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Men’s Rights Public Relations: Don’t call all women crazy bitches, even if they totally are, because feminists might catch you.

This quote from the Men’s Rights subreddit was featured on the Against Men’s Rights subreddit a week ago, but I can’t resist reposting it here, since it’s such a marvellous distillation of Men’s Rights LOGICS at work.

jabberwockysuperfly 60 points 7 days ago (93|33)  We appreciate your solidarity. However, please refrain from making statements like "women are all crazy bitches" regardless of how true it might be; feminists mine this subreddit in the hope of finding this kind of statement so they can use it to discredit this movement.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]lolyesok [S] 30 points 7 days ago (33|3)  Woops, I'll edit that out when I get to a computer.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]theskepticalidealist 15 points 6 days ago (19|4)  They'll quote that too.

That’s right: while we of course agree that women are all crazy bitches, we generally don’t like to say that sort of thing out loud, at least here in this subreddit, because our actual opinions are so foul they discredit us every time we say them out loud in public and the evil feminists cherry-pick our statements and reveal to the world WHAT WE ACTUALLY BELIEVE.

And jabberwockeysuperfly won himself 60 upvotes for that wondrous bit of SUPER STEM MANLOGICS.

Later in the discussion, our dear old friend Pecanpig clarified that even if there are some women who aren’t crazy bitches, they’re definitely a bunch of bad … oranges?

dejour 13 points 7 days ago (29|16)  It's not true though that all women are crazy bitches. So she shouldn't be saying that. For me the point though is that some women are and the legal system and public shouldn't assume that women=good, man=bad.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Pecanpig 5 points 6 days ago (8|3)  Depends on individual circumstances, if you eat 10 oranges and they are all bad then for all intents and purposes oranges are bad, that can be true despite contradicting your own experiences with oranges or whatever.

Orange you a strange one, Pecanpig.

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11 years ago

Alice: Yes, take it an run with it. Nothing evokes shrieks of terror in me more than housework.

And no, I don’t think you’re over-reacting; that ad is blatantly racist. It’s just like what you wrote about on Feminist Borg. That ad is just repeating every awful stereotype about Asian women there is.

The Proper Lady blog writer also came up with this gem:

The underlying assumption? Asian women all look alike. Latino women all look alike. Middle Eastern women all look alike. African-American women all look alike. But Caucasian have unique and varied appearances. Racism much?

katz: Scrapbooking goals? Maybe, if she has a newborn, she’s trying to obsessively scrapbook every day of the baby’s first month of life? Or maybe document every day of her pregnancy or the birth?

11 years ago

Ninja’d by cloudiah 🙂

11 years ago

BTW, if there are any lurking scrapbookers here, I apologize for kinda making fun of it as a hobby. I just realized I have a good friend who is essentially a scrapbooker, who does it to document her trips to Burning Man and other related events, and they’re actually pretty cool artifacts.

11 years ago

@cloudiah – The website you linked to is a hell of a thing. I can’t tell if it’s satire or if this feminine blogger has an all-consuming feminine obsession with femininity (broadly and loosely defined).

Knitting/Crocheting – This is a very popular hobby among feminine women of the more traditional sort — and it’s very feminine to spend time making warm and cozy gifts for others. 🙂

I am a huge proponent of baking and cooking for femininity. Being able to set pots bubbling on the stove and send aromas wafting through the home brings a feminine and nurturing warmth to the house — it’s no surprise, then, that this is a very feminine hobby, darling!
This is also a very versatile hobby, one that can be taken up by a great variety of feminine women. One can do almost anything with this feminine hobby…

Dancing is a very feminine hobby because it’s one of the best ways to bring out one’s femininity.

Writing about feminine and elegant subjects is a very feminine hobby indeed — what can be more feminine than utilizing one’s mind to pursue femininity and then sharing one’s experiences, either through fiction or creative non-fiction? 🙂
Feminine women collaborate and help one another out, so in that way, helping others to be feminine is a very feminine thing to do!

Language learning is a very elegant and feminine hobby.

Painting or any other sort of visual art is a lovely hobby for a feminine woman and hanging her work around the home gives the place a very warm and feminine touch.

If you’re pursuing a feminine cooking hobby, starting an herb or vegetable garden would be a good accompaniment. Having a healthy herb or vegetable garden requires the nurture and patience of a feminine woman, darling! 😉

I think that every feminine woman loves flowers — and what more feminine hobby than arranging the flowers into something even more pleasing?

Making soaps is another very feminine hobby and it’s also very enjoyable.

Finally, I think that one of the most feminine hobbies that a woman can take up is charity work. Feminine women are very nurturing, caring, and empathetic creatures, sweetheart, and in that way, what’s more feminine than making a hobby out of helping others who are less fortunate and bringing love into their lives?

11 years ago

I knew I’d heard something on the radio about an over-the-top scrapbooker. Skip down to Act Two:

Scrapbooking is really cool, but like anything, if taken to extremes….

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Okay, so it’s not just me.

I’m… I can’t say I’m furious, because I’m not. Disappointed? Smoldering in outrage? Annoyed? Tired?

“We’re living in a post-racial society!” No. No we’re not.

11 years ago

How many times can one fit ‘feminine’ into a paragraph? After the third, it kinda feel like that game kids play, where you say a word over and over and over again till you get to the point where you’re not quite sure what you’re saying anymore.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So I clicked another article there and it started with something about her lovelies…and I heard DKM.

11 years ago

Argenti: Am I bad for seeing that phrase and immediately thinking of a ‘feminine’ Gollum? (“My loveliiieeessss…”)

11 years ago

moldybrehd – I was wondering if the whole thing was a Poe, too, with the “feminine feminine feminine FEMININE” writing.

Then I saw that ad. 🙁

Knitting/Crocheting – This is a very popular hobby among feminine women of the more traditional sort — and it’s very feminine to spend time making warm and cozy gifts for others.

How gratifying to know that I am NOT being a feminine woman of the traditional sort. My knitting is 90% for ME ME ME ME. Muahahaha!

11 years ago

Argenti – maybe she really is DKM. 😯

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Freemage — better than immediately thinking of DKM!

Kitteh — nawh, he’d never allow things like literature and hobbies! Think of where that could lead, heavens no, there might be independent thought! (Great, now I’m picturing foot tall sentient porcelain dolls, like Chuckie, but breakable and all curls and frills)

11 years ago

BTW, if there are any lurking scrapbookers here, I apologize for kinda making fun of it as a hobby. I just realized I have a good friend who is essentially a scrapbooker, who does it to document her trips to Burning Man and other related events, and they’re actually pretty cool artifacts.

Scrapbooking is a great hobby, just like cooking is a great hobby. But they’re also traditionally acceptable hobbies, and when women get book deals and things for letting their lives revolve around a feminine domestic activity, it smacks of “be good and we’ll give you a treat.”

11 years ago


My mom has done needle-point for decades and has kept 97% of it for herself (mostly throw pillows). Her love of needle-point is feminine and yet her lack of womanly self-sacrifice is not feminine, what does it all mean? Teach me the secrets of femininity The Proper Lady, so I may understand!


I like trying to imagine an actual women saying this out-loud in a real conversation, presumably sounding like Mrs Doubtfire.

Feminine women collaborate and help one another out, so in that way, helping others to be feminine is a very feminine thing to do!

I celebrate my femininity with my favorite feminine hobbies, which include feminine breathing and feminine driving to work.

11 years ago

Feminine breathing! I need to know how to do feminine breathing!

Also feminine toenail clipping might help, though I daresay I’d need to do feminine toe shaving first. Or does the truly feminine woman fenininely not have hair on her feminine toes anyway? I haz a confused.

11 years ago

I wear make up (especially red lipstick), I’m typing this while wearing a floral sundress, I crochet, I stitch, I cook, and I dance (yes, I’m even a follow). I’m also an outspoken feminist. HOW CAN THAT BE?!?

Incidentally, the best knitter I know is a guy. He does such amazing stuff that I turn green just looking at it. Also, my lovely man does the most gorgeous cross stitch, way better than me. The natural world is in turmoil! Cats and dogs living together, etc!

11 years ago

Mass hysteria!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this sequence of comments. But it’s almost 8:00, and I have yet to finish washing the dishes. Shows what a washout I am as quasi-maternal caregiver.

Seriously, though.

11 years ago

Oh NOES! I’m a girly-man: I am a huge proponent of baking and cooking for femininity. Being able to set pots bubbling on the stove and send aromas wafting through the home brings a feminine and nurturing warmth to the house — it’s no surprise, then, that this is a very feminine hobby, darling!
This is also a very versatile hobby, one that can be taken up by a great variety of feminine women. One can do almost anything with this feminine hobby…

That, or “feminine” doesn’t mean what she thinks it means.

Dancing is a very feminine hobby because it’s one of the best ways to bring out one’s femininity.

Yep… Girly-man.

Knitting/Crocheting – This is a very popular hobby among feminine women of the more traditional sort — and it’s very feminine to spend time making warm and cozy gifts for others.

Three for three. I am apparently VERY feminine.

Language learning is a very elegant and feminine hobby.

Боже мой! Je suis tres femme.

If you’re pursuing a feminine cooking hobby, starting an herb or vegetable garden would be a good accompaniment. Having a healthy herb or vegetable garden requires the nurture and patience of a feminine woman, darling!

That’s five.

I think that every feminine woman loves flowers — and what more feminine hobby than arranging the flowers into something even more pleasing?


Add the long hair and skirts…

Maybe I’m secretly a woman. Who knew?

That, or she’s full of gender essentialist bullshit.

11 years ago

If someone were to start a blog that begins as an adorable young sundress-wearing woman embarking on some kind of appropriately feminine enterprise in order to find herself but then gradually devolved into macabre horror and was at the end revealed to be a modern retelling of The Yellow Wallpaper, what kind of activity could she do?

My first thought was “interior decorating,” but I see that’s already been suggested. So instead I’ll just say that I would love to read the final result.

Dancing is a very feminine hobby because it’s one of the best ways to bring out one’s femininity.

Ha! Feminine Lady has never seen me dance. I adore dancing, but I very much belong to the Random Flailing school of dance.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Je suis tres femme.”

Hoc scio ^.^

11 years ago

I’m really hoping Feminine Wotsit is a poe. (Does anyone else hear David Walliams “I’m a LADY!” at this point?)

Let’s see … dancing: something done by men and women through history and before. Who’re all these FLs supposed to be dancing with if dancing’s so fem-fem-femmy? No manly menz would do it, they might get cooties.

Strange thing is of course, in history-that-goes-before-her-fantasy-Victoriana, dancing was a manly art; gentlemen were taught to dance and expected to be able to do so with elegance and verve. Ballet developed as an art for noblemen and kings.

Cooking: apart from being something needed to, y’know, eat, it’s not something associated with women alone, through history. There’s not exactly a dearth of famous male chefs now or in previous centuries. Cooking was another popular hobby among the nobility of Sir’s earthly days (I sometimes think because DIY was the only way to get something while it was still hot).

Knitting as a hobby – hardly confined just to women, except in the way it’s been portrayed as such in recent decades. People of both sexes have made or supplemented their incomes with knitting for centuries.

Learning languages feminine? Wut?

Seriously, does she think feminine is a synonym for human? I guess it’d be a change for human/male/masculine/man being interchangeable (and by implication excluding those who aren’t) but oy, if she’s gonna be all feminine and learn a language, could she please start with English?

11 years ago

For anyone who was worried that they were ranking to high as a feminine lady, don’t worry, there’s also a list of things that cancel it out.

That post has this rather wonderful quote:

What is the purpose in laughing or smiling at simple appropriate questions that can be immaturely taken as a sexual pun?

Seriously, she must have been at a hot dog stand and asked “Is that hot dog to long to fit between those buns?” or something and is still feeling incensed about it.

11 years ago

@ Alice

Wow, that ebook. The secret to how many Asian women stay thin? It’s called “dieting”, and you’d have to have never seen a single woman’s magazine from China, Japan, or Korea to be unaware that many, many women (and men, actually) do it.

I’m not even touching the rest of that crap. Seriously, wow.

11 years ago

Although! My favorite part is how you must buy her crappy racist ebook RIGHT NOW so you don’t lose your shot at catching yourself a manly man-type man to another woman who bought it before you. Apparently the timeframe in which he might be snatched out from under you is two weeks, so order today.

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