a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism empathy deficit FemRAs harassment misogyny MRA no games for girls none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men rape culture taking pleasure in women's pain threats TyphonBlue victrim blaming video games white knights

A Voice for Men’s Honey Badgers ask: Why hasn’t Anita Sarkeesian been harassed MORE?

A Voice for Men’s so-called “Honey Badgers” — its little super-team of female MRAs, led by blabby Canadian videoblogger Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan — have a new theory about Anita Sarkeesian. And it’s a doozy.

Sarkeesian, you may recall, is a feminist cultural critic who’s faced pretty much nonstop harassment from misogynistic internet assholes since she launched a project to dissect sexist tropes in video games. AVFM has contributed, in its own special way, to this wave of harassment, with articles describing Sarkeesian as, among other things, a “moneygrubbing liar” and a “queen bee … girl interloper” in the world of video games; AVFM’s Dean Esmay also held her partially responsible, along with an assortment of other internet feminists, for the suicide of one Canadian Men’s Rights Activist.

The principals at AVFM have blamed her for — either inadvertently or deliberately — bringing this harassment on herself by going to 4chan and posting about her project. (As I noted in a previous post, there’s no actual evidence she ever did this.)

The Honey Badgers, for their part, are certain that getting harassed by 4chaners was  part of her devious plan all along.

In a teaser for their internet “radio” show tonight, the “Honey Badger” known as TyphonBlue writes:

Like all professional damsels in distress, Anita Sarkeesian had to choose a good dragon. Just the right looming shadow to fall over her delicate and fragile sensibilities; just the right cackling stage-villain to inspire her cries of helpless horror.

She chose 4-chan. An internet forum known for it’s underbelly of foul-tempered and hair-triggered trolls.

Then, after accusing Sarkeesian of inviting countless rape and death threats upon herself (and only a portion of it from 4channers, I should add), the Badgers take their weird conspiracy theory one step further:

But we at Honey Badger Radio have noticed something… odd. The wave of so-called hate that Anita received from her carefully chosen dragon, wasn’t really all that bad.

Yeah. A year and a half (so far) of pretty much unending harassment and baseless criticism, complete with violent threats directed not only at her but at other women who have defended her — that’s nothing.

Compared to 4-chan’s usual scorched earth strategy–raizing [sic] everything to the ground and pissing on the ashes, Anita got a little singed, like she sat too close to a campfire.

So we have to ask… Did 4-chan white knight Anita? I mean, come on. Was that the best 4 chan could do?

Yes, that’s right. The Honey Badgers are accusing those who sent rape and death threats to Anita Sarkeesian … of “white knighting” her.

I can’t even.

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11 years ago

The stuff I’m using now has argan oil in it, and so did the previous shampoo + conditioner.

I’ve used curly hair stuff before, and it actually works a bit–it tends to weigh my hair down, but the moisture works. (My sis has color-damaged curly hair, and sometimes we share supplies.)

11 years ago

you smashed bag of assholes

Oh, I am so stealing that one!

And FFS, I forgot about the Anita petitions… aren’t they about demanding that people write articles “exposing” her or something? Seriously, watch that second Hannibal video I posted. He points out that if you idiots are wrong about this (which you most likely are) she could actually sue for slander.

If you’re not even interested in her or her videos why the fuck would you pass that around?

La Strega
11 years ago

Ah I see we’ve moved on to talking about make up here… I haven’t tried those BB creams yet, but they look promising. I’m getting pretty dry skin, so I need something creamy that dries flat. I like the mousse makeup that dries to a matte finish. Lately, I’ve just been using tinted moisturizer for every day. For fancy dates, I haul out my air-brush machine which gives beautiful results, but is a lot of trouble.

11 years ago

Get a new roll of tinfoil, Asswrong.

11 years ago


this is krista’s video about it

11 years ago

Argan Oil can be a disaster with non-dry hair. If you’re going to try it, do it on a day when you aren’t too concerned about your hair looking good. It makes me look like I’ve used Brylcreem.

11 years ago

Whoops, y’all might have meant the Hunt petitions. I am just all sorts of irritated here and it’s hurting my head…

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

I honestly need to practice using makeup more, simply because it’d be nice for formal events. >_>

bailey – See: “female, on the internet, with an opinion.”

11 years ago

No one cares, Wrong-ass Shit.

11 years ago

i don’t care about the videos. i’m not interested in video games either.

11 years ago

How did you find that BadCop video then? Why did you watch it?

11 years ago

@ Alice Saguinaria,

Me too. Though the last formal event I went to was my graduation.

Also, I’m in the sciences, so I feel like a lot of feminine fun at work is right out. I’m a lab monkey, so I need to wear pants, can’t wear heels, and have to have my hair out of the way. Not that I’d want to wear high-heels–they just aren’t my thing–but I like cute dresses and I don’t like wearing my hair up all the time.

11 years ago

i don’t remember how i found his video. it was a while ago and i favourited it 🙂

11 years ago

You don’t care? Why bother posting?

11 years ago

Oooh, I love Argan Oil. Works on my hair, works on my skin. I always put it on my hair when wet, so it kind of dilutes it a little, because it can get a little greasy.

Is Scooby-Dooby-Don’t still around? And still hasn’t actually said anything? How frightfully dull.

11 years ago

My favorite oil-based leave-in is this. Super pricey but lasts a long time.,default,pd.html

For leave-in conditioners I use Ouidad’s Moisture Lock.

Ally S
11 years ago

Sorry if that was a lot of info, Ally. I just really like make up.
Idk much else about trans* women’s makeup, but as others have mentioned, eyebrow shaping helps tremendously with anyones face. There are lots of videos on how to properly tweeze online. On thing to beware is over tweezing in fear of a unibrow. Too much space between them will make your nose look wide.

Oh, no, you’re being very helpful actually. I really appreciate it. :> And yeah, I should try shaping my eyebrows one of these days.

11 years ago

I spent the first two months of work in braids, until I cut about seven inches of hair off.

Incidentally, I really should start cutting my hair off before it weighs enough to give me neck pain.

11 years ago

Scooby Dooby Dull seems like he may intend to stick around for a while.

11 years ago

If you don’t want to wear foundation, you should look into tinted moisturizers.

If you do wear foundation, definitely put on primer first. Primer evens out your skin tone, fills in pores and wrinkles, and eliminates shine. Best of all, primer means foundation goes on evenly and looks more natural. There are moisturizing primers as well.

Blush, applied correctly, is key for me. I have a shockingly narrow face, so blush rounds out my cheek bones. A little blush goes along way, so one compact with last forever.

I’m a disaster when it comes to eye make-up, so I have no advice on that front.

11 years ago

Why did you watch it, favourite it, and post it here if you don’t care about Anita? Why are you watching and reading anything to do with her?

11 years ago

you are bullies. 🙁

11 years ago

i don’t care about the videos. i’m not interested in video games either.


Yeah, you may not “care” about the videos or video games, but you sure as shit care about being an enormous asswipe on anti-MRA posts.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

wordsp1nner – Hahaha, I’m planning to do something in STEM too!

I don’t really go to formal events, to be fair. I guess it’ll be nice to do if I go to a concert? Someday I’m going to go to a NIN concert. I’d have done it this year, but no transportation and little money (damn it).

(You can just call me Alice.)

11 years ago

This is why I use BB cream most of the time now. No need for primer, has sunblock included, enough color to cover my dark circles, nice to my dry skin. It’s perfect for lazy people.

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