own explanation for why he shames the very sluts he wants to sleep with. It involves an assortment of metaphors, so you know it has to be true.

LaidNYC first assures us that he has the mad skillz necessary to get laid even if all the women in the world suddenly became nuns:

I am an advocate for female virtue by day, but a pussy smashing player by night.

That isn’t a contradiction.

I’m confident in my ability to get laid no matter what the dominant level of female virtue (or lack thereof) in society.

Let’s just assume this is true, for the sake of argument. The question remains: why would a sex-loving dude shame women for doing what he himself loves to do? Well, apparently because the more sex a woman has, the lower quality she is?

If girls become less slutty I’m only helping myself… I’ll be fucking better quality.

I guess women only have a limited number of sex points, and the more partners they have sex with the more points they use up.

Consider a scenario where the harder a lock is to pick, the greater the treasure that lies within.  It just so happens I have expert lock-picking skills and I don’t want any chump with a paperclip coming along and getting a share of my gold.

I don’t want it to be easier to get laid.

I want it to be harder.

So this way he gets all the sex gold for himself? You’d think someone whose sperm is already gold wouldn’t really need any more gold, but, you know, metaphors are hard.

Speaking of which, let’s meet the fellows who don’t slut shame, who don’t get any gold at all but are instead reduced to eating cheeseburgers. Off the floor. Which is covered in astroturf.

[S]ome guys aren’t able to compete on this grass, so they want to lay down astroturf.  They want girls to be sluttier, not more virtuous.  Their answer is not to improve themselves, it is to drag the girls down to their level.

These “non-judgmental” guys are dogs who can’t reach the table to eat so they are trying really hard to convince you to drop all the cheeseburgers on the floor.

So in summary, slut shaming is a kind of alchemy that transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold.

I knew there was a simple explanation!

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11 years ago

“Did he use the ‘pick-up line’ ‘I have a car!’?”

The correct response to that one is, of course, “Me too! What a remarkable coincidence!”

11 years ago

“I can breathe”

“OMG me too! We must be soulmates!”

11 years ago

The car ‘pick-up line’ thingy I think needs a bit of context ^^;:
Culturally everybody wants one and it’s kinda-sorta status symbol, but you don’t need one to get by here (small country), also this “fateful meeting” happened at the railway station. :]

My response was “I don’t care.” It wasn’t witty but at least truthful.

11 years ago

Unfortunately for these so-called ‘men’s rights’ activists, slut-shaming hurts men as well as women: first, by making fun, randy women avoid sex a lot more than we’d prefer, second, by making us distrustful of men, which makes honest relationship more difficult, and finally, and primarily, by buying into a world view that preaches that exposure to penises/cum/etc is fundamentally damaging to women.

What awful and nasty sex organs men must have to do so much damage that a woman is ruined simply by having been involved with one!

Luckily, those (female) feminists among us who love (hetero-) sex and who don’t believe that we are devalued by it, actually love men along with their sex organs and secretions.(By the way, we love ending men’s oppression as well!)

11 years ago

do these PUA’S even enjoy sex? on any level whatsoever? they seem to view getting laid like getting achievements in a video game.

11 years ago

Starstorm, I think yes, these guys are afraid of being spermjacked by other guys. They’ve skimmed over some stuff about sperm competition and mate guarding and that hypothesis that the human penis acts as a kind of sperm-sucking plunger, and taken it all at face value because spermspermspermbiotruth.

Yes, that’s right, I just wrote the words ‘sperm-sucking plunger’ in a blog comment. Time for tea and a sit down :s

11 years ago

“do these PUA’S even enjoy sex? on any level whatsoever? they seem to view getting laid like getting achievements in a video game.”

Yeah,, they don’t talk about having sex, it’s # of fcloses and target value, and other “sexy” terms like logistics and extraction, nothing on pleasure.
I read on PUAlingo this afternoon and it seems like a mix of a dungeon crawler and Boiler Room.

11 years ago

Its no challenge to conquer a woman who has already “succumbed” to another ape. And their is no guarantee any resulting offspring contains their genetic seeds either.

11 years ago

I’ve always wondered the same thing, as well as if literally all they want from women is sex, why not just hire a prostitute?

Prostitutes cost more than a 1st dates(in the 1st world countries anyway) and they would certainly not go “dutch.”

The ones that want to go that way defect to southeast Asia where they get more bang for their buck .

You have to remember too ..these guys are entitled to “young attractive women.” That adds up!

11 years ago

if literally all they want from women is sex, why not just hire a prostitute?

It’s simple. PUAs don’t want sex, as such. They want boasting rights over other men. They believe that the “conquest” of women will give them status. Women are purely incidental to all this.

11 years ago

Talk about “slut shaming” .This is a guy responding to a guy on a Christian forum about what to do about “women who dress inappropriately” .Notice how he capitalizes the word man ? He’s blaming “women” that she “makes” a Man look down on women “in general” .And that is only based on how she DRESSES.

Its only a problem that is going to get worse in society because our society is a permissive one and so many women have bought into the big lie that what they wear and how they look identifies who they really are. Certainly our culture places huge pressure on Christian women too.

And, you are correct in asserting it makes a Christian Man look down on women in general with the reason being : If a woman doesn’t have respect and dignity for herself, then a Man isn’t going to give that to her either.

11 years ago

if they just want boasting rights over other men, why not take up golf?

11 years ago

if they just want boasting rights over other men, why not take up golf?

Not enough power . Think Tiger Woods.

11 years ago

Did he use the ‘pick-up line’ “I have a car!”? Because the description sounds oddly familiar (this type must be insanely widespread). :/

No, but he did go on about how he was rich and had lots of properties.

All that money and none of it spent on personal hygiene, grooming or his wardrobe … yeah, really convincing, dude.

Then of course when I told him to leave me alone and headed back to work (I was on my lunch break) he announced that I had a fat arse.

Like … yeah, funny how you didn’t notice that before you’d been rejected, isn’t it? Also, fat arse looks better than beer gut under dirty tee with “friendly when drunk” written on it, any day.

11 years ago

Come to think of it, that chucklefuck was the epitome of an MRA, whether or not he was one.

11 years ago

for people who have the word “artist” in their title, Pua’s seem to have a very uncreative way of thinking. I propose a new title. thoughts?

11 years ago

Then of course when I told him to leave me alone and headed back to work (I was on my lunch break) he announced that I had a fat arse.

Hey… want to take a ride in my cool car ??? .I have to get back to work.

Well good because you are FAT and UGLY anyway and I never wanted you in the first place! BITCH! (squeal!!!!!)

11 years ago


Pick up fools?


Not pick up artists?


Failures at picking up?

11 years ago

Well good because you are FAT and UGLY anyway and I never wanted you in the first place! BITCH! (squeal!!!!!)

Pretty much! 😀

11 years ago

FAPPERS – Failures and Poseurs Pretentiously Expounding Ridiculous Schemes

11 years ago

I remember this one man (he stands out) 50 years old .I was 17 .His son was one year younger than me .I think he thought he “smoothed me over” by writing me notes “can I be your sugar daddy” I swear he had a box for me to check yes or no. He was the “accountant” at a company I worked for .I could not approach him (business wise) without him licking his lips and looking me up and down and saying some sort of sexual shit.

I finally got up the nerve to complain to my boss. (a female) . She had her husband (joint business) have a talk with him .He came up to me like a betrayed injured victim .And said he could NOT believe I took him the wrong way .That all I had to do was tell him he was bothering me .And he was very dissapointed in me.That I went behind his back.

11 years ago

“FAPPERS – Failures and Poseurs Pretentiously Expounding Ridiculous Schemes”

you win. I give you a hypothetical cake. of any flavour you please.

also I cant do the quotes thing, can someone tell me how please?

11 years ago

::curtseys:: Thank you, thank you. Chocolate, please. 🙂

feintone, have you had your Welcome Package yet? Among other delights, it has Argenti’s quick guide to codes, down here in the comments.

11 years ago

OMG…I never even “registered” PUA

I had a man try to “pick me up ” about 2 years ago in a vitamin store. I called it “hitting on me.” But he was a PUA. He kept telling me how he was retired and all he had left to do was “travel” ..He made “jokes” about all the vitamins that enhance “you know what.” And how “interesting I was” .

I told the fucker I was married .(I had a ring on too) he was not giving up.

BLAHHHH!!!! I guess Im a bitch because I exist and didn’t fuck him .(sneak away on a weekend fuckathon with him for his “travels)

11 years ago

