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Heartiste: Evil feminists are trying to “legitimize the biologically innate female imperative to f**k alpha males during ovulation and extract resources from beta males during infertile periods.”

Chateau Heartiste: Guarded by Elves?
Chateau Heartiste: Guarded by Elves?

The narcissistic racist pickup artist guru who goes by the ridiculous nickname Heartiste is a bit of an excitable fellow.

What’s got his man-panties in a bunch at the moment is an article on Slate noting that a small number of family therapists have begun to suggest that an affair might not mean the end of a marriage — and that in some cases a mature discussion of the raw feelings exposed by the discovery of an affair might possibly lead instead to a — gasp! — stronger marriage.

This isn’t exactly a revolutionary insight, and the therapists aren’t exactly urging married couples to all sign up to attend the next Polyamory Meetup in their town. But Heartiste is outraged. Though the word “feminism” isn’t uttered a single time in the Slate article, he has decided that it is proof of “The Feminist Push To Sanction Female Infidelity.” As he explains, in his typically overheated prose:

What feminists are attempting to do here is nothing short of legitimize the biologically innate female imperative to fuck alpha males during ovulation and extract resources from beta males during infertile periods of the monthly cycle.

You might think this is just some weird misogynistic crap he’s cooked up, but he DID say “biologically innate female imperative,” so it must be SCIENCE.

CH predicted it: Feminists and various “health professionals” would agitate to normalize the “alpha fux, beta bux” female mating strategy. As society becomes ever more feminized and emasculated, expect to see more of these rancid ideas percolate in mainstream discussion, as the pro-female directive and anti-male directive reach their demonic apotheoses.

Yes, he did indeed just say “their demonic apotheoses.” Heartiste is a bit of a drama king.

You might say, “Well, this means men can be unfaithful without consequence, too!” Oh, ye of precious naivete. Men won’t be let off the hook. The divorce industrial and family court complexes are rigged against the interests of men, and getting more rigged by the day. An army of leftoids fed on the swill of legalese will barely break a sweat holding the contradictory beliefs that women cheat for good reasons and men cheat because they’re oppressive patriarchs.

Eventually, with the help of dazzling sophistry, the law will be twisted to such a warped geometry that the people will come to accept injustice as fairness and lies as truth.

I think what he just said is that women will be allowed to get away with cheating, but men won’t.

Heartiste then goes on to suggest, naturally, that while female infidelity is inherently EEEEEEVIIL , male infidelity is no big deal, because reasons.

And then he just completely buries his head up his reactionary ass:

Feminism is the sick, wheezing spawn of its parent ideology, equalism, the belief in a magical flying spaghetti monster that imbues all humans with equal ability and equal worth, interchangeable flesh cogs that can as easily master astrophysics as lawn care given the right dose of self-esteem boosting pablum.

Oh, he’s not done yet:

Whatever the self-professed noble intentions of their advocates, these ideologies are as wicked and destructive as any genocidal revolutions that have come before them.

Yep, a couple of therapists saying “hey, maybe couples can work through affairs and come out better for it” is the equivalant of Auschwitz.

This is why CH, a citadel firm, guarded by sentries of ancient woods, illuminating a path to enlightenment, will never cease in its mission to utterly crush evil, sick ideologies like feminism so totally that there is no space for even the ashes of its immolation to gather in a stiff wind.

I think he must be drunk. “Sentries of ancient woods?” Are elves guarding his condo?

He ends with this final fantasy:

Feminism’s proponents will suffer endless ridicule should they choose to fight, or they will retreat from the public square to lick their wounds in the comfort of their silent seething thoughts. And, if the spoils of victory are rich indeed, some will self-deliver to release the pain.

Why do so many right-wingers write like this? Do they actually think this pompous nonsense makes them sound smart? I guess they must.

Well, back to my silent seething thoughts. And perhaps a light snack.

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – Now for $9.99, we offer Feminist Cream™ in lavender, citrus, and sandalwood scent!

11 years ago

Buy it before Nov 20 and you’ll get a gift-wrapped set of Scented Fucking Candles!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Now that you mention it, I would think having RL scented fucking candles would be rather… well, painful, to say the least. Fire right outside your vagina/anus/whatever. Owwww.

Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

On the one hand feminists encourage women to go Biological and INSIST ON LEGITIMATING all our innate imperatives. But on the other hand feminists encourage women to be independent and do manly jobs, like Senator and astronaut, which obviously goes against all feminine biologically innate imperatives.

All this Deep Thought is giving me a confused. Gonna order me some Feminist Cream (lavender) and think about kittens. I do love little kittens. They’re so soft and furry.

11 years ago
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

YES! I’ll take two, kittehserf, thank you.

11 years ago

Oh man, I need to stock up on some of that cream. My RPG group decided to start wanking about Obamacare.

11 years ago

Here’s the latest ad from Feminist Cream™:

11 years ago


That’s a thing of beauty.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I’m assuming it’s made of foreskins?

11 years ago

But of course!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Is anyone else sick of “Obamacare is just like communism!” Cuz no, it really isn’t, if it were, you’d just get healthcare as part of your taxes (err, paying taxes would be how gov’n funded healthcare covered you I mean)

None of this shit about regulating private companies, they simply wouldn’t exist.

So, much to my dismay, no it isn’t communism you twits!

11 years ago

I think he’s more or less right, Slate privileges the desires of women too much. Alpha fux/beta bux is a pretty common phenomenon, why can’t women just admit it?

And as for hate, that’s not really important especially since it seems like the reaction to Heartiste is more angry than the guy himself.

11 years ago

I didn’t want to comment first but then I saw this:

Also nekkid cat, but I don’t think that will cause many problems.

Well, it was a nekkid fox, but I did read a “shoujo” manhua, where seeing the clothes deficient furrinati resulted in a marriage offer for the heroine, so who knows. (Fox demon with odd thought processes.) :]

11 years ago

Seranvali, don’t you know? When women cheat, it’s because they are selfish and greedy. If men cheat, it’s usually because his woman is doing something wrong, either by not fulfilling her womanly duties to him, or she’s just being a bitch, so he needs to court someone outside of the relationship until she straightens up!

11 years ago

I still can’t get over how he claims women’s supposed biological impulses need feminism to “legitimate” them, while Teh Menz Secks Dryve is already legit in his world, and indeed, is the only legit thing. WTF? Oh yeah, that’s right: Unattractive dude is unattractive, and mightily bitter about it, so he needs BIOTRUTH™ to keep those evil wimminz down at his ersatz-“alpha” feet where they “belong”.

And yes, I suppose he would indeed indulge in the Posh Wank (with lambskin condoms, thankyouverymuch) but insist on Teh Secks without barriers, so that the lady can have the benefit of his Essentialist Male Essence™. That is, if only the ladies would stop seeing him as that creepy creeper always creeping up behind them at parties, and avoiding him accordingly…

11 years ago


What I find most fascinating about this Heartiste post is that at its core, it’s not even a post about feminism. It’s really an attempt to re-juxtapose the concept of “alpha” and “beta” males in a way that recasts Heatiste and other PUA bloggers as society’s alpha males.

I tend to be dismissive of all pseudo-social science that declares that people all fit into boxes A and B, but even I’m aware that alpha male theory states that in human societies the alpha is the one atop the hierarchy in terms of status, power and wealth. But this is a pitch that society’s true “betas” are those with wealth, power, and high status jobs — people that are quite literally the boss of him.

At it’s core, the Heartiste post is an attempt to shout that people like him are the true alphas, despite the fact that he’s a guy that writes anonymously because people in his fleshbot world would make him something of a pariah were they to know what he actually does in his spare time.

It might be the most written-in-mom’s-basement post I’ve ever seen a blogger make.

11 years ago

I’m probably not the first one to make this joke, but I can’t help it.

‘sentries of ancient woods’ = By the boners of my ancestors: YOU. SHALL NOT. PASSSSS.

Other than that, all I can say is LOL HEARTISTE.

11 years ago

I’m not entirely sure what I just read, but I feel that same awkward feeling I do when some strange cracked out homeless person on the bus is muttering angry nonsense to himself.

11 years ago

I think homeless people suffer enough without having to be compared to amoral asshats like Heartiste. 0_o

11 years ago

I think he’s more or less right, Slate privileges the desires of women too much.

Nope, it does not.

Alpha fux/beta bux is a pretty common phenomenon, why can’t women just admit it?

Nope, it is not.

And as for hate, that’s not really important especially since it seems like the reaction to Heartiste is more angry than the guy himself.

Nope, it is not.


11 years ago

So no one even knows who this guy really is? I find it hilarious that most of these “alpha” manosphere bloggers have no photos to show off nor very much information about who they are. Why do they hide?

11 years ago

Is anyone else sick of “Obamacare is just like communism!” Cuz no, it really isn’t, if it were, you’d just get healthcare as part of your taxes (err, paying taxes would be how gov’n funded healthcare covered you I mean)

It’s especially frustrating if you were actually rooting for socialized healthcare. No, Obamacare isn’t communism, and that’s terrible.

I feel that same awkward feeling I do when some strange cracked out homeless person on the bus is muttering angry nonsense to himself.

OK, I’ll admit to being spooked by this behavior too, but…you know that the “cracked out homeless guy” is probably suffering from an untreated mental illness, right? In the US, 70% of the chronically homeless are homeless for that exact reason. IDK, it just feels like punching down to make fun of people in that situation.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“It’s especially frustrating if you were actually rooting for socialized healthcare. No, Obamacare isn’t communism, and that’s terrible.”


I don’t want my laundry list of mental issues to mean I can’t be denied coverage, I want my laundry list of meds and a fucking decent psych covered! Oh, yeah, I will now be seeing one of the APRN interns for both meds and talky therapy. She’s about my age and seems nice enough, and, more importantly, has not done anything to make me afraid to trust her.

“Alpha fux/beta bux is a pretty common phenomenon, why can’t women just admit it?”

Because it isn’t remotely common?

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