advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy doubling down douchebaggery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

How not to get banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit



Let’s say you wake up one morning and you decide, for some reason, that you’d like to make it your goal for the day to get yourself banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit.

If you’re a feminist, it’s not hard. I managed to get myself banned there some time ago and all I had to do was … well, I’m not exactly sure what it was I did. Actually, I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, Reddit-wise, other than argue with the regulars there. It’s possible I may have engaged in some light sarcasm. So maybe try that.

If, on the other hand, you hate women, all you have to do is … well, again, I’m not sure. Because earlier today, as one friend of Man Boobz pointed out on the Against Men’s Rights subreddit, a dislikeable fellow who calls himself sciencegod posted an elaborate, graphic torture fantasy to the Men’s Rights subreddit. I’m posting it below as a thumbnail; click to see it full size, but TRIGGER WARNING because it’s very graphic.

sciencegod -9 points 10 hours ago* (4|13)  Always remember folks, revenge is a dish best served cold.  If you ever think about suicide again OP, you should get revenge on your abuser first- with lots of pomp and ceremony.  However, do it in a way that lets her live.  To start, cut off important body parts like her nose, eyes, tongue, hands, feet, nipples, and clitoris. Be sure to cauterize each wound as you go, so that she doesn't bleed out.  You will want to take a few days to cut all the pieces off, you know, so she doesn't die of shock.  When you're done, post a full account of her crimes, your retribution against her, the Court's abuse of your liberty and injustice, and why you are letting her live.  You might even quote a few choice Supreme Court Justices about how when the Court does not successfully resolve grievances, violence is the natural outcome.  Then let her go, to live and never again see another soul, talk to another person, feel or smell another thing, but she will hear the screams of others.  Yes, let her go through life a disfigured, isolated, and scorned monster for her crimes...  Then kill yourself in a grand fashion; a beacon to the Nation for its crimes against so many of its sons. You might try setting yourself on fire- that's always spectacular.  But more importantly than her justified suffering, the System that violated you will be forced to answer for it's abuses and you will no longer be suffering.  Let the Down Votes Begin Even Though Most OF You Enjoyed And Some Of You Even Loved The Images Of Cruel And Brutal Vengeance!
It got some downvotes, and the mods deleted the comment. But it didn’t occur to any of the mods, evidently, to actually ban this user from the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Because obviously anything he might ever have to say on the subject of Men’s Rights is much more worthwhile than anything I might ever have to say on the subject.

I asked the mods why they felt it necessary to ban me when they wouldn’t ban someone like sciencegod, and here’s the response I got back:

sillymod [M] via /r/MensRights/ sent 51 minutes ago  We don't answer to you. You have zero influence through which to get a discussion out of us. Goodbye.
This is pretty much the answer I get whenever I ask them anything. I could ask them if they thought the sky was blue and they’d send me the same response and probably put something in the sidebar saying the sky was red.

Ironically, elsewhere in the Men’s Rights subreddit today I learned this:

nigglereddit 6 points 1 day ago (19|13)  They don't actually think we hate women - if they did then they'd be happy for us to prove it every time we spoke in public.  No, the problem is the opposite. They know we don't hate women. They know we're right. And the only way they can stop people from hearing and agreeing is to censor us.
Huh. Where on earth might I have gotten the impression that there are MRAs who hate women?

Oops. There’s that sarcasm again. When will I ever learn?

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11 years ago

*notices 4chan next to poster’s name*

Am I the only one who honestly thinks reddit is worse than 4chan sometimes? At least 4chan knows damn well what they are and how they look to people, reddit is capable of being just as awful, but they have an air of pretention that 4chan doesn’t. You know what you’re getting yourself into on 4chan, people (for some reason) expect better from reddit. It’s considered a more respectable place but the opinions of a lot of them are just as bad.

And for fucks sake, at least /b/ has put their trolling to good use before, what the hell good has reddit ever done?

I hate reddit so much.

11 years ago

Glad to see you’re complaining about idiotic censoring bans on the Internet and at Reddit.

Because the MRM is totally above that.

You should poll people across the net and see which of your pet movements is notorious for idiotic censoring bans on the Internet and at Reddit.

Probably the MRM.



People come here all the time and argue with us, silly goose.

11 years ago

@Some dude: Banning you from screeching and spreading your hate on one specific website isn’t censorship. You aren’t entitled to an audience.

Why don’t you actually LOOK UP what censorship is and what it looks like instead of creating new sockpuppets here so you can get banned all over again?

11 years ago

but this guy doesn’t represent MRAs. Neither do all those other MRAs who have said misogynist shit in the past. They don’t count, because reasons! Valerie Solanas and Andrea Dworkin on the other hand totally represents all of feminism, all the time. In fact I heard they collaborated in creating the whole child support idea!!!

also logicmenstemrationalobjectivescience.

11 years ago

Wow, Some Dude, go easy on the caps. People might think you’re loosing your shit on a public forum or something.

11 years ago

judgybitch thinks women should thank men who shout “nice tits” at them.

but that doesn’t count either.

11 years ago

In a post where we point out the hypocrisy of r/mr banning people who simply disagree with them while allowing people who post violent torture wank-fests to remain, we get people upset that David consistently bans people for his own ethical reasons.

It’s almost like they don’t understand the difference between non-violent disagreement and violent wank-fantasies! (But it’s a “human rights movement!”)

11 years ago

Judgybitch is such a piece of garbage. She never ceases to amaze me.

11 years ago

Oh, wait, Some Dude is the socket puppet of who now?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

D’aww, someone thinks that zie’s entitled to an audience to sprout hate!

Guess what, troll. This is a private site. Owners are free to ban whomever they want.

11 years ago

Let’s see, the first name that came to mind was “some guy bored with your shit” – this cretinous sockpuppet’s name is similar.

Other than that, he’s suggesting he’s Pell, Mr Al orwhatever other weird losers get banned repeatedly … yeah, repeated bans for abuse, threats, and general bigotry are really things to boast about, saddo.

11 years ago

entitled to an audience to sprout hate

Sprouts’ Rights!

11 years ago

Sprouts’ Rights!

The SRM is a far more respectable movement.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Eh, remember that repeat bans doesn’t mean the sock ever got through mod, so it could be some guy.

I refuse to address the horror that is the OP.

11 years ago

A Voice for Sprouts, greatest vegetable rights site of our day!

11 years ago

“Judgybitch is such a piece of garbage. She never ceases to amaze me.”

She acts like she’s better than all other women. Does she know that the men who pretend to like her on her blog are really dumping on her elsewhere? Sunshine mary too. Men within the sphere don’t like or respect either of of them any more than they do the women they hate publicly on their blog.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – Welcome to the Sproutosphere.

11 years ago

A Voice for Sprouts: Botanist counter-theory in the age of misplantry

11 years ago

@Kitteh I TOTALLY thought of princess bride.

11 years ago

So I guess the person who said “they don’t really think we hate women” is someone who never saw that fucked up fantasy this other person posted…? I know they change their minds and move goalposts all the time but surely cognitive dissonance can’t be that bad, right? …Right??

11 years ago

My guess is, a lot of the subreddit’s regulars have similiar views/fantasies about women – or at the very least, think it’s totally fine to have similiar views/fantasies about women. The only reason the comment was deleted is because they’re concerned about their image – not that it could really get any worse, mind.

11 years ago

I wonder if this guy thinks that people who commit crimes are capable of being rehabilitated. I mean, I didn’t read the reddit thingy, but judging from the title some woman falsely accused a man of raping her. This is a crime. She should be punished for this, by legal means. But she can also be rehabilitated…much like a rapist can. I really believe that there are very few people who are beyond hope of rehabilitation, and even then it is never ok to do harm to them in the name of vengeance. But what am I saying? If there is one thread to the way MRAs seem to approach the world in common it’s that they contradict themselves at every turn.

11 years ago

I got myself banned from the Red Pill Women subreddit pretty easily. I started a thread asking what would happen if they denied “their men” sex. Many of the answers were pretty grotesque, actually.

But the difference is that they engaged me for a could of days, knowing full well I was trolling them, before they blocked me. I presume this was because it was VITALLY IMPORTANT that they replied to my brief sentence fragments with walls of texts about all the things they presumed about my life and my opinions.

11 years ago

“If we did then they’d be happy to prove it every time we spoke in public”

Is this guy not aware that the internet is public? That everyone can see what he writes? That just because he’s typing his repulsive crap under a pseudonym from the safety of his couch, that doesn’t mean that no one can see it or would be able to figure out who he is?

Does this guy have explicit instructions on how to get out of bed painted on his ceiling? At least 4chan knows they’re on the internet.