antifeminism divorce evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil short-haired women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill straw feminists

Manosphere blogger: “Feminism is a morbidly obese, sexually promiscuous, short-haired, tattooed, cussing beast whom no man can ever love or trust.”

Beta male oppressed by feminism.
Beta male oppressed by feminism.

Does anyone read newspaper comics any more? Does anyone even remember reading newspaper comics? One of the worst of the bunch is a mawkish little one-panel strip called “Love is …,” with a simple formula: a little drawing of a plump, happy, naked couple (minus sex organs), with a caption starting off with the words “love is.” The more popular strips were turned into greeting cards. I actually have an oil painting someone made of the Love is couple that I found in a thrift store for $1.47. The caption: “Love is … letting him win once in a while.”

The strip began in 1970, and the creator turned it over to the current writer and artist in 1975. I have no fucking idea how on earth he can come up with a new “love is” caption every day. His life must be some kind of existential hell. He must spend hours just staring out the window looking for inspiration. Love is … a dog taking a shit, no. Love is … a fat guy waiting for a bus … no. Love is … sitting alone in my underwear wondering what has gone wrong with my life.

Anyway, the reactionary Manosphere blogger Dicipres has decided to do a similar thing with the phrase “feminism is.” Only without the little naked couple. Here are some of his captions-without-pictures.

Feminism is a morbidly obese, sexually promiscuous, short-haired, tattooed, cussing beast whom no man can ever love or trust.

Feminism is a family which hates itself.

Feminism is a line drawn inside your home between you and your wife.

Feminism is a woman furious over ‘rape culture’ and who masturbates while fantasizing being beaten and raped. …

Feminism is a woman who cannot be loved anymore since she hates the domineering man she lusts and sexually despises the submissive man she likes.

Feminism is alimony and every other weekend

Feminism is a son hating his father

Feminism is equality as the only measure for progress of a society …

Feminism is a demographic annihilation due to low birth rates

Yeah. I don’t think any of those are going to work as greeting cards.

And what do these guys have against women with short hair?

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Snork Maiden
Snork Maiden
11 years ago

And what do these guys have against women with short hair?
Miley Cyrus, possibly?

Isn’t the term ‘Young Patriarch’ a bit of an oxymoron? I’ll let someone else make the obvious pun, if they wish.

11 years ago

Ba dum tish!

11 years ago

Um, alimony is not awarded much any more. Almost never in states like mine. (which by now is most states)

11 years ago

Feminism is a wish your heart makes.
Feminism is for lovers.

I need coffee before I can really get into this.

11 years ago

On the short-hair thing:

Remember that these are the fucks who are having a public meltdown at the very notion that the sexes aren’t regimentally separated by evolution, biology, go in the kitchen because science says.

So to these people, so utterly trapped by toxic masculinity that they are jumping at their shadow less it pass over something that would feminize them, short hair equals boy and long hair equals girl because a fairly modern hair-style tradition in the western countries they belong to have roughly this cultural dimorphism which is of course biological destiny and iron-clad proof of separation of the sexes.

So when a man wears his hair long, he has betrayed his masculinity and is aligning himself with the bedeviled she-creatures. And when a woman wears her hair short, it is a direct attempt to shatter this super strong and totally real separation and “invade male norms” and infect them with her icky girl cooties causing them to flee into the night away from it,”

So that’s the issue for them. It’s also the reason that random subcultures are protected as if the notion that girls enjoy them is equivalent to dropping a nuclear bomb. It’s because to them, once women start to enjoy a past-time with any amount of visible numbers, then it instantly becomes girly and not something they can use to prop up their insecure fragile masculinity and thus must be abandoned. So women liking or doing something isn’t them liking or doing something, it’s “taking something they love away from them”.

So yeah, that.

But it might get extra hate because there was a trend about what 10-20 years ago of lesbian women using short haircuts as signifiers of being a member of the lesbian subculture and women who don’t need a man in their lives either sexually or romantically might be the single most terrifying thing in MRA land.

The reason it is still horrifying and evil to them now that short haircuts have pretty much become a whole non-subculture-specific thing and lots of straight women wear their hair short is because these fuckers are super regressive conservatives and thus exceedingly slow to respond to the march of history passing by their window.

11 years ago

Paid for her dinner
No sex in compensation
Feel the injustice

11 years ago


Consent is too haaaard.
Way too much to ask of me.
Stop crying rape, you cunt!

11 years ago

Thinking of alimony lead me to check out the census statistics on it.

“Child support payments averaged $5,150 annually”

Only 62.3 percent of alimony owed is paid.

More men than women pay alimony. Though the numbers of women are rising.

“• The proportion of custodial mothers with incomes below poverty (31.8 percent) was about twice as high as that for custodial fathers (16.2 percent).”

Yay, for random fact dumping.

11 years ago

David: nice riff on a graffiti classic!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“Child support payments averaged $5,150 annually”


11 years ago


Actually I think the title is a kind of pun on 1. David being totally (and quite rightly) unashamed of his size and 2. A boob also being a word for a foolish person (meaning MRAs, of course) I’m absolutely certain that there is no fat shaming intent here. Many of us are plus sized and find this place rather refreshing in that fat shaming is laughed at here. We talk about it a lot, not because we agree with it but because we enjoy ridiculing it and people who do it.

So hi! I’m glad you dropped by!

11 years ago

@augzilliary, The link is okay — just goes to r/mr, where the guy who impersonates David on Reddit proposes that JtO would have been a better debater, and links to a video of the time John “debated” the Manhood Academy troll. And someone is in there arguing against their abuse of statistics, fairly well last I checked.

11 years ago

Feminism is the one hiding under your bed,
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red.
Feminism is the one hiding under your stairs.
Fingers like snakes and spiders in their hair.
This is feminism, this is feminism.

Everybody scream!

11 years ago

Woman went into his room for coffee
Stupid slut asked for it!
Woman turned down his offer for coffee in his room
Crazy bitch for assuming he’s a rapist!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“And someone is in there arguing against their abuse of statistics, fairly well last I checked.”

Someone please fetch my fainting couch! An r/mr’er who isn’t murdering my beloved statistic methods?! How ever can this be?!

11 years ago

Feminist buffalo feminist buffalo buffalo buffalo feminist buffalo

Shouldn’t it be “feminist buffalo buffalo (feminist) buffalo feminist buffalo buffalo”?

11 years ago

Argenti, sorry, but it isn’t an r/mr regular. May even be a feminist! Getting heavily downvoted, too.

11 years ago


Someone please fetch my fainting couch! An r/mr’er who isn’t murdering my beloved statistic methods?! How ever can this be?!

Maybe they are too busy doing unspeakable things to history, biology, evolution, history, sociology, the scienctific method, logic, decency, history and common sense. (And, yes, pseudo-history is major bugaboo for me.)

11 years ago

I usually spell “scientific” correctly. FYI.

11 years ago

Feminism is women not listening to me when I explain their sexuality to them.

Don’t they understand I’m the objective one?!??

11 years ago

Have we had any Emily Dickinson knock-offs yet?

“Feminism” is the thing with feathers –
That crouches on cowed men –
And shrieks the dirge without the words –
And never stops – at all –

And foulest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the fearsome Bird
That spermjacked so many men –

I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – ever – in Extremity,
It asked for alimony.

11 years ago

Also, I think I found the last epic manboobzers’ poetry slam, starting here:

11 years ago

We interrupt this poetry slam to make an important announcement – I’ll be in the US from Sunday 27 April to Sunday 4 May.

Further details in the Open thread!

11 years ago

Shouldn’t it be “feminist buffalo buffalo (feminist) buffalo feminist buffalo buffalo”?

Either should be fine, it just depends on if the “first” buffalo is acting or being acted upon.

Feminist buffalo (that) buffalo feminist buffalo
Feminist buffalo (that) feminist buffalo buffalo

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