a woman is always to blame dozens of upvotes mansplaining misogyny MRA reddit victim blaming wage gap

Women are bitches: A new theory on the wage gap from the Men’s Rights subreddit

The standard MRA take on the gender wage gap is that it’s totally a myth disproved by SCIENCE. But now the gap is apparently a real thing again in MRA-land, or at least in the Men’s Rights subreddit, because a fellow calling himself mrwhibbley has figured out a way to blame it on the ladies:

I am a male nurse and have worked in several hospitals. I have to say that the comments and attitudes between women are the reason for 90% of the wage gap. Women are constantly tearing each other down, while often ignoring the male nurses. That allows the men to advance while the women in-fight. Also, women have attitudes noticed by supervisors that are often negative, as they berate and gossip about other employees. It takes its toll on the workplace and women do it to themselves. Then they try to blame men for the wage gap, glass ceiling etc. time to look in the mirror and do more than check your make-up.

For proof, I suggest you watch this completely 100% percent true and not at all obviously staged phony video below:

H/T to the AgainstMensRights subreddit again!

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Because men don’t ever talk bad against their bosses ever. 🙄

But in the end, it’s a simple “BLAME ALL THE WOMEN!!11!” screed.

Rachel Supra
11 years ago

You can support women against domestic violene this Christmas with Oxfam’s Protect Women Pack that provides legal aid, counselling, safe refuge and support networks to women around the world:

11 years ago

…the reason for 90% of the wage gap…

In MRA land, all statistics are 90%, 99%, or 100%. That’s how you know they are quoting TRUE ASSFAX.

11 years ago

Serrana: Because other numbers are MISANDRY, of course.

11 years ago

There’s definitely a big difference between how behaviors are perceived if they’re performed by a man or a woman, including in a work setting. There tends to be a *lot* more leeway for men to not behave perfectly.

Like the archetype of the abrasive but hypercompetent person who coworkers don’t like but keeps his job because he’s just so good at it that nobody else could do it: you see this a lot on TV and also in real life; hell, the abrasiveness may even get taken as evidence of the competence. But there’s no corresponding archetype for women. Regardless of how competent they are, women have to be nice and friendly and respectful and quiet or else they are regarded as no good.

11 years ago

Subtext: “Some people are worth more than others.”

Some People = Men, Others = feeeeemales.

11 years ago

Serrana: Well, once I did see a 98.8% statistic in regards to how many rape allegations were false.

How thorough and well researched assfax are!

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Because when women talk about other people it’s gossip… when men do it (which they do incredibly fucking regularly) it’s… I don’t know… some manly thing that has a perfectly logical explanation and utility in the world.

11 years ago

Every nurse I’ve ever met (male or female) has been an awful person in every way. Male nurses are just as awful to be around as female nurses.

Still, best to be polite to them. They can (and will) “accidentally” mess with you when you’re under their care.

11 years ago

Men never gossip or have bad attitudes? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Tell me another one.

11 years ago

@Jojo: Sounds like you’ve had some bad luck with nurses, because the ones I know are pretty awesome. Mind, I only know three.

Anyway, what gets me about statements like this Reddit post is that these guys crap as if it’s some new idea…as if it isn’t some tired stereotype that feminists have already spent a great deal of effort and time thinking through.

Like, hey, maybe a lot of why women tear each other down is due to the way we’ve got a screwed up hierarchical gender binary in which men are on top combined with a culture which still hasn’t figured out that the best way to build yourself up isn’t to tear someone else down. (Oh look, I just described the Honey Badgers).

Plus, as everyone else already mentioned, men “in-fight” too…but when they do it, it’s just healthy workplace competition.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

While many women are in competition due to how we’ve been socialized (and that’s an entire essay in and of itself), to act like men are ABOVE catty comments, competition, and gossip, give me a break. Some of the meanest, snarkiest people I’ve ever met were men. It’s not a gender thing, it’s a personality thing. Anyone trying to tell me dudes don’t gossip and stir the pot is not paying attention.

11 years ago

Well, Jojo, if we’re doing anecdata, all the nurses I’ve known have been perfectly pleasant people, and professional. That’s nurses for humans and for other animals. Oh, and my mother was a nurse, so you’re right into offensive territory with the “all nurses are awful and unprofessional” implication.

11 years ago

@ Jojo Nurses are human & can be both good & bad. I think I’ve only come across a couple of examples of poor care, once directly towards me & another time towards someone else on the same ward.

11 years ago

Jojo: Generalizations like that are usually pretty crap. (I will agree, though, that failing to treat a service professional of any sort with respect is stupid, above and beyond the human decency thing, since, y’know, you rely on those people.)

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

RE nurses – I’m been walking in and out of doctor’s offices for hypothyroidism for over a year, and all of the nurses I’ve met are really nice. The nurse in my group on campus even knows me by name by now. I’m sorry you had bad experiences though.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Also, re: male gossip –

What do you call the infighting and the cattiness in the MRA “movement”?

11 years ago

Oh Jojo, we don’t “mess” with our patients. That is seriously against the ethics of the profession (as in, you will face consequences from your employer and the state licensing board, up to and including having your license revoked).

Poor care is something everyone in the healthcare profession takes seriously. Did you file a complaint?

11 years ago

Generalizations like that are usually pretty crap.

And bonus points for including a qualifier there.

11 years ago

On the thread, another nurse expresses skepticism about this story, especially the idea that male nurses constantly get promotions for being so much better than female nurses. For one thing, most hospitals and clinics don’t have many positions for nurses to get promoted to.

Everyone else, however, agrees that women are bitches and terrible at jobs. Also, the original poster clarifies that the wage gap doesn’t exist, while simultaneously being real and caused by female awfulness, and adds this totally-relevant-to-men’s-rights-and-not-something-your-drunk-misogynist-uncle-will-say-this-Thanksgiving comment:

I would love to do a study on PMS in women and work performance, but it would be safer doing dental work on hungry lions.

11 years ago

OP probably read this (other reddit MRAs were wanking over it)

Sounds like it’s trying to absolve all responsibility from douchey men and pin all the blame on women. Yeah, women slut-shame and judge and tear each other down, no one ever denied this. In fact, I remember reading a feminist article calling out this very thing…but to act as if men don’t play a part in this? The manosphere itself disputes this! I have never heard such horrible examples of slut shaming as much as I hear in the manosphere, nor have I read such nasty screeds ripping women apart for not being attractive enough. What little I’ve heard from women sounded like jealousy, manosphere dudes act enraged at the fact that unattractive women even dare exist and that attractive women can choose to not sleep with them.

I dunno man, my experience may not count for much, but it’s been the exact opposite from that article. Or maybe it’s because I make a point to not be friends with shallow, mean women.

Anyway, I wonder how MRAs will reconcile that with their other favorite example “women have automatic in group bias to other women!!!”

So we are catty and mean to each other, compete with each other, but also prefer each other to men. Yeah ok there.

11 years ago

katz: I had to work at making sure I didn’t go overboard on the generalization about generalizations.

11 years ago

What do you call the infighting and the cattiness in the MRA “movement”?

ManLogic™ in action!!!

franky tea
franky tea
11 years ago

auggziliary: what studies are these that show these gender biases? i don’t doubt they exist or their validity; i’d just love to see them

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