Over on Random Xpat Rantings the terrible excuse for a human being who calls himself Xplat sets forth an intriguing proposition: for men in search of sexy times, having money is the equivalent of a woman having tits.
In other words, it’s not absolutely necessary for a man to have big bucks to garner the attention of the opposite sex, just as it’s not absolutely necessary for a woman to have something in the tit department in order to garner the attention of men, but it helps. A lot.
Oh, by the way, the title of the post in which he sets forth this theory is “ALL women are inherently gold diggers down to their pussy juice.”
Let’s let him explain, in his own icky way:
Women know their value. They know they can trade their value for their benefit. In [South-East Asia] this is not a dirty little secret. It’s not even an open secret. It’s just a fact of life. Money is part of the equation, blatantly and openly. …
Money-and-power-and-social-status is exactly equal to breasts. It can be a cause of sexual attraction in and of itself, and can maintain a relationship when there is nothing else being offered.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure when someone is literally interested in nothing about you except your money, you’re not actually in a “relationship” with that person.
Women aren’t men with vaginas. Their sexual attraction triggers are different. It’s not just that they fuck for food. Not JUST a matter of pragmatic sales of a service. Actual attraction is ALSO involved.
I like big bucks and I cannot lie?
Now, of course Xsplat here is challenging the common PUA gospel that men shouldn’t rely on money to win over their “targets” but rather on being cool and caddish and, you know, going to places where there’s a good chance a lot of the women will be pretty drunk.
Manospherians hampsterbate about this with a zillion “ya buts”. Ya, but you don’t NEED money. Yup, and girls don’t NEED tits.
Having tits is better and more attractive anyway, and girls with tits can get more and better quality men.
Having money is better in exactly the same way. You don’t see many flat chested Penthouse centerfolds, nor are there many broke romance novel heros.
Well, I don’t know much about romance novels, but from what I hear there’s a shitload of slash fiction about two dudes named Sam and Dean who basically live out of their car.
It’s not the case that SOME girls are gold diggers.
It’s just a matter of all the gold diggers mining for gold in different ways.
And of course all of this turns out to be a justification for Xplat’s own use of his relative wealth, as a western expat living in Southeast Asia, to exploit impoverished women for sex.
For me sex is about ecstatic intimacy. Money helps to get more intimacy with a greater percentage of girls, and higher quality girls. I choose to allow egoic esteem to include finances. Money is not cheating. Money helps to skin the cat. Money is not separate from my fantastic ethereal self. Money is part of what I am; part and parcel of what I am to a woman.
That’s got to be one of the creepiest and most delusional excuses for sexual exploitation I think I’ve ever run across in the three years of doing this blog.
*Ponders the legality of having a meerkat as a pet*
Sometimes the only way to respond is to back slowly out of the room.
Awww thanks cloudiah. :3 The last one is especially adorable.
Thinking about those jokes that were made against me is really disturbing me right now. So I appreciate the barrel of hugs.
Or vomit. Or cry. Or both.
All aboard the self-justification train!
But seriously, this guy’s entire blogging career could be summed up as “My issues – why I have assumed that they are universal”.
Wait, Cliff’s here so one more:
guinea pig, or butternut squash? not always easy to tell them apart
[Content note: rape, transmisogyny]
Also, I had the displeasure of meeting some of that teacher’s friends again, and while I was smoking from their mini-bong, they made this other horrid rape joke: basically, they were joking about me getting high via a vaporizer and then being raped by a man who has a fetish for trans women while I’m passed out or unable to resist.
But hey they’re just edgy and cool and totally Feminist so I have no reason to complain!!
Sorry Ally 🙁 Here are some animals being silly for you:
Oh God, AllyS, that’s so horrible. 🙁
Ally, that seriously makes me so mad I want to fucking cry. I cannot fucking believe the shit you had to go through.
More piggie-related brain bleach:
Gotta run — more hugs for anyone who needs one, and deep sorrow for the fact that some people can be so very terrible.
Projectile vomit on them, if you can, then SMILE.
Huge adorable-creature-of-your-choice hugs for everyone.
Now, if this link works: how to get a really clean, if fishy, face.
RE: CassandraSays
If anyone can find a thing that exists of which there is no porn on the internet I will come cook them dinner.
I’m tempted to say “challenge accepted,” except then I’d have to find something so depraved there is no porn of it.
RE: historophilia
Oh god. *hides face in hands* That’s pretty much my feelings on a lot of people into Parent/little [x] play. It’s like, dude, fine, you have your kinks. STOP SPEWING THEM ON PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU NO.
RE: Cliff
I met him too. He seemed… a’ight, but we weren’t exactly talking about anything of much substance, and when it came to folks in the room, we unfortunately were the weirdest. And yeah, the huge cognitive dissonance about BDSM was always weird to me. (Staying in a subculture that seems so anger-making never made much sense to me. DUDE. JUST LEAVE.)
we acknowledge that whether a person actually feels violated is more important than whether they expected to feel violated.
Wait, wait, wait. No. NO. I mean, part of my triggers mean that sometimes, I feel violated PURELY BY ACCIDENT. It’s not that hubby did anything; it’s just purely my neurology freaking out. He has not violated me, even if I feel violated. It took a while, but we’ve carefully learned the difference.
Also, it makes it sound like if you don’t feel violated by something, then it’s totally okay. Different people have different reactions, and that’s okay! I’m not going to tell my friend that their rape doesn’t count just because they weren’t a miserable sobbing mess afterward!
But a “sexual hunger strike to bring about the end of rape culture” is an unrealistically high ethical bar to set for most real people who are trying to survive in a world where intimacy is a human necessity.
Dude. Intimacy and sex AREN’T THE SAME THING. Ain’t nobody died of lack of sex. The fuck. If a “sexual hunger strike” will protect me from rape, damn straight I’ll do so!
D8 ! That’s horrifyingly terrible!
relaxing at the beach
“You know you haven’t got the zoom right, don’t you?”
Lima bean porn is not a thing. COME MAKE ME DINNER.
Horse wins.
Hellkell, I bet stepping on lima beans is a thing, though!
LBT – “Ain’t nobody died of lack of sex. ”
Don’t tell the incels that! They’re expecting to keel over any day now.
Thanks guys. That shit disturbs me so much that even thinking about it now is making my legs shake (I don’t know why it’s my legs that are shaking – that’s just how I am, I guess). Sometimes I hate the world. People like them are why I’m scared of having sex. Anyway, I hope I didn’t derail too much.
Baileyrenee: noton the first page of search results.
I bet I could find lima bean porn if I looked hard enough.
He wants this to read as “I support victims even if they initially consented”, but it actually reads as “if I can get the victim to agree not to complain then there weren’t really violated”.
RE: CassandraSays
She’s the one who instigated the pushback against Kink.com.
Good on her! Yeah, I knew nothing of her, so now I know a bit more.
RE: Cliff
M*yM*y (who will turn up here, btw, they Google themselves like 500 times a day
We’re okay with that, I’m pretty sure. Cliff, you have no idea, we don’t even have anybody in the goddamn running for Troll of the Year award. It’s DISAPPOINTING.
RE: Ally
Jeezus. Oh hey, can you email me? I was talking to a friend of mine re: your great escape, and I got some info you might like. I’m loonybrain at healthymultiplicity.com. Also, things like what you mention make me wish I was like that species of vulture which can projectile vomit as a defense mechanism.
Now I’m trying to think of ways in which lack of sex could lead to death.