antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking demonspawn doubling down empathy deficit evil fat fatties mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim PUA reddit rhymes with roosh

Roosh V, trolling for page views with deliberately offensive posts, finds some supporters in the Men’s Rights subreddit

The glamorous life of an internet king
The glamorous life of an internet king

So our old friend Roosh Valizadeh seems to have fully embraced the Matt Forney school of misogynist internet celebrity, posting over-the-top offensive posts in a transparent attempt to gin up controversy and blog traffic. And it’s working: he’s brought an avalanche of well-deserved hate down upon himself. But don’t worry: he’s still got some supporters — not only on his own blog but in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

The post that’s been keeping the servers hosting Roosh’s Return of Kings blog busy lately is a guest post by Tuthmosis with the title “5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder.”

It’s pretty much as awful as you’d imagine. Reason 1: “Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks.” Number 2:  “She costs less money” because she’ll only order salads at dinner. Hilarious. It’s all so predictably “provocative” it’s not worth quoting in any more detail.

Roosh has responded to the controversy with an, er, “Publisher Response” that was clearly designed to further stir the shit. In it, he claimed that the original post

contains value for men who want to date thin women in America, a country that is currently facing a devastating obesity epidemic, which we recently highlighted with Fat Shaming Week.

He followed this by claiming that Return of Kings wasn’t promoting eating disorders, merely trying to help women struggling with eating disorders find happiness in love:

We are educating our masculine readers not to pass on eating disorder victims just because they have an illness, yet instead of receiving thanks, we’re receiving hate instead. If we all had cancer, and someone wrote an article titled “5 Reasons To Fornicate With A Man Who Has Cancer,” we would spread it far and wide to make fornicating with us a better proposition for women. We would not send death threats or calls for censorship like is happening to us now. I think a bit more graciousness is in order for our unorthodox method of outreach.

As a much less obnoxious internet celebrity once put it:

yous trollin

Despite setting out to offend as many people as possible, Roosh reacted with indignation when he discovered that someone on the Men’s Rights subreddit had dared to suggest that perhaps he had stepped over the line a bit.

What’s doubly ironic about this tweet is that he actually has a lot of defenders in that thread — and that the thread itself has gotten twice as many downvotes as upvotes. Only a few found the Return of Kings post offensive; the others dismissed it as clickbait — or agreed with it.

One commenter, posting under the name of a famous turn-of-the-twentieth centuryantifeminist and opponent of women’s suffrage, apparently sees Roosh as some sort of heroic defender of anorexic women:

ernestbelfortbax 8 points 21 hours ago (17|9)  When obesity is the number 1 health problem in the West for young girls, why do feminists promote 'fat acceptance' and 'fat is beautiful' campaigns, and yet wish to skin alive a male author for suggesting that anorexic girls are loveable?

Meanwhile, the ironically named LogicalDebater beamed us this message from his home planet:

LogicalDebater 6 points 21 hours ago (14|8)  Well, the problem is that this article is NOT sexist. It's simply observation but put crudely and probably in a slightly sarcastic manner.  Women have disturbingly high standards for men. It's easy for any female to find a man regardless of how she looks, but a male has to compete fiercely or be left out and considered a virgin. However, the mere notion of these lowly males wanting women who aren't militant feminists strikes rage in the hearts of their peers.  Maybe one day women will need to watch their weight, income, and ability to please lest they be left in the dust much like men today. Women aren't the ones with body and self-image issues, it's men. Just another lie to make women seem like the eternal victims of a feminist utopia.

And our old friend Demonspawn, quoting from a commenter on Return of Kings, blamed the outrage on fat, ugly feminists jealous because men would rather date thin women.

Demonspawn [-1] 1 point 21 hours ago (8|7)  This comment on the followup article nailed it to the wall:  The anger was only thinly veiled by the eating disorder arguments. Ultimately the original article was about accepting women albeit with the benefit that she's thin and won't cost as much, but I think that is the rub. The feminist hate speech directed in the comments and emails to this site was latent anger at a man's desire to date thin women. Since feminism encourages the destruction of female beauty and femininity most feminists have a hatred toward anything that encourages or accepts women for these traits. The hate directed at this site under the guise of "eating disorders" is just that, the article hit a rough nerve with feminists who hate beauty and acceptance when it is defined by men.

Men’s Rights Activists often complain about being lumped together with pickup artists; here, many of them have chosen to associate themselves with Roosh at his worst.

The greatest human rights movement of the 21st century, folks!

EDIT: Belated thanks to Snork Maiden for pointing me to Roosh’s tweet and the Reddit thread!

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11 years ago

That photo reminds me of one time at university, when I decided to see just how much of a beard I could grow. It went from my cheekbones to just below my Adam’s apple – with my head hair and glasses, it left about an inch of forehead as the only visible skin on my face.

But it was CLEAN.

11 years ago

You are either a mindless idiot falling for a trap that you have clearly stated you know is there, or you are supporting Roosh by backing his tactic to drive traffic to his site.

Or maybe he’s doing the women of the world a service by alerting them to the presence of a massive, disgusting fucking douche. Perhaps that might have occurred to you if you actually used your head for something other than a butt plug.

11 years ago

Also, isn’t pounding chicken breasts part of making chicken parmigiana and/or scallopine? I’m somewhat agog at Roosh engaging in any culinary endeavor more complex than boil in the bag or nuking takeaway. It’s like he’s people.

11 years ago

That’s a really funny image, Robert. 😀

Yeah, everything about that pic just screams UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN! GO AND BATHE!

11 years ago

Maybe Roosh is trying to show what an uber-sophisticated dood he is with his culinary skillz. Except no, it ain’t working.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Jojo – O_o I cook chicken breasts all the time, and they usually come out juicy and flavorful. I’ve almost never had an issue with them.

11 years ago

A bad cook blames hir ingredients, I guess.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

There’s perfectly good reasons to flatten chicken breasts– if you want to roll them up with bacon, for example, or for chicken parmesgana, or whatever. Also around here I sometimes find chicken breasts that are literally larger than MY breasts, and I’m a DD, so flattening them before pan frying ain’t a half bad idea.

Now, more importantly– am I the only person who reads “Roosh V” as “Roosh the Fifth”?

11 years ago

Re: wooden cutting boards. Back in the day, when we used them, we rinsed off the cutting board and covered it in salt, let that sit for an hour and then washed it in hot, soapy water. We never had a problem, but boy was it nice to switch to plastic!

11 years ago

I think I used to read it as fifth, but not since I read his actual surname.

11 years ago

That pounded chicken breast looks profoundly depressed to be in that photo. I didn’t even think it was possible for a slab of meat to look depressed, but there you go.

11 years ago

Being that close to Roosh would be incredibly depressing, even if he wasn’t doing anything.

11 years ago

I admit to being one of those people who are really crappy at keeping track of cutting boards. <.< I so rarely HAVE meat! And at least I always wash it immediately after eating?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Roosh is practicing kino escalation on the chicken to prevent it from fleeing the scene.

11 years ago

Maybe Roosh is trying to show what an uber-sophisticated dood he is with his culinary skillz. Except no, it ain’t working.

More likely he’s doing to it what he can no longer find a woman to put up with.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

LBT – Color coding. VERY useful. *nod*

(Of course, that means that you’re going to have get the plastic ones. I have a green one for veggies and a red one for meat, so I never lose track.)

11 years ago

I so rarely have meat, I’m not sure it’d be worth it. Oh well, after the move and I actually have stable, long-term housing, maybe it can be a thing!

11 years ago

If color coding works for you, go for it, but it takes a truly dedicated person to go wash the red one that’s dirty in the sink because you have to cut some meat instead of using the green one that’s clean and ready to use.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

katz – My green board’s also much smaller, which kind of helps with the “oh man, I hate dishes” instinct.

PUA Hate
11 years ago

Tuthmosis has been getting a lot of threats for his shit. Manboobz, no matter how much people write about Roosh being whatever he is, he just seems to get bigger and stronger. More and more men hear of his blog and forum and decide to follow it. I have seen this post retweeted and posted on many other blogs out there.

I am fucking sick and tired of this shit coming up everywhere. But the problem is Roosh is pissing off angry feminists and that is it. Angry feminists cannot do shit it seems. All they do is rant and think it is going hurt his feelings when it won’t. All it is going to do is make him stronger and get more traffic from their hate blogs. Men who hate radical feminists will follow Roosh just for that.

All I see is rants from feminists and more traffic going to Roosh’s blog. I don’t see anyone actually doing shit about the guy as he sells books out of his ass, makes money left to right, and celebrates it all with his forum member who are glad of the attention they are getting.

11 years ago

Enh, I habitually, automatically clean all my dishes immediately after every meal, so they never pile up. It was the only way I could find to circumvent that.

11 years ago

We just use the one cutting board, a plastic one, and wash it. We don’t cut up meat that much; mostly it’s steak or chicken pieces that don’t need it, though the steak gets a bit of tenderising.

11 years ago

Well, PUA Hate, angry feminists can’t just go and arrest him or make him stop posting, so what’s YOUR brilliant idea for stopping him?

We’re laughing at him, which about all the energy he deserves.

11 years ago

I wonder if “PUA hate” refers to that other bunch of losers David wrote about a while back?

11 years ago

To the chicken breast defenders:

Just try boneless skinless thighs as a substitution for chicken breasts one time. If you don’t prefer them, I won’t push the issues. But trust me, you don’t know what you’re missing.