advocacy of violence antifeminism feminist dudes gender policing misandry misogyny MRA prison rape rape culture rape jokes the spearhead

Spearheaders: Prison rape is just fine, if the prisoner is Hugo Schwyzer

Prison rape jokes help to perpetuate rape culture
Prison rape jokes help to perpetuate rape culture

One of the issues that many Men’s Rights activists profess to be Very Concerned About is prison rape. This alleged concern translates into essentially zero actual activism beyond the occasional indignant reaction to someone making a terrible rape joke about men in prison. But then they’ll turn around and make similar rape jokes themselves.

That’s right: MRAs don’t only joke about rapes in which women are the victims. Like many Americans, sadly, quite a few MRAs seem to think that rape is an appropriate — and even sort of hilarious — punishment for men they don’t like.

For evidence of this, one needs look no further than a recent discussion on The Spearhead, in which WF Price’s followers fantasize about disgraced “feminist” and confessed almost-murderer Hugo Schwyzer being raped in prison.

In his post, Price notes that Schwyzer, if convicted on felony DUI charges for a recent incident that left a woman seriously injured, will be facing time in prison. He takes the opportunity to speculate, with evident relish, on the possibility of Schwyzer being beaten by other prisoners for being, well, less than a real man, in Price’s eyes.

Noting that prisons have “sensitive needs yards” for those who might be at risk for being attacked by other prisoners, Price writes:

These special prisoners include gang snitches, celebrities, physically frail prisoners, child molesters and homosexuals. …

Although I’m not an expert on this, I’d assume Hugo Schwyzer would fit the sensitive needs profile. As a feminist, liberal white male with bisexual tendencies, I can imagine that many of the general population inmates would quite enjoy giving Hugo a beating, for the entertainment value if nothing else. There’s nothing that screams “hit me!” quite like a snarky, passive-aggressive white nerd in prison. If he is effeminate on top of that some form of violence is a near certainty.

Price’s remarks are merely the opening salvo. In the comments, various Spearhead regulars are much less circumspect about expressing their desire to see Schwyzer physically harmed — and, specificaly, raped — in prison. They don’t even seem to care much about his actual, confessed crimes; they want him to be raped for being a feminist. (Note: The comments quoted below may possibly be triggering, so proceed with caution.)

Dannyfrom504, who apparently has served time, starts it off by writing that

he’ll be happy to know there are in fact feminists in prison, but they dono’t call them feminists. they call them, “my bitch”.

Geographybeefinalisthimself hopes that Schwyzer gets raped so as to “set an example” for people like, well, me:

As for me, I hope that Hugo does NOT get special treatment when being incarcerated to set an example for all other male feminists (and I stand by my position that all male feminists are like Hugo, including Futrelle). …

I’d give anything to know Hugo dropped the soap in prison and got sodomized so often that he contracted HIV or an incurable STD and lost bowel control because of how many times he had been repeatedly sodomized. After all, why should his not being raped be more valuable than that of any ordinary inmate who doesn’t denigrate almost all other men for not being feminist enough?

Rotten jokes that

Maybe Hugo Schwytzer will come out of prison with a real understanding of Rape Culture.

And a commenter with the ironic name Ethical praises Price for writing such a fair and balanced post. No, really:

Despite Schwyzer’s habit of ridiculing issues affecting men who’ve suffered cruelly at the hands of misandrist laws, this article very admirably took the high road, refraining from wishing evil on the man. Incredibly magnanimous, given Schwyzer seemed to entertain himself heaping scorn and ridicule on men in the meat meat grinder of false accusations, paternity fraud, or alimony or child support slavery, even at the same time that more than a few of those men were being driven to commit suicide.

And then takes an even lower road himself:

While I admire the high mindedness of this article, I also believe that if Schwyzer does find his way behind bars there would be some justice in him being surrounded by at least some of those unfairly jailed for child support, false rape, or other causes he might have implicitly or explicitly ridiculed. As high minded as it is … articles like this can only help identify the man to a demographic that could not easily be more hostile to his contemptuous liberal self. And his identification can only increase the likelihood that one way or another, his sins will be very harshly addressed.

Once again I present to you: The greatest human rights movement of the twenty-first century.

Schwyzer, who has confessed to the DUI as he earlier confessed to almost killing an ex-girlfriend, deserves to spend time in prison. He does not deserve to be raped. No one does.

Anyone concerned about the appalling epidemic of  rape in American prisons should visit the website of Just Detention International, an organization devoted to ending this barbarism.

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11 years ago

I believe it was when men who’re insufficiently alpha dare to touch a woman’s robes that the spitting supposedly occurs.

11 years ago

A woman’s “thank you” is insincere and demeaning if it doesn’t have a vagina on offer, Bina, you know that. She’s just USING him and walking away. Male disposability! Misandry!

11 years ago

Does a knitted coat that’s stretched to ankle length count as robes?

11 years ago

IIRC that was the point at which I decided that I was going to pretend to be a druid.

11 years ago

Cassandra, aren’t you like the Queen Spitter because you dare to have positions on what you find attractive and not? MISANDRY!


11 years ago

This is why I should be a druid, so I can carry a sickle for those occasions when spitting just isn’t mean enough. Sexy druid? So, a really short robe with lots of cleavage? I could probably make the sickle look pretty metal…

11 years ago

One could go all the way and have a black robe and a scythe.

I have dry mouth, so spitting is a bit problematic. But I think a spray bottle full of cat pee would be an acceptable substitute.

11 years ago

Now I want to see someone do a sexy Halloween costume based on Getafix. Although Sexy Pratchett Death is also a valid option.

11 years ago

Canuck: The tortures of the past were qualitatively different. They were meant to bring about certain types of reaction, or to show certain types of power.

What they weren’t was random, or (for all that it’s hard to see through the veil of time). There was caprice, the forms used for showing power (a highly ranked person might be allowed to hang to death before being dismembered, instead of being cut down while barely alive, etc.).

The point of tortures was more public, and in some ways were more humane. What we do now is leave the abuses/tortures to people who don’t do it out of duty, and instead of it being a determined, and ritualised set of things which were done , we have an unspecified period, and no defined punishment.

So in some ways modern “non-torture” is worse than archaic legal tortures.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“What they weren’t was random, or (for all that it’s hard to see through the veil of time).”

Please hand me the booze, and the clause meant to follow “or”.

11 years ago

Sorry, lack sobriety.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m aware, hence requesting the booze first. Maybe if I get more in me that sentence will make sense, because right now it feels like a certain lawyers legal briefs. (Seriously, it’s one thing in blog comments, sending your damned briefs for finalizing with random sentences end ing or // and // but // because >.< )

Anyways! I'm working on that whole sober thing, hoping to hit the sweet spot where I can design half way decent cuz neither of the ones I sent you remotely works, sexy as the second one may be.

11 years ago

Actually we had company (mixed grill, a la grecque, with pilaf and sautéed beans, asparagus and corgettes), and I got distracted.

What they weren’t was random, or open ended… which was related to the parenthetical clause.

I think it’s time for ablutions and snuggles.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*pouts* and I don’t get any!

Randomly, I bought more grocery store plants. A succulent dish (overpacked and going to be fun to detangle) for my cactus planter. Need to go digging in there anyways, I seem to have a bent phallus problem (I have one that looks EXACTLY like a penis and balls, and it’s bending towards the window, but I can’t rotate it without either digging it up, or risking my growing-a-baby one not getting enough light)

11 years ago

I ache from yesterday’s winterprep Gonna be warm, so the citrus goes outside again. Bring it in for the evening, but sitting on my hams for an hour while I dug bulbs out of pots/replanted them in the window box…

I’m not as in shape as I was in August.

11 years ago

Dvarg, I remember that scene. It was clear to me that it could only have been depicted because Griffin was invisible – actually seeing what Hyde had done drove Nemo into a horrified rage and threaten to kill him. And yes, Hyde was pure evil, which is why he could do it.

That said, it’s amazing how the Spearheaders can make HfS seem less repulsive by contrast.

11 years ago

Whether it’s females of Hugo, in either case, it’s still a joke so it’s not a big deal. People don’t actually promote any kind of rape, it’s just politicized rhetoric – so you should take it easy with the misleading headlines.

11 years ago

Whether it’s females of Hugo, in either case, it’s still a joke so it’s not a big deal.

Nope. Words have meaning.

People don’t actually promote any kind of rape, it’s just politicized rhetoric – so you should take it easy with the misleading headlines.

Nope. Minimizing rape by “joking” about is promoting rape. Headline accurately portrays subject matte of post.

0/3. Wow, I’m a little impressed. That’s a lot of wrong to fit into 2 sentences.

11 years ago

The headline is joking. So you’re not allowed to complain about it.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Yep, @emilygoddess, “females” is a;ways a such give-away, isn’t it?

11 years ago

Yep, D&D may as well be wearing a neon sign saying, “I am not to be taken seriously.”

11 years ago

I’ve just emailed the Dark Lord with that “it’s a rape joke so it’s totes okay” line. That’s banhammer stuff in my book.

11 years ago

Whether it’s females of Hugo, in either case, it’s still a joke so it’s not a big deal. People don’t actually promote any kind of rape, it’s just politicized rhetoric – so you should take it easy with the misleading headlines.

Reading comprehension wasn’t your strong suit at at school, was it?

11 years ago

Favor sharks roaming the sidewalks searching for women they can open a door for and demand recompense in the form of sexytimes.
I learned about favor sharks at Captain Awkward. It was good to have a name for the behavior.