a voice for men artistry paul elam

Logo contest! Win $300!


There’s just one little catch: You have to design a logo for A Voice for Men.

But the logo contest is a real thing, as is the prize. Go here for the details.

You can see my first attempt above. Post yours below! And maybe even submit it to the official contest.

Also, read the comments over at AVFM to see Mr. Elam bring the banhammer down on a graphic designer who offers to do the logo for free. No, really.

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11 years ago


I’d guess a lot of the AVfM’s alleged staff need those sixteen-hour days. It’s not easy to pound out ragefroth screeds when you type with two fingers at most.

11 years ago


And. Uh. Is it sad that I look at that logo, and feel a little better about not being the best designer in the world? <.<

Also, I wrote up another story for someone I'm ASSUMING is a Boobzer named Tracy Bradley. Tracy, give me a ring! I wrote you a thing according to your prompt about Hugo Schwyzer being reincarnated as a shark!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – Huzzah!

Damn it. I need to finish my article then. 😛

11 years ago

Darn it, I came in late to this. I made my logo, and not only is it too late to submit but…

Yeah, it’s a typo – it’s counter-humanist theory.

I got ninja’d.

11 years ago

I love the rant that alek goes into every time he responds to the professional’s comments. I wanted to say the pot and the kettle, except this time the kettle happens to be ceramic. The dictionary definition of rant doesn’t include being redundant, but I feel like it should.

11 years ago

I noticed the original contest post referred to “MRHAs” instead of “MHRAs.” I now hold that this stands for “Men’s Rights Hovering Aardvark”, and the only think that can persuade me otherwise is something better for the M and R to stand for.

11 years ago

“Mandible Removing Hate Atronach”

11 years ago

Hovering Aardvark! Love it … but it’s way too cute for this lot.

If MRHA does stand for Men’s Rights Human Activists … I want to know what the not-human ones are. Are MRAs lizard people after all?

11 years ago

“Are MRAs lizard people after all?”

That is absolutely offensive to actual lizard folk. 🙁

11 years ago

You are correct, and I apologise unreservedly to lizard folk.

11 years ago

Perhaps they’re sapient brine shrimp?

11 years ago

Sapient? MRAs?


11 years ago

LBT: Housing! Wonderful!

I think that deserves a roun of applause:

11 years ago

Wait, how did AV4M end up spending $499 if they only paid the winner $300? Does the contest cost $199 to run? Wow, what a shitty service; 67% overhead for a service that doesn’t actually do any of the design.

And if you want business cards, it’s $150 extra.

11 years ago

And the winner was none of the types of logo they initially requested.

11 years ago

@katz, They’re working 16-20 hour days over there! I feel like I should drop a few f-bombs on you just for hinting at criticism of Paul E and his crew.

11 years ago

All I can say is that, when I needed a logo, I posted on DA offering to pay just $100 because it was a low-income nonprofit and I got dozens of responses from professional designers who did far better work than any of those logos. I picked one and he made a design that looked awesome and I love it. I paid 1/5 as much, I got a better logo, and no designers got stiffed into working for free.

(Given that 16 designers entered the AVFM contest, the per-contestant pay comes out to just $18.75.)

11 years ago

I really don’t like the 99 designs business model. They sell themselves as offering a service that’s great for both designers and clients, but the designers are mostly working for free and the clients aren’t necessarily getting a great design out of it either.

11 years ago

Come to think of it, you’re beholden to pick a design even if none of the entries are any good (I wonder if you’re beholden to use it?) and so it’s actually more touch and go than looking through portfolios until you find a designer who does work you really like.

11 years ago


I’m so happy you found a place!

Also: yeah, they were really hard on that designer. He seemed to me to just be saying that he wanted to do the work but couldn’t accept the prize. Do I have that wrong because their response was a huge and ridiculous over-reaction and made them look even sillier.

Honestly, these guys couldn’t run a bun fight in a bakery!

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Seranvali — that’s how I read it too, and then they got all huffy about how people say they will and then never do. Which is just painful to me of the volunteering sort.

11 years ago

Bodsy, you’ve outdone yourself. XD

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

@ cloudiah – why thank you!