One of the issues that many Men’s Rights activists profess to be Very Concerned About is prison rape. This alleged concern translates into essentially zero actual activism beyond the occasional indignant reaction to someone making a terrible rape joke about men in prison. But then they’ll turn around and make similar rape jokes themselves.
That’s right: MRAs don’t only joke about rapes in which women are the victims. Like many Americans, sadly, quite a few MRAs seem to think that rape is an appropriate — and even sort of hilarious — punishment for men they don’t like.
For evidence of this, one needs look no further than a recent discussion on The Spearhead, in which WF Price’s followers fantasize about disgraced “feminist” and confessed almost-murderer Hugo Schwyzer being raped in prison.
In his post, Price notes that Schwyzer, if convicted on felony DUI charges for a recent incident that left a woman seriously injured, will be facing time in prison. He takes the opportunity to speculate, with evident relish, on the possibility of Schwyzer being beaten by other prisoners for being, well, less than a real man, in Price’s eyes.
Noting that prisons have “sensitive needs yards” for those who might be at risk for being attacked by other prisoners, Price writes:
These special prisoners include gang snitches, celebrities, physically frail prisoners, child molesters and homosexuals. …
Although I’m not an expert on this, I’d assume Hugo Schwyzer would fit the sensitive needs profile. As a feminist, liberal white male with bisexual tendencies, I can imagine that many of the general population inmates would quite enjoy giving Hugo a beating, for the entertainment value if nothing else. There’s nothing that screams “hit me!” quite like a snarky, passive-aggressive white nerd in prison. If he is effeminate on top of that some form of violence is a near certainty.
Price’s remarks are merely the opening salvo. In the comments, various Spearhead regulars are much less circumspect about expressing their desire to see Schwyzer physically harmed — and, specificaly, raped — in prison. They don’t even seem to care much about his actual, confessed crimes; they want him to be raped for being a feminist. (Note: The comments quoted below may possibly be triggering, so proceed with caution.)
Dannyfrom504, who apparently has served time, starts it off by writing that
he’ll be happy to know there are in fact feminists in prison, but they dono’t call them feminists. they call them, “my bitch”.
Geographybeefinalisthimself hopes that Schwyzer gets raped so as to “set an example” for people like, well, me:
As for me, I hope that Hugo does NOT get special treatment when being incarcerated to set an example for all other male feminists (and I stand by my position that all male feminists are like Hugo, including Futrelle). …
I’d give anything to know Hugo dropped the soap in prison and got sodomized so often that he contracted HIV or an incurable STD and lost bowel control because of how many times he had been repeatedly sodomized. After all, why should his not being raped be more valuable than that of any ordinary inmate who doesn’t denigrate almost all other men for not being feminist enough?
Rotten jokes that
Maybe Hugo Schwytzer will come out of prison with a real understanding of Rape Culture.
And a commenter with the ironic name Ethical praises Price for writing such a fair and balanced post. No, really:
Despite Schwyzer’s habit of ridiculing issues affecting men who’ve suffered cruelly at the hands of misandrist laws, this article very admirably took the high road, refraining from wishing evil on the man. Incredibly magnanimous, given Schwyzer seemed to entertain himself heaping scorn and ridicule on men in the meat meat grinder of false accusations, paternity fraud, or alimony or child support slavery, even at the same time that more than a few of those men were being driven to commit suicide.
And then takes an even lower road himself:
While I admire the high mindedness of this article, I also believe that if Schwyzer does find his way behind bars there would be some justice in him being surrounded by at least some of those unfairly jailed for child support, false rape, or other causes he might have implicitly or explicitly ridiculed. As high minded as it is … articles like this can only help identify the man to a demographic that could not easily be more hostile to his contemptuous liberal self. And his identification can only increase the likelihood that one way or another, his sins will be very harshly addressed.
Once again I present to you: The greatest human rights movement of the twenty-first century.
Schwyzer, who has confessed to the DUI as he earlier confessed to almost killing an ex-girlfriend, deserves to spend time in prison. He does not deserve to be raped. No one does.
Anyone concerned about the appalling epidemic of rape in American prisons should visit the website of Just Detention International, an organization devoted to ending this barbarism.
“I’m not as in shape as I was in August.”
I’m sorry, you clearly enjoy digging around in your plants.
(I’m just ignoring D&Dasshole, I haven’t the spoons)
Oh, pecunium, you do know what I mean by spoons right? If not… http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/wpress/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/
The Dark Lord put D&D on moderation, so we don’t have to bother about him now.
D&D was overcompensating in some other thread he was necroing.
::snort:: Overcompensation’s the name of the game with so many of our trolls.
And one need not ask what they are overcompensating FOR, because one already KNOWS.
Nawh, there are multiple options — lack of sex, stupidity, general inferiority complex, just to name a few.
Being an all around asshole probably covers them all though.
But if they weren’t asshats, how else would they be able to express their dissatisfaction for their boring, meaningless lives?
From his Nym, and the bluster, I get the feeling he doesn’t get the respect he thinks he is due for being a Manly Man of a line of Manly Men.
I really don’t get that. Seriously, who the fuck cares if you’re doing gender roles “right”? My ex-step-grandmother? There’s a reason we all hate her!
Really though, guys, get over yourselves, you don’t have to be Manly Men. You can *gasp* wear a skirt or heels if you want! (Well, my “heels” are big chunky things, and I’m not exactly a guy, but pecunium totally rocks a
skirtkilt)You know, speaking of my boots. That hadn’t occurred to me…that strain of teenage goth anarchist, that’s what he reminds me of.
Speaking of assholes, damn you, blockquote monster! ::shakes fist::
That is one interesting variation of the blockquote monster. *nod*
That’s all we need, for the blockquote monster to get inventive!
Agree with everyone above….the Spearhead and other mens rights groups don’t give a shit about men…..they just want to play gotcha with feminists…
One really creepy thing about Hugo is it all seems extremely calculated….he wants a strong redemption story and he got it off the backs of extremely vulnerable women….He is right now sucking up to right wingers about how feminists are just sooooooo mean:(
Going back to Dirty Harry: Anybody saw Bullitt? It’s one of the daddies of the cowboy cop mythos, but the movie itself ends with said cop utterly screwing up everything, killing the witnesses and letting the real criminals get away free.
That is a common theme I have notice in guys I run across screaming about “mens rigths” and not just reading in their havens. They go on and on about how “women rape men too.” and how its under reported because their is little support for men being raped by their wives and GF’s and dates. That some people don’t even believe that is possible.
I say I do .I believe its possible and it happens. But if you REALLY care about men’s rights? And not just trying to get across the message “women are bad TOO not just men” then you would be fighting to protect the men being raped by men every single day in prison.And prisoners of war across the globe being raped as a form of torture. It is a horrible situation .Going on in #’s I’m sorry by FAR more so than wives drugging their husbands and “enveloping’ them with her mouth or vagina. Or having oral sex with him while he is asleep ETC.
None of these guys when I mention that seem to be concerned. Because its not about being all bent men are raped by other men .Especially prisoners. Who cares about that .Not the MRA. That’s a crime against men by other men.It has to be something women are doing wrong to men for it to be an MR issue.
They want a campaign to stop the rape of men by women.
Sorry I will flip the coin I guess . And protest prison rape and scream about that. Because I’m more worried about one of my 3 sons getting locked up for having a joint (war on drugs) and ends up in the slammer being gang raped every day being made someone’s bitch.
I hardly feel the need to start warning them to look out when they go on a date.I can educate them and tell them its not only men that rape women .No woman is entitled to have sex with them .If a woman pressures you to have sex with them when you don’t want to or threatens you then she does not care about you .But I think the chances are slim she is going to over take him with force and ram something up his rear end.
Im saying I guess it doesn’t surprise me to hear a “men’s rights activist” HOPING that a man is raped by another man prison. I wonder what his thoughts would be if he was going to a female prison for his safety ?
Breaking news: Bill Price of The Spearhead has gone MIA and his followers are seriously concerned. I also note that the Latvian gal he married last year is trying to drum up business as a “pet-sitter” for $5 / hour (with a specialty in pugs). Is the honeymoon over?
Missing in action as in he’s stopped updating his blog w/o explanation, or is he missing in real life too?
Dude, it’s because I love pugs and I left one at home that I miss, duh.
Who doesn’t love pugs? But what’s happened to Mr Price?
Seriously, the wrinkly pups was not the strange part. Because how could anyone say no to those wittle wrinkled faces?
I’m assuming your husband isn’t actually missing or anything if the doggies were the most interesting part of that convo?