a woman is always to blame beta males evil sexy ladies hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic laidnyc men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sluts

How slut-shaming transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold

One sexy cheeseburger
One sexy cheeseburger

Longtime readers of Man Boobz will have noticed that most of the pickup artists and “game” gurus I write about here are also vociferous slut-shamers.

This might seem a little odd and, well, counterproductive, in that you might expect that men who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of women would in fact be kindly disposed towards women who enjoy having no-strings-attached sex with a large number of men.

Sadly, no. In fact, the “game” masters berate these women every chance they get. The best explanations I’ve come up with so far for this curious phenomenon are

  1. PUAs are hypocritical misogynist douchebags
  2. They attack “sluts” as a way of dealing with the massive numbers of rejections they get on a regular basis from women they want to fuck.

But now our old friend LaidNYC — the legendary “my seed is liquid gold” dude — has offered his own explanation for why he shames the very sluts he wants to sleep with. It involves an assortment of metaphors, so you know it has to be true.

LaidNYC first assures us that he has the mad skillz necessary to get laid even if all the women in the world suddenly became nuns:

I am an advocate for female virtue by day, but a pussy smashing player by night.

That isn’t a contradiction.

I’m confident in my ability to get laid no matter what the dominant level of female virtue (or lack thereof) in society.

Let’s just assume this is true, for the sake of argument. The question remains: why would a sex-loving dude shame women for doing what he himself loves to do? Well, apparently because the more sex a woman has, the lower quality she is?

If girls become less slutty I’m only helping myself… I’ll be fucking better quality.

I guess women only have a limited number of sex points, and the more partners they have sex with the more points they use up.

Consider a scenario where the harder a lock is to pick, the greater the treasure that lies within.  It just so happens I have expert lock-picking skills and I don’t want any chump with a paperclip coming along and getting a share of my gold.

I don’t want it to be easier to get laid.

I want it to be harder.

So this way he gets all the sex gold for himself? You’d think someone whose sperm is already gold wouldn’t really need any more gold, but, you know, metaphors are hard.

Speaking of which, let’s meet the fellows who don’t slut shame, who don’t get any gold at all but are instead reduced to eating cheeseburgers. Off the floor. Which is covered in astroturf.

[S]ome guys aren’t able to compete on this grass, so they want to lay down astroturf.  They want girls to be sluttier, not more virtuous.  Their answer is not to improve themselves, it is to drag the girls down to their level.

These “non-judgmental” guys are dogs who can’t reach the table to eat so they are trying really hard to convince you to drop all the cheeseburgers on the floor.

So in summary, slut shaming is a kind of alchemy that transforms dirty cheeseburgers into sex gold.

I knew there was a simple explanation!

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11 years ago

I don’t even know how you made sense of that. LOL. It’s insane, illogical logic, that seems to try to screen a seething pool of insecurity and anger underneath.

11 years ago

ARGH I knew the god damn lock metaphor would happen!

11 years ago

I kind of have to admire his honesty. It’s not about “men’s rights” at all – it’s about him. The ultimate dream of every PUA is that no woman will have sex with anyone but himself.

And again with the “woman = lock, man = key (or in this case, lockpick*)” metaphor. If you don’t already assume that the aim of a woman is not to have sex, the entire thing loses its logic. It only convinces people who already believe it.

* Another surprising and refreshing bit of honesty. People with legal ownership of the items guarded by a lock don’t normally resort to lockpicks to open it. He’s just admitted that he sees himself as stealing sex.

11 years ago

Another surprising and refreshing bit of honesty. People with legal ownership of the items guarded by a lock don’t normally resort to lockpicks to open it. He’s just admitted that he sees himself as stealing sex.

Of course he’s stealing it. It’s not like he’s going to put a ring on it. That’s when you own that shit. But, but, but, then you have to share stuff. Then the sex you own is stealing from you. Fuck that noise.

Am I doing MRA right?

11 years ago

Wow. I pretty much used this EXACT mental framework when I wrote Top of the Food Chain for Spookathon.

Only, you know. My character espousing it was a creepy predator who ended up being reincarnated as a bottom-feeding nurse shark.

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

the poor nurse sharks.

you know English is a pretty metaphor heavy language so much so that even other languages that rely heavily on metaphor have a hard time understanding/translating appropriately to the point where scholars sometimes discuss how hard its going to make communicating with alien life should we find any.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I bet this is exactly how we sound to aliens. You know? like:
Alien01: how did the peace talks with those earthlings go?
Alien02: I don’t know man. Like everything was going well and then they started talking about horses and olive branches and they totally lost me……
Alien02: seriously? like….tree branches? did your translator glitch?

11 years ago

I don’t want any chump with a paperclip coming along and getting a share of my gold.

So now it’s other dudes who’re spermjacking?

11 years ago

Consider a scenario where the harder a lock is to pick, the greater the treasure that lies within. It just so happens I have expert lock-picking skills and I don’t want any chump with a paperclip coming along and getting a share of my gold.

I don’t want it to be easier to get laid.

I want it to be harder.

Sooo, essentially, sex is like a dungeon crawl?

laurijowen: Yeah, LaidInNYC is not known for his coherent arguments. But, please don’t use “insane” as a perjorative term. Having a mental illness is not the same as being bad or wrong or illogical.

11 years ago

Between perspectives, you lost me at horses?

11 years ago

If these guys had any kind of equipment whatsoever they wouldn’t be so damned insecure. Every man I’ve ever known who was well endowed loved women and was very confident. So you be the judge.

11 years ago

I am strongly reminded of Cynthia Heimel’s classic quote :

“A slut is a woman who sleeps with everyone.
A bitch is a woman who sleeps with everyone but you…”

And Ms Heimel is great. How can you not like an author whose book is called “If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead Yet?”

11 years ago

Lol, it’s so true. The manoshpere pretty much universally expresses their hatred of “sluts.” The portion of them that aren’t incel sometimes brag about how often they get to have sex with sluts, though.

From a disgusting Return of Kings article called “The Rise of the Mangina”:

“Misandry is, unfortunately, alive and well. Look at how our court system works in the United States. Refer to the Duke Lacrosse case, where a slut cried “RAPE” and managed to destroy the lives of three young men. What happens if a sexually promiscuous man does that? Nothing. Hell, I bet it never would’ve made the local news, yet alone Nancy (dis)Grace. Look at how sexually promiscuous men are called ‘players,’ but sluts are ‘sexually liberated.’”

The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

(also I really wish The Rise of the Mangina was a horror movie or something)

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

toujourgai: ya I was also waiting till that lock/key thing showed up again

while my lock picking experience is relatively limited I have picked locks and have had sex and I gotta report the two really dont have much in common.

also I can’t follow the lock picking difficulty/to treasure ratio line of reasoning: how the fuck does a persons level of disinterest in sleeping with you translate to a direct inverse proportion to the quality of sex you have with them?

how does that even begin to make sense? what does that even have on the baring of the sex? how will the sex change if you spend 20 mins or 2hrs sweet talking someone?

why do you want women to be harder to have sex with if you want more sex?
ok so it’s not ‘more sex’ cuz that would be quantity sex and you want quality sex, which is ‘less frequent but more satisfying sex?
then why are you going to bars for sex?
do the sweet demur ‘virtuous females’ of legend and ‘gatekeepers of the quality sex’ frequent the bar scene?
do they have their own bar scene?
is it called the ‘mystic unicorn’?
is their cover?
is there ladies’ night?….is every night ladies’ night?

and most confusing if this guy is really into ‘quality sex’ over ‘quantity sex’ why doesn’t he just quite the bar scene and find himself a nice, non-judgemental, open-minded partner that’s down to experiment with naked fun times?

inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!
I want to know!!!!!!

11 years ago

He’s really not talking about sex. He’s taking about boasting to friends / contemporaries. He wants the number of women he sleeps with (be it, say, 10 a year) to be ‘higher’ in comparison to the average, so that can be the swinging dick among other guys.

The bewildering thing about his logic is the idea that “I will get the EXACT SAME amount of sex, no matter how slutty women are.” I mean, if they put the rings a foot higher, Michael Jordan would still excel, BUT HE WOULD STILL GET LESS POINTS.

I appreciate that the sports metaphor is inappropriate in many ways, but it seems to fit his personality.

11 years ago

Hmm, locks. Locks.

You know, when I was trying to raise my Dark Elf’s lockpicking skills in Skyrim, I went around picking up as many lockpicks as I could get for her. When I had well over 100 lockpicks, I went around looking for, well, locks to pick. You know? I returned a place where I knew there was a few expert level chests that had eaten many of my lockpicks when I was at a lower level.

I made my way to the first one and picked the lock. I only found some raggedy clothing, books, and some gold. Eh, okay. I then made my way to the next chest. There a I found a few potions and jewels, but nothing to scream about. I picked the final chest. At this point my skill level had increased but I was sadly disappointed. I thought expert locks would have higher yields of loot, but I was wrong.

It was then I figured out that lockpicking was a fine skill but it didn’t really serve my purpose of building a bad ass character.

This dude needs to play more Skyrim and stay the hell away from women if he’s so obsessed with locks.

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

pillow in hell: I’m sorry that was a really awful archer reference(trying to translate metaphors/ idioms to a gang of pirates…..long story) . It was also half meant as a reference to that saying ‘when you fall off a horse the only thing to do is get back on it)

11 years ago

Oh, the lock thing again. YAWN.

11 years ago

TW: rape

As I read it, pretty well everything PUAs say comes down to wanting to impose themselves on women who aren’t interested, or are actively repelled by them. Whether it’s for bragging to the dudes or the actual rape involved that most motivates them I neither know nor care, but that’s what it’s about. I’d bet quality = women showing fear or at least reluctance, for them, unless of course they’ve managed to get her stupefied or unconscious.

11 years ago

I don’t want it to be easier to get laid.

I want it to be harder.

Oh. So that explains why this LaidNYC is an asshole. Well, it will certainly be harder to “get laid” if you’re basically an open don’t-hold-back misogynist.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

“I don’t want it to be easier to get laid. I want it to be harder.”

“Mm-hm. Well I’d like it to be harder too, but clearly we don’t always get what we want.”

(read that with a slutty mind and you’ll see what I did there.)

11 years ago

Lili, I am shocked, shocked I say!


11 years ago

@this one is between perspectives

you know English is a pretty metaphor heavy language so much so that even other languages that rely heavily on metaphor have a hard time understanding/translating appropriately to the point where scholars sometimes discuss how hard its going to make communicating with alien life should we find any.

Reminds me of this:

2-D Man
2-D Man
11 years ago

Now I feel bad for nurse sharks.

11 years ago

Ausiesmurf said:

“I am strongly reminded of Cynthia Heimel’s classic quote :

“A slut is a woman who sleeps with everyone.
A bitch is a woman who sleeps with everyone but you…”

And Ms Heimel is great. How can you not like an author whose book is called “If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead Yet?””

She is one of the funniest writers I’ve ever read, she’s pragmatic and she’s sharp. Also her advice is generally very good. I’m glad to see someone else knows her.

Ally S
11 years ago

I am an advocate for female virtue by day, but a pussy smashing player by night.

If someone said this to me face-to-face, I’d burst out laughing.

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