Over on Random Xpat Rantings the terrible excuse for a human being who calls himself Xplat sets forth an intriguing proposition: for men in search of sexy times, having money is the equivalent of a woman having tits.
In other words, it’s not absolutely necessary for a man to have big bucks to garner the attention of the opposite sex, just as it’s not absolutely necessary for a woman to have something in the tit department in order to garner the attention of men, but it helps. A lot.
Oh, by the way, the title of the post in which he sets forth this theory is “ALL women are inherently gold diggers down to their pussy juice.”
Let’s let him explain, in his own icky way:
Women know their value. They know they can trade their value for their benefit. In [South-East Asia] this is not a dirty little secret. It’s not even an open secret. It’s just a fact of life. Money is part of the equation, blatantly and openly. …
Money-and-power-and-social-status is exactly equal to breasts. It can be a cause of sexual attraction in and of itself, and can maintain a relationship when there is nothing else being offered.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure when someone is literally interested in nothing about you except your money, you’re not actually in a “relationship” with that person.
Women aren’t men with vaginas. Their sexual attraction triggers are different. It’s not just that they fuck for food. Not JUST a matter of pragmatic sales of a service. Actual attraction is ALSO involved.
I like big bucks and I cannot lie?
Now, of course Xsplat here is challenging the common PUA gospel that men shouldn’t rely on money to win over their “targets” but rather on being cool and caddish and, you know, going to places where there’s a good chance a lot of the women will be pretty drunk.
Manospherians hampsterbate about this with a zillion “ya buts”. Ya, but you don’t NEED money. Yup, and girls don’t NEED tits.
Having tits is better and more attractive anyway, and girls with tits can get more and better quality men.
Having money is better in exactly the same way. You don’t see many flat chested Penthouse centerfolds, nor are there many broke romance novel heros.
Well, I don’t know much about romance novels, but from what I hear there’s a shitload of slash fiction about two dudes named Sam and Dean who basically live out of their car.
It’s not the case that SOME girls are gold diggers.
It’s just a matter of all the gold diggers mining for gold in different ways.
And of course all of this turns out to be a justification for Xplat’s own use of his relative wealth, as a western expat living in Southeast Asia, to exploit impoverished women for sex.
For me sex is about ecstatic intimacy. Money helps to get more intimacy with a greater percentage of girls, and higher quality girls. I choose to allow egoic esteem to include finances. Money is not cheating. Money helps to skin the cat. Money is not separate from my fantastic ethereal self. Money is part of what I am; part and parcel of what I am to a woman.
That’s got to be one of the creepiest and most delusional excuses for sexual exploitation I think I’ve ever run across in the three years of doing this blog.
Totally OT, but I just had to come back into this thread one more time to laugh at “fantastic ethereal self”. Dude thinks he’s a woodland sprite.
Cliff, I’ve never met you, but I’m truly sorry for everything you’re going through right now. People really can suck. 🙁
Hello again (I feel weird for bringing this thread back to my post after it’s very much moved on), but thank you all for the kind thoughts.
Yeah it was pretty awful but I’m ok, for me, righteous anger is my best way of dealing with triggers.
But the most upsetting thing about those Kinky people who were trying to trigger me was that the worst of them was a survivor herself, and in her commentary was talking about her own triggers and how Rape Play has helped her deal with them.
I have far more time for Survivors who use Rape Play as part of their healing process, however, that they do that and I am the polar opposite doesn’t make them better than me. And treating a fellow survivor with such callousness is horrifying to me.
It felt like she was actually getting off on telling me about her Kinks, and therefore getting off on the fact that I would very likely be upset and triggered by it.
She was literally putting her orgasm above my mental wellbeing.
it might be that online Kinksters are just the rotten eggs in the basket, but literally every single time I’ve encountered them they have been ignoring the boundaries and express wishes of other people and even going out of their way to try and trigger people by describing their Kinks.
Oh and the time that one Kinkster blogger made a donation to a Kink Dungeon in the name of another blogger who is heavily Kink-critical and a survivor and who finds anything to do with BDSM and Kink triggering. And then they blogged about it and tagged her in it so they would definitely see it.
Oh and they erased the fact that she is a Bi woman.
So sorry for the word vomit (and this isn’t an attack on anyone here), but every time I’m bumped into BDSM and Kinky people it’s just been non-stop boundary violation.
Ah yes, the BDSM Scene-State, in which the oppressive Dominant-Female class unjustly controls the mode of production of sex-this-guy-wants.
It’s not MRA logic because it uses more words.
How strange, and sad.
Jedi hugs to anyone who wants them and an extra-special purr from
and Maisie
– adopted on Saturday and settling in well. The witchy kitties considered becoming KittiesGTOW but have decided that the food is too good at my house 😉
Yeah, we could call straight men “women-fetishists,” but let’s go ahead and not, since that’s incredibly insensitive to anybody who has ever been fetishized (which many queer people, people of colour, fat people and disabled people have, as well as others). Being attracted to someone and turning them into a fetish object are different, and it’s super assholish to conflate the two.
I don’t know all that much about BDSM but the doms-as-sub-fetishists bit seems to make even less sense, because it’s not like doms can only be attracted to subs — unless I’ve misunderstood what being a dom means?
Must go to work, but… this person is a piece of work. I have to say I don’t trust a word they say.
But it seems they prefer neutral pronouns (but used male until recently). The cynical side of me wants to say this is being done to garner support from parts of the community; because they are “non-binary”.
The best spin I can put on that is that the “non-binary” aspect is that by being a male sub, they have surrendered their, “masculinity”, and so aren’t really, “male” any more.
Which is still gender toxic.
Let’s not go there, okay? I get that this person is a jerk but if they want to use neutral pronouns for themselves it’s their own business.
I completely understand what you’re trying to say, and I know you aren’t a binarist, cissexist jerk, but I think you should be careful in saying what you said about their preferred pronouns. It’s also true that some folks change their preferred pronouns over time.
Yes, they (m*ym*y) are attention-seeking, but at the same there are a lot of assholes out there who accuse non-binary people of being attention-seeking by virtue of identifying as non-binary. So I’m just saying that, unless they unambiguously say something that supports your cynical view, you should be careful when you accuse them of just identifying as non-binary to gain attention. And in any case, we can attack their horrible views and attention-seeking personality without saying about their preferred pronouns.
I was actually reminded of an MRA who thought that I only use female pronouns for myself because I think I “failed living as a man.” I’m not comparing you to any of those binarist, cissexist jerks, but intent isn’t magic, either.
Yeah, I’ve been subjected to “you’re claiming to be non-binary so you can soak up some of that sweet male privilege!”, so I’m not real keen on the inverse either.
Wow what a revelation . If you can’t get laid in 1st world country go to an impoverished part of the world and pay young women to have sex with you . What gold diggers women are.
Okay, so…
Maymay is a fucking creepy piece of shit, and yes, a fairly skilled manipulator–that post about consent did a wonderful job of sounding almost reasonable if you haven’t had LOTS of conversations about the subject, and so gotten to know about rape-culture language.
On top of that, the… ‘tool’, as far as I’ve been able to determine, is basically a kind of scorecard/quiz to determine if someone’s likely to be an abuser. If I’m right about that, I’m getting another rape-culture vibe, there, akin to those ‘rape avoidance technique’ lists that we all know and loathe. While it MIGHT be something useful for someone just getting into the scene, its usefulness is inversely proportionate to its use–as it became more common, more predators would learn about it, and adjust their tactics accordingly, to avoid raising red flags until it was too late. So it’s got built-in planned obsolescence.
And THEN his marketing strategy seems to be built around how he’s such a super-special snowflake. Yeesh.
LBT, historophilia, Ally: None of you should’ve had to put up with the shit you folks have described here. All the internet hugs any of you want, and hopes that you never have to deal with it again.
titianblue, SQUEEE! for Minnie and Maisie! My last tuxedo cat was Mamie.
Amen to all that.
Anyone who says that words can’t hurt a person should bear in mind what it was that drove Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons to suicide. “Sticks and stones” is actually the opposite of how things really work; physical injuries can heal, but emotional ones all too often stay raw for a lifetime. What you endured is no less real than if you got the shit kicked out of you, and no more excusable. I hope that those who did that to you will gain self-awareness and be too ashamed ever to try it again.
I think a good (but perhaps very cheesy) way to respond to “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is “Sticks and bones may break my bones, and words may break my heart.”
I apologize for the late response on a sluggish thread, but I finally figured out why I was so put off by Mymy’s requests for money. They don’t accept money for work because they are anti-capitalist, which is a position I can understand I guess. But they’re pretty comfortable accepting your money, which you (probably) got by accepting money for work. It feels a lot like they’re trying to keep their hands clean by asking you to grub around in the muck on their behalf.
This whole “I’m not going to take money for working because I don’t approve of capitalism!” thing seems to overlook that people have always had to labour to support themselves, just like any other animal … herbivores spend their days eating, carnivores have to hunt, humans have to hunt/gather, or farm, or produce things of value to others for sale or barter … unless this creepster fancies themselves as one of the idle rich (hardly anticapitalist, I’d have thought) then they’re gonna have to do something to support themselves, and feeble internet versions of demanding money with menaces don’t really seem like the Maoist way.
“If anyone can find a thing that exists of which there is no porn on the internet I will come cook them dinner. ”
I haven’t found standing-in-a-kayak porn yet (or any kayak porn at all)
Zero-G porn have I only found as animated porn
and also, I found only one example of live parachuting porn
“interlinking his blog posts.”
You can add that to he list of reasons I’m not buying the “I’m an expert web developer” claim either. That’s shooting your SEO in the foot.
Pecunium, my dear, don’t. Just don’t. Please. Think of it this way, remember your ire at my psych being all “boy or girl, pick one?” and questioning if my thoughts on my gender (*gags* cuz it’s totally in my head!) are because of responses to my being [insert assumed gender here and treat as if of course that’s what I am]?
Yeah, don’t do that. Or I’ll pelt you with mangos.
Koala and monkeys. Someone here asked, ages ago, for a picture of them together. I failed, even after expanding my search to furry porn.
::snorfle:: I’m a couple of yards away from a shelf-full of books on kayaking, and now I shall never be able to look at them the same way.
How about deep-fried cockroach porn? (Just to name the most ridiculous random thing I could think of…)
Cheesy? Maybe. Succinct, definitely.
“I won’t be part of the capitalist system, so I won’t work for wages” – hey, good for you if you can make it work. (Although even this seems to frequently involve mass amounts of unexamined privilege as far as who’s able to make this choice.)
“I won’t be part of the capitalist system, so I won’t do anything I don’t feel like doing” – I think your problem isn’t actually with capitalism.
As far as sticks and stones… http://xkcd.com/1216/