Does anyone read newspaper comics any more? Does anyone even remember reading newspaper comics? One of the worst of the bunch is a mawkish little one-panel strip called “Love is …,” with a simple formula: a little drawing of a plump, happy, naked couple (minus sex organs), with a caption starting off with the words “love is.” The more popular strips were turned into greeting cards. I actually have an oil painting someone made of the Love is couple that I found in a thrift store for $1.47. The caption: “Love is … letting him win once in a while.”
The strip began in 1970, and the creator turned it over to the current writer and artist in 1975. I have no fucking idea how on earth he can come up with a new “love is” caption every day. His life must be some kind of existential hell. He must spend hours just staring out the window looking for inspiration. Love is … a dog taking a shit, no. Love is … a fat guy waiting for a bus … no. Love is … sitting alone in my underwear wondering what has gone wrong with my life.
Anyway, the reactionary Manosphere blogger Dicipres has decided to do a similar thing with the phrase “feminism is.” Only without the little naked couple. Here are some of his captions-without-pictures.
Feminism is a morbidly obese, sexually promiscuous, short-haired, tattooed, cussing beast whom no man can ever love or trust.
Feminism is a family which hates itself.
Feminism is a line drawn inside your home between you and your wife.
Feminism is a woman furious over ‘rape culture’ and who masturbates while fantasizing being beaten and raped. …
Feminism is a woman who cannot be loved anymore since she hates the domineering man she lusts and sexually despises the submissive man she likes.
Feminism is alimony and every other weekend
Feminism is a son hating his father
Feminism is equality as the only measure for progress of a society …
Feminism is a demographic annihilation due to low birth rates
Yeah. I don’t think any of those are going to work as greeting cards.
And what do these guys have against women with short hair?
kittehs – Everything you do/everywhere you go/anything we want/anything. O_O
Common denominator is another idea these guys don’t get. Women in general back away from you? Your own kid hates you? Since we can pretty well rule out “racial/sexual/other minority that gets treated like shit by society in general” with the Whiney White Duderbros, I wonder just what could be the reason any given MRA is despised?
Finding out that your own kid hates you would prompt most people to do some soul searching. These guys just go “hey, must be the feminism”.
Definitely. The kid’s been brainwashed and is betraying his sex/falling in line with the hivemind.
(Needless to say, they wouldn’t accept that their child’s nonbinary.)
Feminism is…
Feminism is women hating misogynist aren’t going to be able to get a first date let alone dupe a woman into marrying them .
Feminism is “men” incapable of love besides his ‘dick in a box” are going be left with just that .His dick in a box.
…the antidote to the Manosphere’s Stoopid.
Hate is a pretty strong word so it must be as a result of feminist.
I love that cat in the TUB!
Feminism is racism against creeps. Also:
In other words: THE KKK TOOK MY BABY AWAY!
Maybe their kids wouldn’t hate them if their theme song wasn’t Beat on the Brat.
They still make those “Love Is….” cartoons with the naked hippie couple? Wow. I have a sudden urge to go listen to Chuck Mangione and eat some space food sticks.
Feminism is…..complimenting someone’s hat!
Feminism is…..ranch dressing on the salad of civilization!
Feminism is Keane! It’s pure Keane! No, it’s greater than Keane…it’s Cugat!
Feminism is the Tower of Pisa! it’s the smile on the Mona Lisa! It’s the National Gallery, Garbo’s salary…..it’s cellophane!
P.S.: I’m pretty sure short hair, salty language, and dysfunctional families existed before feminism.
Feminism is a woman that would rather masturbate while fantasizing of being beaten and raped ……than have to have sex with you in real life.
Feminism is women being able to publicly admit that their own hand is better than being in a relationship with a man they don’t like.
(This one is actually true.)
FTFY. Because Paul Newman.
Feminism is portraits by de Champaigne! It’s the scaffolding on the roof of the Assembly Rooms in Bath! It’s the Musee Carnavalet! It’s Phil Harding’s hat!
@lana Oh, BURN! 😛
Feminism is as feminism does
Feminism is like a box of chocolates
Feminism is the Matrix
Feminism is another day
Feminism is going to need a bigger boat
Feminism is walking here!
Feminism is watching the skies!
Feminism is knowing this is so much BS by an MRA guy she spots you out in 2 seconds flat. And warns her female relatives and friends to stay away from you .
Sir Bodsworth !
I love Forest!
lana, hear, hear!
The MRM is Chicken Little. It’s been telling everyone that the sky is falling for so long that sensible people don’t even bother glancing up when they hear it any more.
I think he’s implying that his son hates him because his ex-wife got full custody and is brainwashing the kid. Because she’s an evil feminist.
Feminism is,
like, a haiku, but it’s a
real ball-buster, man.
Feminism is a woman not giving a shit what some bitter little troll thinks of her.
Feminism is laughing one’s ass off at these pathetic excuses for humanity.
Feminism is eating an MRA’s lunch, washing it down with his tears, and belching in his face.
Feminism is all about being un-pick-up-able, and not giving a rat’s ass.
Feminism is getting these guys’ collective goat.
Say, this is fun!