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Men’s Rights Public Relations: Don’t call all women crazy bitches, even if they totally are, because feminists might catch you.

This quote from the Men’s Rights subreddit was featured on the Against Men’s Rights subreddit a week ago, but I can’t resist reposting it here, since it’s such a marvellous distillation of Men’s Rights LOGICS at work.

jabberwockysuperfly 60 points 7 days ago (93|33)  We appreciate your solidarity. However, please refrain from making statements like "women are all crazy bitches" regardless of how true it might be; feminists mine this subreddit in the hope of finding this kind of statement so they can use it to discredit this movement.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]lolyesok [S] 30 points 7 days ago (33|3)  Woops, I'll edit that out when I get to a computer.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]theskepticalidealist 15 points 6 days ago (19|4)  They'll quote that too.

That’s right: while we of course agree that women are all crazy bitches, we generally don’t like to say that sort of thing out loud, at least here in this subreddit, because our actual opinions are so foul they discredit us every time we say them out loud in public and the evil feminists cherry-pick our statements and reveal to the world WHAT WE ACTUALLY BELIEVE.

And jabberwockeysuperfly won himself 60 upvotes for that wondrous bit of SUPER STEM MANLOGICS.

Later in the discussion, our dear old friend Pecanpig clarified that even if there are some women who aren’t crazy bitches, they’re definitely a bunch of bad … oranges?

dejour 13 points 7 days ago (29|16)  It's not true though that all women are crazy bitches. So she shouldn't be saying that. For me the point though is that some women are and the legal system and public shouldn't assume that women=good, man=bad.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Pecanpig 5 points 6 days ago (8|3)  Depends on individual circumstances, if you eat 10 oranges and they are all bad then for all intents and purposes oranges are bad, that can be true despite contradicting your own experiences with oranges or whatever.

Orange you a strange one, Pecanpig.

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11 years ago

Oh, one more. I would also like to know how learning to make a nifty bento box will result in your own appearance becoming more elegant. Are you supposed to wear the bento as a hat? Because that doesn’t sound particularly elegant to me.

11 years ago

She’s obviously never done vegetable gardienng. It’s heavy work & plays havoc with the hands & nails.

11 years ago

I’m thinking that a man who shares Meller’s preferences wrote that site.

11 years ago

They’ll quote that too.

It’s so cute to watch MRAs figure out how the internet works.

11 years ago

Боже мой! Je suis tres femme.

Spanish! And, if I’m not mistaken, the second sentence must be in Mandarin.

She’s obviously never done vegetable gardienng. It’s heavy work & plays havoc with the hands & nails.

Nope, no, see, she only wants you to do herb gardening. It only involves snipping leaves with elegant scissors, and you won’t get your fine lace gloves all soiled.

11 years ago

kittehserf: On cooking femininity/masculinity:

Cooking in the home is ‘feminine’. Being a professional chef is ‘masculine’, as is cooking over an open fire on a grill, or at a campfire. The first, of course, is because it’s a Serious Profession, and the second because it’s encoded on the Y chromosome from our days of hunting and cooking mammoths. This is totally trufax evolutionary science.


Totally unrelated:

Saw this through Butterflies and Wheels. It’s a lovely example of intersectionality. White men at the top of the hierarchy. Conventionally cis-attractive white women in the lower positions. Not a single PoC or older person in the bunch. Agism, sexism, racism, lookism… it’s ALL there, folks.

Someone pointed out the likely reason that there’s all-women at the lower tiers is that many small companies will ask applicants to put “expected salary” in the application–and for social sexism reasons, women will often put a significantly lower figure in there, so if there’s a cut-off, it’s possible that no men will make it past the first read-through.

11 years ago

Herb gardening.

The weather is turning cold, so the basil is blacking off, and most of the most recent set of dill flowers are both the last; and doomed to not make it to seed. I’m hoping the really large heads, with the fast seeds, make it to mature, because I want to use them for next years crop.

I also spent more than an hour pulling bulbs and repotting them, since they decided this was the time of year to come poking up through the surface. Had to go to the hardware store to get a decent window box for them.

I have dirt under my nails, and minor chillblains of the fingers. This all combined to cause me to negate any ladylike points I may have garnered because of some “vulgar” language.

I find it interesting that she seems to have an SEO mentality about her pieces. Each of them has some word which is the mot du jour and gets hyped. I suspect this is because, contra the hope she’s a poe, this is all a gimcrack way to get people to pay for her e-dreck books.

11 years ago

Oh My Sweet Fucking God!.

One of her “books ” is, “How to Marry an Alpha”. All in all, that’s not too surprising, nor is the way she frames it, but I have to love (after a few hundred words of pumping it, and some blather about how she didn’t want to write it, despite all the popular demand,

But this, this is precious:

But then I decided to go through and create the product anyway because I realized that it’s not my job to tell you which of your desires and dreams are shallow or not meaningful.

From a someone who’s entire site about telling women they have shallow desires and dreams.

11 years ago

I bet she thinks raising a baby is all talcum powder, flowers and darling smiles, and reading tiny novels in the nursery next to a diaphanous-draped cradle like in some kind of Victorian painting.


11 years ago

Someone should introduce her to the PUAs – they seem to have a lot in common.

11 years ago

@freemage: When men cook, we are reifying* the Prometheus myth, and the act is heroic and proves we are hard men. When women cook, it’s nurturing, but unremarkable.

In other words, MAMMOTH!!!!

*probably we’re also leveraging our distinctive actionables.

11 years ago

Wow, she aims high in her Alpha guide, starting with actual princes. Hey, Kate Middleton did it!

What about these women made them just as acceptable mates as any their husbands might have found by marrying into a different aristocratic bloodline?

But then she reveals the harsh truth.

No matter how educated we are or prepared we are, there are just only so many single princes in the world.

That’s just a sad truth and I’m saying this because I want to be honest with you, as I always seek to be honest and forthcoming with my feminine loyal readers.

But chin up ladies!

If you can’t have a prince but are willing to “settle” for… a charming and educated man from a classic old American family… a philanthropist… a CEO… a diplomat… or any sort of educated and gentlemanly ALPHA MALE, then you might be tickled when you find out how similar the advice on attracting them would be to attracting aristocratic men.

After all, they’re basically the same men.

Of course they all basically the same, aren’t we all?

I’m sure her advice is very sensible and in no way influenced by romance novels.

11 years ago

At one point I ran across a post in which she stated that she’s very young and has very little experience with the “femininity” that she waffles on about, which would make me wonder why she thinks she’s qualified to teach other people about it if I hadn’t seen eleventy billion similarly experience-challenged but full of splainey confidence “experts” before.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

CassandraSays – Exactly. It’s not as if we magically wake up thin or anything. We have to work at it, same as everyone else.

The racism and the ignorance. So obnoxious.

11 years ago

I bet she thinks raising a baby is all talcum powder, flowers and darling smiles, and reading tiny novels in the nursery next to a diaphanous-draped cradle like in some kind of Victorian painting.


Don’t tell her about the boxes of eyes under the couch. It’ll frighten her into conniptions.

11 years ago

Do you suppose she means one of these herb garden kits?

That’s the only type of garden that I see fitting into her brand of femininity.

11 years ago

Oh no, I don’t keep them under the couch, I just find them there.

The box is up on nearly the highest shelf (I can’t put it on the highest shelf because Beloved can’t reach it there) in order to keep it out of reach of tiny hands.

11 years ago

Well, I married a king* without being a Feminine Ladylike Lady and without coughing up cash for her idiot book. So yar boo sucks to her. ::blows ladylike raspberry::

*Okay, former king. But he still gets kingy occasionally.

11 years ago

Hey, if she wants a prince, Harry is still available! As long as she’s OK with his tendency to dress up in SS uniforms for lulz she’ll be all set.

11 years ago

Well, loose eyeballs rolling around under the couch is even worse. Especially if there are dust bunnies.

… I know who I’ll blame when my eyes feel gritty from now on.

11 years ago

Katz said:

For anyone who was worried that they were ranking to high as a feminine lady, don’t worry, there’s also a list of things that cancel it out.

Yay! Lots of those “feminine lady” things apply to me. I was getting a little worried until I saw this:

1. Smoking: Sadly, yes.
2. A history of over drinking: I have been known to get quite tipsy on occasion, so yes.
3. Vulagarity: Fucking-A!
4. The choice of vulgar or tasteless clothing and accessories: Define “vulgar and tasteless,” sweetheart. I do own a Pinhead t-shirt, an ugly purple Christmas sweatshirt, and v-neck leopard print wrap sweater, and countless pairs of hug dangly earrings, so I’m going with yes.
5. Vulgar jokes or facial expressions: Well, I gag when I read your blog, so yes.
6. Attention-grabbing bearing or appearance: What the he do you think the big dangly earrings and leopard print sweater are for? Yes.
7. Aggression: I am not a floor may you can walk over, so yes.
8. A poor temper: Just when people are being stupid, like you are, Feminine Lady blog writer, so yes.
9. Poor dining habits: She mean being rude at the table? Then no. But thoroughly enjoying junk food, then yes. So 1/2 a point.

8.5 out of 9! I am an uncouth woman!

You have no idea how much this comforts me 🙂

11 years ago

Also I suspect that she may have to learn how to play polo and cheer on the sidelines at rugby games. I look forward to her attempts to do both of those things in a delicate and refined ladylike manner. She should post photos.

11 years ago

Do you suppose she means one of these herb garden kits?

That’s the only type of garden that I see fitting into her brand of femininity.

Surely not. That’s the gardening equivalent of a Costco lasagna. Feminine ladies are not lazy like that. Feminine ladies prepare three-course meals from ingredients they grew from seed in their own garden, all while looking like a stock photo of a prom queen.

11 years ago

1. Smoking: Never, but loathing it has nothing to do with whether it’s ladylike or not.

2. A history of over drinking: Be specific! Tea? Coffee? Cocoa? Water? Oh, alcohol. Nope, but again, I dislike it for unrelated reasons.

4. The choice of vulgar or tasteless clothing and accessories: What’s vulgar and tasteless? Anything stronger than pastel shades? Anything that shows any cleavage (other than a Proper evening dress or ball gown, of course? Jeans? Tartan trousers? Multicoloured knitwear wot I knitted myself?

5. Vulgar jokes or facial expressions: Awww, is having any expression stronger than a simper too scary? Also, vulgar jokes, well of course. How else am I to talk about our politicians, or suggest what our CEO should do to himself?

6. Attention-grabbing bearing or appearance: Well duh, I didn’t spend a month making the Aston Coat so nobody’d look at it. Besides which, sweetheart, I’m fucking pleased with my own appearance, and I don’t wear hide-in-the-crowd clothing (yes Secret Lentil I’m looking at you). As for bearing – well, when I’m not managing a heavy backpack, or limping ‘cos my knee hurts, I stride, and walk with my head up, because I’m fifty years old and don’t feel apologetic for existing.

It doesn’t hurt that the person whose opinion on these things actually matters, endorses this – not that I’d be changing any of it anyway.

7. Aggression: Oooh, let me guess, this covers a lot more than what I’d call aggression. Picking fights? Nope. Having the odd argument, or telling trolls they’re fuckwits? Sure. Staring through the odd random man I catch ogling me? Yup.

8. A poor temper: Amazingly enough, one can have a rotten temper but be able to control one’s behaviour.

9. Poor dining habits: Elbows on table, a keyboard that’s probably about to spawn new life forms, eating in front of the telly, reading while eating … yep.

Hmm, only 7/9. I must find new ways of being vulgar.

WAIT WAIT she never mentioned farting in public! Does that get double points? (I know she never mentioned it because ladies don’t actually produce gas, or pee, or poo, but hey, that must be an automatic pass into Vulgar Woman land.)

11 years ago

Bloody italics monster, subbing for the blockquote monster.

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