a woman is always to blame dozens of upvotes mansplaining misogyny MRA reddit victim blaming wage gap

Women are bitches: A new theory on the wage gap from the Men’s Rights subreddit

The standard MRA take on the gender wage gap is that it’s totally a myth disproved by SCIENCE. But now the gap is apparently a real thing again in MRA-land, or at least in the Men’s Rights subreddit, because a fellow calling himself mrwhibbley has figured out a way to blame it on the ladies:

I am a male nurse and have worked in several hospitals. I have to say that the comments and attitudes between women are the reason for 90% of the wage gap. Women are constantly tearing each other down, while often ignoring the male nurses. That allows the men to advance while the women in-fight. Also, women have attitudes noticed by supervisors that are often negative, as they berate and gossip about other employees. It takes its toll on the workplace and women do it to themselves. Then they try to blame men for the wage gap, glass ceiling etc. time to look in the mirror and do more than check your make-up.

For proof, I suggest you watch this completely 100% percent true and not at all obviously staged phony video below:

H/T to the AgainstMensRights subreddit again!

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

David – Delete the files and use CCleaner to remove dead registry links?

That IS essentially what an uninstall program does.

Was going to suggest Revo Uninstaller, but that runs the uninstall program, which you don’t want.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

By files I mean program files, BTW. Should have clarified.

11 years ago

David, I’ve used this method before (although I didn’t boot into safe mode first) and it works. Just make sure to back up the registry first!

(Also, if you come across a registry key called Wow6432Node, don’t delete it. For some reason I always think that’s malware and it’s actually a critical part of windows.)

11 years ago

but…but the only reason men are catty now in days is because we live in a feminized emasculating society! Back pre feminism all men were completely stoic and professional!!

In all seriousness though acting like all men want other men to succeed and its the WOMEN holding other women down is bollucks. I remember getting in a political debate with my uncle and he kept calling Barbra Boxer Barbra Botox and Hilary Clinton really nasty names too

I am not even going to touch that nurses are awful people comment.

11 years ago

I would never talk bad about my coworkers. Not like my awful coworkers who always do that!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Meetkat – Now that you mention it… irony much?

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

Men don’t gossip. They discuss.

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

This isn’t a new idea here but these people seem to do a lot of projecting, and I don’t even mean on an individual level like “this person does these things (I also do) and I hate them” way. But in a mass scale “behaviour I consider bad is what women do, behaviour I consider good is what men do” wishy-washy fashion. Or maybe it’s just me and I can’t tell if they think ‘women behave badly’ or that ‘bad behaviour is womanly’……..

and on an anecdote:

so I’m not saying I witnessed this behaviour from all my male classmates or that I think that men ‘gossip’ like this across the bored but I eavesdropped/they spoke well within earshot/and once included me in on a few conversations where they ‘talked about girls to talk about other boys’. They would discuss there female classmates’ sex lives but as it related to the male classmates they slept with.
Now that’s not really that strange since gossip is unusually more interesting/relevant when you know the people being talked about but it always started as “did you hear mona had sex with josh, mona and josh performed these sex acts’, into’ josh receive oral sex from mona, josh did this, josh is this, something else about josh, mona returns to the conversation to be declared as having poor sexual conduct in some way,” people air snarky remarks and conversation concludes(usually as home room begins). but I’m paraphrasing.
anyone else run into anything like this?

11 years ago

auggz – I wonder if that’s the same experiment I’ve seen a bit of? People were given a baby to hold and reacted differently according to whether they thought the child was a boy or a girl. When they thought they held a boy, they bounced the child around and played with ‘him’; when they thought they held a girl, it was all cooing and holding ‘her’ ever so carefully, like ‘she’ would break. Again, it was the same child, a boy, who I’d swear had a puzzled look on his face at being held like he was fragile.

And people claim that there are innate differences, and nooo, socialisation has nothing to do with it … we’re unconsciously socialising children with gender roles and norms from the moment they’re born, even when they’re not our own.

11 years ago

Or maybe it’s just me and I can’t tell if they think ‘women behave badly’ or that ‘bad behaviour is womanly’……..

Both. For MRAs it doesn’t matter how something’s configured; women are always to be blamed and always to be punished. That’s all there is to this mob.

11 years ago

Similar test, in a way – people reacting differently based on perceived gender.

Were the people watching the video told afterward that they’d given positive or negative labels to the same baby, based on gender perception? I’d be interested to see someone’s response to that. It could be quite an eye-opener about subconcscious bias.

11 years ago

Couldn’t find the link auggziliary mentioned, but I did find this interesting article:

It makes me sad. Apparently men aren’t as fond of daughters as they are of sons, even in the US.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

LOL, we totally coddle my nephew. He’ll be a feminist yet!

11 years ago

Jessay: “While many women are in competition due to how we’ve been socialized (and that’s an entire essay in and of itself), to act like men are ABOVE catty comments, competition, and gossip, give me a break. ”

Reminds me a lot of the stuff I read on politicians. Male politicians in the House of Commons are constantly heckling each other etc yet no one considers them to be “a bitch” for it.

11 years ago

auggz – be interesting to see people’s reactions, then.

LadySunami, doesn’t surprise me, really. Looks like some people are no better than they would have been fifty years ago (my male parental unit was all MY SON about my brother, and not very interested in me … just as well, he made a great job of feeding brother’s ego to bursting point and getting him onto alcohol at age fifteen.)

11 years ago

it would be safer doing dental work on hungry lions.

I wonder how much weed you’d have to swap for a couple of hungry lions? katz?

11 years ago

Bit less than for a tiger.

I wonder if it’s safer or less safe to do the dental work if the lion is high.

11 years ago

If whatever he was stoned on gave the lion the munchies: significantly less safe.

11 years ago

David, have you angered the Furrinati in some way? They could be in your computer, messin’ with things.

11 years ago

Also, feckin’ McAfee, second only to Norton in suckiness in my experience. 🙁

11 years ago

Angry lion with the munchies? Would not go near for all the weed in the world.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

‘Tis why I use Avira. Free, and not sucky.

Anyways, I’m aware of a secret Admin account on Windows PCs. You can’t access this account normally, but it’s like KING of administration.

^ instructions should work for Windows 7.

I once accessed it on my Windows XP PC a few years ago because I forgot the password to my only admin account on that computer, and I was able to change it. So try that?

I wish I knew how to fix the firewall thing though.

11 years ago

I just use Microsoft security now. I’ve used AVG and Avira in the past.

11 years ago

“Every nurse I’ve ever met (male or female) has been an awful person in every way. Male nurses are just as awful to be around as female nurses. ”

I’m sorry you have had bad experiences with nurses. However, we’re generally a pretty decent and caring lot. I’m not sure you can last very long in the profession without being a king and caring person, actually (You can, but it’ll be obvious you hate your life). I have certainly met some bad nurses, but I have also met (and hopefully am one of) nurses who I would be comfortable having take care of my closest and dearest loved ones.

Anyway, my experience has been that everyone gossips at the work place. Also, a few of the male nurses I’ve worked with have been the absolute laziest people who cut corners. And they have gotten away with it because they’re men. But as a whole I feel very highly about nurses male or female.