a woman is always to blame beta males evil sexy ladies hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic laidnyc men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sluts

How slut-shaming transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold

One sexy cheeseburger
One sexy cheeseburger

Longtime readers of Man Boobz will have noticed that most of the pickup artists and “game” gurus I write about here are also vociferous slut-shamers.

This might seem a little odd and, well, counterproductive, in that you might expect that men who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of women would in fact be kindly disposed towards women who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of men.

Sadly, no. In fact, the “game” masters berate these women every chance they get. The best explanations I’ve come up with so far for this curious phenomenon are

  1. PUAs are hypocritical misogynist douchebags
  2. They attack “sluts” as a way of dealing with the massive numbers of rejections they get on a regular basis from women they want to fuck.

But now our old friend LaidNYC — the legendary “my seed is liquid gold” dude — has offered his own explanation for why he shames the very sluts he wants to sleep with. It involves an assortment of metaphors, so you know it has to be true.

LaidNYC first assures us that he has the mad skillz necessary to get laid even if all the women in the world suddenly became nuns:

I am an advocate for female virtue by day, but a pussy smashing player by night.

That isn’t a contradiction.

I’m confident in my ability to get laid no matter what the dominant level of female virtue (or lack thereof) in society.

Let’s just assume this is true, for the sake of argument. The question remains: why would a sex-loving dude shame women for doing what he himself loves to do? Well, apparently because the more sex a woman has, the lower quality she is?

If girls become less slutty I’m only helping myself… I’ll be fucking better quality.

I guess women only have a limited number of sex points, and the more partners they have sex with the more points they use up.

Consider a scenario where the harder a lock is to pick, the greater the treasure that lies within.  It just so happens I have expert lock-picking skills and I don’t want any chump with a paperclip coming along and getting a share of my gold.

I don’t want it to be easier to get laid.

I want it to be harder.

So this way he gets all the sex gold for himself? You’d think someone whose sperm is already gold wouldn’t really need any more gold, but, you know, metaphors are hard.

Speaking of which, let’s meet the fellows who don’t slut shame, who don’t get any gold at all but are instead reduced to eating cheeseburgers. Off the floor. Which is covered in astroturf.

[S]ome guys aren’t able to compete on this grass, so they want to lay down astroturf.  They want girls to be sluttier, not more virtuous.  Their answer is not to improve themselves, it is to drag the girls down to their level.

These “non-judgmental” guys are dogs who can’t reach the table to eat so they are trying really hard to convince you to drop all the cheeseburgers on the floor.

So in summary, slut shaming is a kind of alchemy that transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold.

I knew there was a simple explanation!

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11 years ago

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? But then they wouldn’t have the satisfaction of being the boss of a woman, as nature intended. ::rolls eyes::

So then they want MORE than just the the vagina. They want the whole brain .

Invasion of the body snatchers???

11 years ago


11 years ago

So, getting sex isn’t enough.

They must win, in their own eyes and the eyes of others. And they cannot win unless someone else loses. Guess who gets to lose? Now there’s a game where the only winning move is not to play.

11 years ago

Now Im going to vomit part of my story .Ya know listening to these guys whine and moan and they are so evil .The one dude getting back at one woman that broke his heart?

I was born in he late 60’s entered the work force in the 80’s.How many times I was grabbed and groped. The remarks made to me .50 year old men propositioning me.I was groped even when I was pregnant .

I didn’t even KNOW I had rights.And neither did they .I was like a piece of meat in a shark tank.

I contended daily with I’m a female.

I’m not angry and I’m not bitter.I’m HAPPY men aren’t ENTITLED to grab the ass of his 15 yo worker.I’m HAPPY men aren’t entitled to sexually HARASS women in the work place.

And same goes for women .Its NOT O>K to sexually harass the guys you work with .

11 years ago

Gah, those were some pretty toxic workplaces, lana. I’ve only been harassed twice at work – I’m a few years older than you – and in neither case was it physical or ongoing (my bosses put an end to it the minute I told them). The more I read, the more I think I must have been bizarrely lucky, because it’s just everywhere and doesn’t seem to have got better in many places, however much awareness of the whole problem of sexual harassment has improved in the last thirty-odd years.

11 years ago

Gah, those were some pretty toxic workplaces, lana. I’ve only been harassed twice at work – I’m a few years older than you – and in neither case was it physical or ongoing (my bosses put an end to it the minute I told them). The more I read, the more I think I must have been bizarrely lucky, because it’s just everywhere and doesn’t seem to have got better in many places, however much awareness of the whole problem of sexual harassment has improved in the last thirty-odd years.

That’s why sometimes I think it was my fault. I did work in a 90% man field.(P.C ‘s sales and PC repair)

Twice? I was harassed daily. the #’s of times would reach over 100.Including such as the accountant writing me a note saying “can I be your sugar daddy?” The shippers grabbing my breast and my ass..the comments?

I think my problem was I dressed the wrong way and I was nice.

I think I had a target on my back.

11 years ago

Nope, it was them, not you, not ever. Sexual harassment is always about the harassers. You were breathing while female and those fuckers probably couldn’t cope with the idea of any woman being on their sacred male turf. (Funny, isn’t it, how the mighty dudebros who are sooooo superior to women just fall to pieces at the thought of women competing with them, or just working alongside them.)

I didn’t even work with the first harasser. I had to walk through his section to get to mine. The place wasn’t exactly lacking in women workers. I’ve no idea what made him try his shit on me, or if he’d done it to other women, though I’d expect so. It had nothing to do with my dress – 80s wide-top jeans and bulky jumpers, ferchrissakes – it was about him being a scumbag. Thank goodness for my manager and his manager; when I told mine, he went out immediately and told the harasser’s, and was back within ten minutes saying “It won’t happen again,” and it didn’t.

The second guy had a history, and the harassment was when we were both in uniform – unisex uniform, I might add. Nothing to do with my dress or behaviour there, either.

Sexual harassment is never the victim’s fault. It’s the harasser’s choice.

11 years ago

*holds up lighter for Kittehs*

11 years ago

Awww. 🙂

11 years ago

Really I’m not being sarcastic. Why don’t these guys save money on “first dates” and getting put in the “friend zone’ and save their money up for one to those realistic like blow up dolls/girlfriends?

I think you can get one for like $5,000. They are “made to order” and they have “vaginas.” They never say no and they don’t talk back.

Because no “bragging rights”. Sigh..

11 years ago

Really I’m not being sarcastic. Why don’t these guys save money on “first dates” and getting put in the “friend zone’ and save their money up for one to those realistic like blow up dolls/girlfriends?

Maybe some of these guys did but when chatting to their buddies “she” magically becomes alive. When they complain about “her” saying no what they really mean is “she” deflated or they couldn’t remember where they put “her”. This is how they have really dirty sex- washing one’s toys is for manginas.

11 years ago

“Really I’m not being sarcastic. Why don’t these guys save money on “first dates” and getting put in the “friend zone’ and save their money up for one to those realistic like blow up dolls/girlfriends?”

I’ve always wondered the same thing, as well as if literally all they want from women is sex, why not just hire a prostitute?

11 years ago

“How dare you exist”
Exactly right!

11 years ago

Maybe some of these guys did but when chatting to their buddies “she” magically becomes alive. When they complain about “her” saying no what they really mean is “she” deflated or they couldn’t remember where they put “her”. This is how they have really dirty sex- washing one’s toys is for manginas.

That’s it, you’ve uncovered their secret!

11 years ago

I think it’s funny that the image pick up artists have of the average man is that of the “average frustrated chump“. It strikes me that they are projecting their own feelings of unhappiness that led them to join the pua community onto the world at large, which seems rather telling. Of course these people are vulnerable to “pick up gurus” that seek followers for their cults of personal improvement.

Not that I’m against personal improvement, but why not take up a new hobby and take your dog out for walks more often? When has it ever been a good idea to join a cult?

11 years ago

PUAssholes are obviously NOT about real self-improvement, or they wouldn’t be spending so much time/money/effort trying to pick up random women. They’d actually have to work on their personalities, not their “game”. And ironically, it’s the guys who already have the best personalities who have no trouble finding company to enjoy life with. Or even just dudes with average personalities! How many of THEM are reading PUAsshole manuals for anything other than a laugh? So I come to the inescapable conclusion that the PUAssholes are the frustrated chumps, all of them. Even the “gurus”. Just look at the personality problems running rampant in that “community”…you got criminals and sociopaths out the wazoo. The pathetic/awful part is that some of them are making money coaching others to be sociopathic and/or potentially criminal.

And yeah, how about a REAL hobby, instead of this cheesy-ass bullshit? Building model airplanes, for example. Just don’t huff the glue.

11 years ago

Chump is too kind a word for them; they’re misogynists (at least the so-called gurus) and definitely below average in the personality stakes.

I’d love to know how they account for all the perfectly average looking couples I see around. Y’know, people who seem to be happy together. Or do the guys there (in the hetero couples) fail by PUA standards because they don’t have some Angelina Jolie clone clinging to them?

11 years ago

I seem to recall that they grade these couples hotness matchiness on a rather harsh scale, kitteh.

11 years ago

“Hotness matchiness,” great term!

Of course they’d never acknowledge that other people have different ideas of who’s “hot,” or – gasp – don’t actually give a shit about so-called hotness. The idea that one’s partner might become more attractive with time, with knowing them better and with growing affection, would probably make these halfwits’ heads explode. What, hang around a woman long enough to find out what she’s like? Or be attracted to something other than looks in the first place? Or love her for the entire package, the person she is?

Yeah, they moan about not being wanted or looked after or catered for or just laid as often as they think is their right (not sure which amendment of the USian constitution that is), but they give nothing. They don’t treat women as human beings, and then wonder why they’re so fucking unpopular.

Let ’em die lonely and miserable, they bring it on themselves.

11 years ago

Their idea of “really attractive guy” is what most of us would refer to as “totally average guy”, and what most people refer to as a “totally average woman” they refer to as “hideous hosebeast”. Which is how you get the idea that most couples are mismatched in terms of looks – they’re grading the guys on a really, really generous scale.

11 years ago

Yeah, I tend to think of them as seeing the creep who harassed me a few years back – drunk, beer-gut hanging out of dirty tee shirt, and what little hair he had uncut and unwashed – as being a perfectly respectable average dude that any woman should be grateful for.

11 years ago

Did he use the ‘pick-up line’ “I have a car!”? Because the description sounds oddly familiar (this type must be insanely widespread). :/

11 years ago

ehhhhh… sorry for using “insanely” when I meant “really”. :/

11 years ago

Burglars and thieves pick locks. These guys are not into consensual sex. That’s why they hate women who freely choose their sexual partners. Women are objects, like a locked trunk to these creeps. They are the inconvenience between these men and what they want; access to a woman’s body against her wishes.

To be fair, there’s perfectly legitimate reasons to want to know how to pick locks (as a hobby, or if you lost/damaged your key, or you want to be a locksmith, or whatever. It’s just a shitty analogy.

Anyways, I read this, and I read his “my seed is liquid gold”, and see that tortured analogy… his semen is gold, he describes sex as picking locks and thus vagina as locks, and he doesn’t want other men breaking in.

Is it me, or is this dude actually afraid of other men spermjacking him? That’s a new one.

11 years ago

::flaps hands excitedly:: That’s what I thought, StarStorm! It’s other dudes who’re spermjacking is precious, precious gold.

Damn, imagine sarumanangry reading this second instalment of NotLaidAnywhere’s rantings.