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Men’s Rights Public Relations: Don’t call all women crazy bitches, even if they totally are, because feminists might catch you.

This quote from the Men’s Rights subreddit was featured on the Against Men’s Rights subreddit a week ago, but I can’t resist reposting it here, since it’s such a marvellous distillation of Men’s Rights LOGICS at work.

jabberwockysuperfly 60 points 7 days ago (93|33)  We appreciate your solidarity. However, please refrain from making statements like "women are all crazy bitches" regardless of how true it might be; feminists mine this subreddit in the hope of finding this kind of statement so they can use it to discredit this movement.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]lolyesok [S] 30 points 7 days ago (33|3)  Woops, I'll edit that out when I get to a computer.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]theskepticalidealist 15 points 6 days ago (19|4)  They'll quote that too.

That’s right: while we of course agree that women are all crazy bitches, we generally don’t like to say that sort of thing out loud, at least here in this subreddit, because our actual opinions are so foul they discredit us every time we say them out loud in public and the evil feminists cherry-pick our statements and reveal to the world WHAT WE ACTUALLY BELIEVE.

And jabberwockeysuperfly won himself 60 upvotes for that wondrous bit of SUPER STEM MANLOGICS.

Later in the discussion, our dear old friend Pecanpig clarified that even if there are some women who aren’t crazy bitches, they’re definitely a bunch of bad … oranges?

dejour 13 points 7 days ago (29|16)  It's not true though that all women are crazy bitches. So she shouldn't be saying that. For me the point though is that some women are and the legal system and public shouldn't assume that women=good, man=bad.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Pecanpig 5 points 6 days ago (8|3)  Depends on individual circumstances, if you eat 10 oranges and they are all bad then for all intents and purposes oranges are bad, that can be true despite contradicting your own experiences with oranges or whatever.

Orange you a strange one, Pecanpig.

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11 years ago

I don’t even understand this… If I eat ten oranges and they’re all bad, then it’s true that oranges are bad “for all intents and purposes”, even if other people have eaten good oranges? What is this, some kind of Nietzschean truth relativism?

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Pecanpig didn’t take a basic logic course. You can’t assume that all of one thing has the same characteristics just because some of that thing does….I forgot what fallacy that was, though. “If some women are jerks then all women are jerks” does not logically follow.

Ally S
11 years ago

Are you kidding me? I know a ton of human rights movements whose members assert that calling some women “crazy bitches” is totally okay.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

He’s also missing the self awareness to ask “Self, what if I’m the asshole in this situation?”

Hera Sent Me
Hera Sent Me
11 years ago

After ten bum oranges, maybe the problem is you can’t tell which are ripe and which are rotten.


Maybe ripe oranges turn rotten in your hands, suggesting your corrosive touch is the problem.

11 years ago

I’m incredibly impressed that they’re starting to be aware that “all women are crazy bitches” might rebound against them. Looks like the first glimmerings of how crazy they sound are dawning upon them!

11 years ago

Soylent orange is people!!!!

11 years ago

After ten bum oranges, maybe the problem is you can’t tell which are ripe and which are rotten.

Yeah, exactly. Every time a guy starts telling me about how every girlfriend he’s ever had has been terrible, I don’t think, “Wow, women are demonstrably terrible!” I think, “You might want to work on your ability to choose a girlfriend.”

11 years ago

If you eat ten bad oranges in a row, the one thing those oranges have in common is you.

11 years ago

^Or, what toujoursgai said.

David, I saw pineapples on sale the other day. You might not want a pineapple, though, I understand they whine and complain a lot.

11 years ago

That’s such an immature way to look at things.

11 years ago

The only times Good succeeds in slightly making me angry is when he complains that we’re not defending him from “insults” or “personal attacks” after he’s made statements that insult all women – and since I’m a woman, Good, I find your sweeping generalizations about women personally insulting. Cry me a river if someone calls you Not-So-Good after you display such miserable-ness toward your fellow humans.

But usually Good just makes me sleepy.

11 years ago

I dunno, I have the same problem every time I buy cantaloupe; when I go to eat it a month later BAM!, it’s rotten & moldy. Must be the damn woman’s cantaloupe’s fault.

11 years ago

Ooops, how’d I get that on the wrong thread? Oh well, bad idea for me to try to engage with Good anyway.

11 years ago

Soylent orange is people!!!!


11 years ago

Maybe all the oranges women they meet are jerks to them because *gasp* they’re reacting to the general fuckwittery of these clowns!

Then again, that’s insulting to clowns.

11 years ago

Soylent orange is people!!!

Which may explain why Pecanpig has such bad luck with oranges….

11 years ago


11 years ago

Also doesn’t help if their platonic ideal of an orange is actually a can of peaches.

11 years ago

Did someone say peaches?

11 years ago

Serrana: I’ve had this question for a long time. Is that song actually just about peaches? I’ve never been able to decide.

11 years ago

I think it’s actually about ninjas.

11 years ago

@katz – Wikipedia to the rescue!

It is apparently not just about peaches.

11 years ago



He probably hasn’t been eating oranges at all. He’s probably been eating MANGOES.

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