a woman is always to blame dozens of upvotes mansplaining misogyny MRA reddit victim blaming wage gap

Women are bitches: A new theory on the wage gap from the Men’s Rights subreddit

The standard MRA take on the gender wage gap is that it’s totally a myth disproved by SCIENCE. But now the gap is apparently a real thing again in MRA-land, or at least in the Men’s Rights subreddit, because a fellow calling himself mrwhibbley has figured out a way to blame it on the ladies:

I am a male nurse and have worked in several hospitals. I have to say that the comments and attitudes between women are the reason for 90% of the wage gap. Women are constantly tearing each other down, while often ignoring the male nurses. That allows the men to advance while the women in-fight. Also, women have attitudes noticed by supervisors that are often negative, as they berate and gossip about other employees. It takes its toll on the workplace and women do it to themselves. Then they try to blame men for the wage gap, glass ceiling etc. time to look in the mirror and do more than check your make-up.

For proof, I suggest you watch this completely 100% percent true and not at all obviously staged phony video below:

H/T to the AgainstMensRights subreddit again!

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Question. If we had a battle for the Worst Anti-Virus of All Time, who would win? McAfee or Norton?

11 years ago

Didn’t McAfee have a total mental breakdown and kill a few people? I pick the murder’s antivirus as the worst.

11 years ago

I’ll just leave these here…

BC does good work and I’ve had to use the Norton tool. Worked like a charm.

11 years ago

Re surgeons: I spent nearly two decades working with specialist surgeons, and I can honestly say that like the broader human community, there was a wide range from saints to pigs. Some were known to be sexist womanisers, some were in it for the prestige and perks, and some gave their time generously and discreetly by volunteering their skills in developing countries. It was a very blokey specialty – something like 4% female membership – so there was a bit of a culture of the “old school tie”, but really, most I had to deal with were pretty nice guys (even if the egos were a bit inflated). Oh, and the wisest amongst them understood the value of treating nursing and support staff well.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Surgeons + software = (once) “I need acrobat, I have surgery in 45 minutes!” (Well who’s fault is it that you waited until the last minute?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


11 years ago

Surgeons + software = (once) “I need acrobat, I have surgery in 45 minutes!”

What, ze needed to read the instructions?

11 years ago

That’s a toss up between Norton and McAfee. I’d probably go for Norton, though at least it doesn’t turn up on every. fucking. update. trying to sneak in. I tried to use McAfee once, many years ago, and couldn’t even get the bloody thing running (probably just as well, in hindsight). I’ve had stuff trashed by fuckinfuckin Norton before, and it makes everything run sooooo sloooooowwllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy even when it is working.

David, yay on destroying the McAfee monster!

Surgeons + software = (once) “I need acrobat, I have surgery in 45 minutes!”

What, ze needed to read the instructions?


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I have no fucking clue, but he got very cranky with me about my not having it.

And he didn’t work at some small town hospital either, we’re talking the biggest in Pittsburgh and top rated in the nation for various things. This wasn’t a case of him getting the job because they needed someone — he had to be decent to be working there in the first place!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That job was weird. The undergrads thought I was a grad student and gave me the respect they give TAs, grad students thought I was one of them and treated me as a peer (to be fair here, these are assumptions based on how they acted, but not huge leaps as I was the age of older undergrad // younger grad student) — med students were invariably frustrated but polite, doctors…50/50 between scatter brained but awesome and GO AWAY ALREADY. Many sent their interns though, so I missed the entire population of perfectly sensible doctors.

11 years ago

I worked in a psychiatric hospital for years with a more or less equal ratio of male to female staff, edging slightly higher toward male in managerial positions, and it was well known male nurses were promoted over the heads of women by men in higher positions. I was even told that men going into the field (at least in this country) often had an expectation that they would be promoted simply for being a man who works in nursing.

11 years ago

Completely OT but OMg, a whore penguin sweater knitting pattern!

*hunts for knitting needles*

11 years ago

I’ve been watching Anna Sarkeesian’s latest Tropes video, “Ms Male Character” and her discription of how so many female characters are simply stereotyped as identically shallow, vain, quick to anger. It ties in perfectly with MRA’s view of women. I’m beginning to conclude that they have encountered no women IRL and are basing their view of women on the stereotypes in computor games.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

I kinda want to (or wish someone would) create a blog that reposts all these clickbait articles so that people can read them without giving leeches like this any ad revenue. Give any ad revenue generated by the site to charities which help combat the issues these assholes are perpetuating.

11 years ago

When men gossip, they call it “talking shit.” My first real job had two women and 38 guys, and lord, there was PLENTY of hilarious drama, 99.9 percent of it having nothing to do with either of the women there.

X dude thinks Y dude needs to stay in his OWN lane, Y guy sez, well if X would handle his business I wouldn’t have to be in it! X says he WOULD handle it, if Y would stop micromanaging. P Q and R all choose sides, and everyone else gets the popcorn!

J gets religion and interjects it willynilly into every conversation he has, including and especially with K, who’s a diehard atheist. J and K have massive throwdown. The more J prays in public, the louder K cusses. The louder K cusses, the more ostentatious J’s prayers get. K talks shit about J’s fashion sense; J talks shit about K’s work ethic. (Neither necessarily has much room to talk but that doesn’t stop either of them.)

P Q and R all take sides and the popcorn budget grows again.

A is very senior to B, but they are united by a shared love of their favorite sport and genial trash-talking. Though some feel B benefits unfairly from favoritism by A and nearly everyone makes fun of the bromance behind their backs, no one says anything to B’s face. Until one day B steps over the line with the trash talk and A puts B down by about five pegs. B’s peers practically throw him a schadenfreude parade; B now hates everyone and spends the rest of his tenure sulking about how much balls this place sucks and how he is WAY better than this dump.

I think men are at *least* as dramatic as women, but don’t consider that a bad thing. Better to have actual drama than spend your life watching fictional drama on TV. 😀

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Some friends of mine used to do that with a youtuber Onision. Mirror his videos so that people could be aware of the disgusting and hateful messages he was spreading without paying him to keep tabs. It directed at least a couple thousand views away from him for a while.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Yeah, I should get rid of Norton eh? what leads you guys to trust in software? Like, what makes Avira so much better?

Also, Mcafee recently snuck on my computer and froze my browser up causing me to lose so many good tabs. I was pissed.

11 years ago

The nurses that took care of my grandfather ranged from good to disinterested (although it’s always possible that they were just overworked). The nurses that took care of my grandmother were, bar one, absolute god sends that my mum and I praise to anyone who listens to this day.

11 years ago

On doctors: I can confirm, from conversations with my wife (who works tech support for a hospital network) that doctors suffer as much as any other highly educated profession from Dunning-Kruger. Getting a doctor to understand that his 8 years of schooling in how intestines work did not make him an expert in computer systems is the biggest hurdle in her job.

In addition to the educational factor (which applies to lawyers as well), there’s been some solid studies showing that the internship process actually reduces empathy and humility–you’re basically drill-trained to act like you’re the smartest person in the room, in part to ensure that your treatment recommendations are actually followed by the patient. That kind of thing is tough to turn off, though.

11 years ago

McAfee the man didn’t come up with McAfee the antivirus himself, he said hey it would be profitable to fight computer viruses and took the CS students’ lunch money until one of them wrote him something.

I read an essay from a journalist who went and interviewed McAfee in his home in South America. The journalist got majorly creeped out and refused another meeting when he got the vibe that McAfee might be trying to kill him. I’ll see if I can find that article again.

I was using AVG but it took over my browser and kept appointing its search engine my default home page. Grr.

in retrospect it’s alot more articulate

I’d do a drawing but I have no idea how to convey “articulate” with a large shaggy mammal.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Put the a lot at a speaking podium?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Or go for the other meaning and have a large shaggy mammal controlling one of these —

11 years ago

Well obviously you can’t blame it on the ladies, were it not for Men! we’d all be living in perfect equality

Now I’m not a nurse (are you?), so I can’t confirm what the guy says is true or not. It does rings sort of true in my experience, though that could just be confirmation bias. But if you’re gonna disagree, don’t you need to present an argument?

11 years ago

I use Avast Antivirus myself. Its main annoyance is that it’ll declare “Avast Antivirus has been updated!” through the speakers, but I finally found a way to turn that off. Otherwise, I really can’t complain; it doesn’t really slow my computer down, and it’s clean and runs like a dream after eight years!

Then again, Sneak DID have to pull emergency maneuevers to make the comp work due to a fucking memory leak that just wouldn’t. Go. AWAY. Turns out the problem was with Windows, not any program or malware. (Zie finally turned off Windows Auto Updates, which seems to have solved the problem, but damn, does it make our comp mad.)