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Heartiste: Evil feminists are trying to “legitimize the biologically innate female imperative to f**k alpha males during ovulation and extract resources from beta males during infertile periods.”

Chateau Heartiste: Guarded by Elves?
Chateau Heartiste: Guarded by Elves?

The narcissistic racist pickup artist guru who goes by the ridiculous nickname Heartiste is a bit of an excitable fellow.

What’s got his man-panties in a bunch at the moment is an article on Slate noting that a small number of family therapists have begun to suggest that an affair might not mean the end of a marriage — and that in some cases a mature discussion of the raw feelings exposed by the discovery of an affair might possibly lead instead to a — gasp! — stronger marriage.

This isn’t exactly a revolutionary insight, and the therapists aren’t exactly urging married couples to all sign up to attend the next Polyamory Meetup in their town. But Heartiste is outraged. Though the word “feminism” isn’t uttered a single time in the Slate article, he has decided that it is proof of “The Feminist Push To Sanction Female Infidelity.” As he explains, in his typically overheated prose:

What feminists are attempting to do here is nothing short of legitimize the biologically innate female imperative to fuck alpha males during ovulation and extract resources from beta males during infertile periods of the monthly cycle.

You might think this is just some weird misogynistic crap he’s cooked up, but he DID say “biologically innate female imperative,” so it must be SCIENCE.

CH predicted it: Feminists and various “health professionals” would agitate to normalize the “alpha fux, beta bux” female mating strategy. As society becomes ever more feminized and emasculated, expect to see more of these rancid ideas percolate in mainstream discussion, as the pro-female directive and anti-male directive reach their demonic apotheoses.

Yes, he did indeed just say “their demonic apotheoses.” Heartiste is a bit of a drama king.

You might say, “Well, this means men can be unfaithful without consequence, too!” Oh, ye of precious naivete. Men won’t be let off the hook. The divorce industrial and family court complexes are rigged against the interests of men, and getting more rigged by the day. An army of leftoids fed on the swill of legalese will barely break a sweat holding the contradictory beliefs that women cheat for good reasons and men cheat because they’re oppressive patriarchs.

Eventually, with the help of dazzling sophistry, the law will be twisted to such a warped geometry that the people will come to accept injustice as fairness and lies as truth.

I think what he just said is that women will be allowed to get away with cheating, but men won’t.

Heartiste then goes on to suggest, naturally, that while female infidelity is inherently EEEEEEVIIL , male infidelity is no big deal, because reasons.

And then he just completely buries his head up his reactionary ass:

Feminism is the sick, wheezing spawn of its parent ideology, equalism, the belief in a magical flying spaghetti monster that imbues all humans with equal ability and equal worth, interchangeable flesh cogs that can as easily master astrophysics as lawn care given the right dose of self-esteem boosting pablum.

Oh, he’s not done yet:

Whatever the self-professed noble intentions of their advocates, these ideologies are as wicked and destructive as any genocidal revolutions that have come before them.

Yep, a couple of therapists saying “hey, maybe couples can work through affairs and come out better for it” is the equivalant of Auschwitz.

This is why CH, a citadel firm, guarded by sentries of ancient woods, illuminating a path to enlightenment, will never cease in its mission to utterly crush evil, sick ideologies like feminism so totally that there is no space for even the ashes of its immolation to gather in a stiff wind.

I think he must be drunk. “Sentries of ancient woods?” Are elves guarding his condo?

He ends with this final fantasy:

Feminism’s proponents will suffer endless ridicule should they choose to fight, or they will retreat from the public square to lick their wounds in the comfort of their silent seething thoughts. And, if the spoils of victory are rich indeed, some will self-deliver to release the pain.

Why do so many right-wingers write like this? Do they actually think this pompous nonsense makes them sound smart? I guess they must.

Well, back to my silent seething thoughts. And perhaps a light snack.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

He’s a flippin’ baby, he’s gonna cry at some point no matter what you do!

*hands out earplugs*

Now that that’s done, let’s get some socialized medicine PLZ

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – *bows*

I don’t know how much I pay for my school’s insurance. I just know financial aid covers it.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – I honestly wish we had something like the NHS in the UK.

I’d also do some reforms to bring our government back towards a scientifically-accurate position (e.g. totally defund NCCAM, use the money to support science programs such as NIH and NASA, get rid of the supplement loophole to force supplement makers to prove that their shit works, remove the homeopathy loophole for drugs), but it feels like a pipe-dream.

11 years ago

My reaction to some of the stuff taught during abstince-only sex ed has always been “how is this legal?”. How can they get away with giving kids information that’s false (like the idea that condoms fail more than 50% of the time, and that they don’t really protect against most STDs) in a school setting?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The same way they can debate teaching creationism. Separation of church and state apparently means fuck all.

Which reminds me — — while I quite like the jackass one, 3, 4 and 10 are all either straight up illegal, or really fucking questionable (10 might be allowable if it was worded as any sort of clergy picked by anyone involved and/or psych as desired by the family // something equally anger management like. But 3 and 4? Oh hell no.

11 years ago

“Citadel firm” puzzled me at first. I now think he was aiming for a poetic effect by putting the adjective after the noun; he’s describing his citadel as being firm.

Which, I’m sure, is an obvious, trite, and disgusting metaphor for his genitalia, and what he wants the rest of the world to believe they’re up to…

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – What.

I hate it when people impose their own religious convictions as a sentence. Sentencing someone to read the Bible, or to attend church for the next ten years? Yeah, thanks for implying that morality comes from a Judeo-Christain god!

Also, I hate special pleading. No, we’re not going to teach Genesis as science. Get over it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Alice — seriously! #10 might fly if it was worded as a mediator more than CLERGY, but 3 and 4 Are. Not. Legal.

#1 is hilarious though, doing that and expunging the records if they stay out of trouble sounds like a really good idea — teach the pranksters a lesson without having a criminal record = good. (idk if it was expunged, just saying that I like this approach for crimes of teenage stupidity)

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – Someone should have appealed. Just, seriously, no. It’s as bad as a judge ruling that a child named Messiah needed to have zie named change because “the only person who deserves the title is Jesus Christ”. Ughhhhh.

I did smirk at the jackass one. That is amusing.

11 years ago

All those crimes (at least the US ones) have way too strong a sort of “poetic justice” vibe, if you know what I mean? They’re assigned based on what just feels right to the judge rather than any actual law precedent. And that’s sketchy as hell.

11 years ago

This thread got serious, it seriously needs a kitty gif:
comment image

11 years ago

Wheeeeeee kitty! 😀

11 years ago

Yesterday while I was making the bed Sweet Pea came barreling into the bedroom, banked off my leg, off the side of the bed, and then did a midair 180 before landing.

11 years ago

They only do these things when they know there’s no camera around!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

@Bina and Robert – yes, “the citadel firm” is the writing terrible by the hole ass.

The MRA movement, like the far right, consists of people craving rules and certainty, and hucksters who claim to have all the answers but need money and attention to continue enlightening the masses. It’s a grifters’ paradise. Anybody who can use big words and throw around evo psych and Bullgeschichte as facts can make a fortune.

11 years ago

Suddenly it all makes sense. Hitler elevated kitschy art above actual, contemporary art, probably because he didn’t get it (and therefore, had to characterize it as “degenerate”). He idolized what he imagined was the Golden Age of German History, because it suited his personal prejudices, fostered by all the limits of outlook imposed by an authoritarian family and anti-semitic church. Just looking over those excerpts again, it leapt out at me: Shartiste’s prose is the written equivalent of a Hitler painting. He fondly imagines it’s High Art and Poetry, but really it’s just junk. Authoritarian, inartistic JUNK.

11 years ago

MRA’s for every day Talk Like Yoda Day is.

11 years ago

The belief in “Alpha fux, beta bux” is clear projection. If you are a man that women wish to have long term relationships with, it must mean you are a beta being used. (Poor you.) Whereas if you are a dude that ladies hit and quit, then you must be a mighty alpha. (Yea! You’re just too much of a lordgodstudmuffin for them to handle.) LOL! That’s nothing but sour grapes served with sweet lemons. All these guys do is make up reasons why they are really teh awesome and everyone else sucks. It’s mental wanking and it’s sad. Women are all awful and need to be small, silent and helpless to make these losers feel big and smart and strong. Which sounds like playing a game on the easiest level so that you feel like a champ. Yep, they’re all awful, so these guys don’t want them anyway…not that anyone is offering. Then they spend all of their time thinking and writing about the women they don’t want (*wink*). It’s motivated reasoning combined with misogyny, jealousy and bitterness.

11 years ago


Now wait just a gosh darn minute. Is there even such a thing as “equalism”?

(Remember “repair friend”?)

MRA’s for every day speak like they new words can make. And like on Dagobah they live. And like they English never heard.

11 years ago

Just heard a joke: It’s hard for kleptomaniacs to get puns because they take things literally.

Ally S
11 years ago

“equalism” has to be one of my least favorite words ever. I just fucking cringe every time I hear it.

11 years ago

Roissy is so beta. Not because Betas exist, but because he has managed to create his own reality.

I called him on it some time back (more than five years, because I was still living in Pasadena, and it might have been longer; he been at it awhile).

The fundamental premise of his idea of game is Alpha’s get sex, and don’t give a shit about anyone else. Since he is so concerned about raising other men up from their present status to a higher one, and he argues that some betas can even become alphas (though really, more like Beta+ who are getting away with it until a real alpha comes along, because women are stupid, but a Real Alpha will always win).

It’s not impossible for an Alpha to care, somewhat, about the fortunes of Beta men, but it’s sort of the casual care that an old-style aristocrat tends to the minor servants. Cast off in decent condition, but a trifle worn and out of fashion.

Not the day in, day out attention Roissy gives, the effort to show how to fine tune one’s craft.

Basically, a “Real Alpha” would be doing fun stuff and having sex, not writing about how nasty women are. He doesn’t care how nasty women are; he’s getting what he wants.

Roissy isn’t, so he’s, at best, a Beta, the handicapped leading the deluded.

11 years ago

“Equalism” is a non-word, which is kind of appropriate, since what it means is also a non-concept. They might be thinking of egalitarianism, but that’s not only too many syllables for them, it’s also too much headachy thinking. They’ve got it in their heads that male/female relations are a zero-sum game, so there can only be one winner and it’s got to be THEM. And women need to be actively stapled, folded and mutilated to make sure of the “correct” outcome. Any gains a feeeemale makes is at the expense of the poor, oppwessed menz. If women ever pull up alongside them, they’ll think they’ve LOST.

Poor dears. It must be terrible to be so insecure.

11 years ago

Equalism is a word. That is if it refers to the anti-bending movement in Korra’s first season.

11 years ago

Equalism, the word favoured by those who loathe the thought of women having equality.

“And women need to be actively stapled, folded and mutilated to make sure of the “correct” outcome. ”

Is that how Romney had binders full of women? 😯

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