Does anyone read newspaper comics any more? Does anyone even remember reading newspaper comics? One of the worst of the bunch is a mawkish little one-panel strip called “Love is …,” with a simple formula: a little drawing of a plump, happy, naked couple (minus sex organs), with a caption starting off with the words “love is.” The more popular strips were turned into greeting cards. I actually have an oil painting someone made of the Love is couple that I found in a thrift store for $1.47. The caption: “Love is … letting him win once in a while.”
The strip began in 1970, and the creator turned it over to the current writer and artist in 1975. I have no fucking idea how on earth he can come up with a new “love is” caption every day. His life must be some kind of existential hell. He must spend hours just staring out the window looking for inspiration. Love is … a dog taking a shit, no. Love is … a fat guy waiting for a bus … no. Love is … sitting alone in my underwear wondering what has gone wrong with my life.
Anyway, the reactionary Manosphere blogger Dicipres has decided to do a similar thing with the phrase “feminism is.” Only without the little naked couple. Here are some of his captions-without-pictures.
Feminism is a morbidly obese, sexually promiscuous, short-haired, tattooed, cussing beast whom no man can ever love or trust.
Feminism is a family which hates itself.
Feminism is a line drawn inside your home between you and your wife.
Feminism is a woman furious over ‘rape culture’ and who masturbates while fantasizing being beaten and raped. …
Feminism is a woman who cannot be loved anymore since she hates the domineering man she lusts and sexually despises the submissive man she likes.
Feminism is alimony and every other weekend
Feminism is a son hating his father
Feminism is equality as the only measure for progress of a society …
Feminism is a demographic annihilation due to low birth rates
Yeah. I don’t think any of those are going to work as greeting cards.
And what do these guys have against women with short hair?
Shall I send you an invoice for that monitor or would you like to use paypal?
Short hair is easy to maintain. Enough said.
lana – that’s cool! I’m a cis woman, that’s a current pic of Louis I use in my gravatar (don’t ask how I photoshop his pics, it’ll be the derail to end all derails, lol). In brief, he’s my soulmate, and we’re in contact all the time. Feel free to have a poke round my blog if you like – you can get to it by clicking on my nym. 🙂
(Here endeth the advertising feature.)
lana, kittehserf is female.
Also, I’m probably XY, but that doesn’t make me male. I’m a transgender girl and I don’t identify as a guy at all. Chromosomes are a poor way of determining what someone’s gender is.
LA is bad, but Canada is literally the worst place on earth to be a man!
Hunting the mammoth
Drowning on the Titanic
And Sharon Osborne
And yet none of these
Injustices can compare
With dire friendzoning
You jealous bitches
Dolls are what men want you know
Hey, come back here, shrew
Misandry and hate
Is all feminism is.
Pussies and titties.
But wait, what about Sweden? And wasn’t Iceland going to ban strip clubs?
Combining conventionally hot blonde women with feminism is the ultimate evil.
Dehumanize me!
Said most no woman ever.
Dreams are fleeting fast.
But I like looking at women!
You’re a misandrist!
Bitches, sluts, whores
Misandry all around me
I want my mommy
Lol ..I will ! Your soul mate in heaven ..I will check out . (((HUGS)))
Brad Pitt
Some women like him
Therefore wanting to rape 12 year old girls is OK
Elevators and spit
My morning height is short
What are boundaries?
Evil feminist invention
You just don’t want betas to get laid
Slutty gold digging
Whores be many in here now.
Me want Madonnas.
I understand that .But it “helps” to understand what a person might be going through as far as typically xy or xx what the “parts are” on the outside verses in the brain .I realize there are exceptions .”Where you are XY with male parts only inside.
I didn’t mean to say chromosomes were an accurate way of determining someones gender.
I want to get back to slut shaming!
Hugs back!
Soulmate and stealer of my clothes.
::sideeyes a certain person lookin’ smug in my tee and new shoes. He doesn’t even have to break ’em in, the swine.::
I ninjaed Ally! Makes a change. ::blows raspberry::
You dirty whore ! You slept with every one but me and I BOUGHT you dinner!!!!!
Elevators at
Four AM and will you please
Have coffee with me?
There one was a low status fellow
Who used all the game lines he could bellow
‘Behold! I’m so alphay
‘I eat steak, not alfalfa!
‘Yet the females all claim that I smell-o’
@Buttercup Q Skullpants
I find the “Love is…” cartoons more disturbing then that idiot Manosphere bloggers, only because someone made a living producing those eyesores.
Enjoyed the Chuck Magione reference. Forget cowbell, we need more flugelhorn!
Dicipres outdid himself with this one:
There is some much fail in that one sentence, he’s bracingly unfamiliar with actual lived reality.
Bonus amusement for ‘Reality’ Doug’s comment on the “Feminism is” blog:
Apparently alienated children is common MRA experience.
Alpha, not alphay