antifeminism drama kings fidelbogen gaslighting grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MRA the sound of his own voice

Fidelbogen writes a manifesto (and it’s even more turgid than you’d expect)

How to write a manifesto: The Fidelbogen way
How to write a manifesto: The Fidelbogen way

If you’re starting up a political movement and want to get the asses into the seats — and then out into the streets — it’s helpful to have a stirring manifesto.

Here’s the opening of the Communist Manifesto.

A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.

That’s pretty good, you gotta admit. Like the start of an action movie.

And then there’s the classic opening of our own Declaration of Independence. Not quite as dramatic, but pretty damn stately. It starts off with all that “[w]hen in the Course of human events” stuff, and then, BAM:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That is, like, really quotable and shit.

Well, our old friend Fidelbogen has been doing some manifesto writing of his own. Let’s see how his new manifesto stands up against these classics.

The Manifesto of Coalition JS38

JS38 – Operational Overview

JS38 is a coalition of politically conscious non-feminist groups and individuals. The name itself is a random character string which serves only as an identification tag. As a project, JS38 is designed to overcome the problems which labels often generate – such problems as branding, false grouping, conflation, stereotypification, message degradation and the like.

What What WHAT?! You’ve named your movement after A RANDOM CHARACTER STRING?

Fidelbogen apparently thinks he’s writing a manifesto for robots.

Let’s see if he can pick up the pace a bit in the second paragraph:

We recognize that we are in a contest to sway hearts and minds.

Yeah, nothing wins hearts and minds faster than random character strings.

We recognize that this contest is played out on the field of public rhetoric – by which we mean things popularly said and heard. We strive, accordingly, to craft a message as well as we are able.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but you are about as talented at crafting messages as I am at ballet dancing.  The difference between the two of us is that I don’t post videos of myself trying to ballet dance on the internet, while you have a blog entirely — if inadvertently — devoted to documenting your failures to “craft messages” with any kind of skill. (And of course there’s your amazing Twitter account.)

The operation of JS38 will boost and clarify the signal of our selected message and cut through the background noise. In this way, the message will gain a more individuated presence within the public discourse.

Uh, see what I mean? Then Fidey, having set forth no reasons whatsoever for anyone to get involved in his little project, gets into the nitty-gritty of how it will work:

Members of JS38 (called “signatories”) are aligned with each other under the terms of a Prime Constitution – a list of points that encompass a mission, a code of principles, and a practical worldview.

He continues on in this fashion for approximately one million words (rough estimate). Here are some more snippets, to give you a flavor:

JS38 is neither a moral collective nor an organization in any sense, but only a joint intellectual effort to distill a message signal, and to differentiate this from what other feminist-averse groups and individuals are transmitting.  …

If we establish that an octagon is an eight-sided geometrical figure, the truth of that message remains uncompromised by the messenger. Even if Stalin or Caligula declared that an octagon was an eight-sided geometrical figure, it would not become a nine-sided or seven-sided figure. …

The points in the Prime Constitution are not listed in order of priority, and there is no linear progression of ideas from one item to the next. However, the items do form a loose holographic unity.  …

Ideally, every sub-constitution would list its entire chain of linkages, leading eventually back to the Prime Constitution, which is deemed canonical. In the end, this would generate a pyramidal structure of variations which cascade from the Prime Constitution. …

We value self-containment and aplomb in our spoken and written communications. Furthermore, we believe it is good practice to “think like a lawyer.” …

We define our method as query-based rather than theory-based – although it is true that we theorize. But feminism owes us answers, and not the reverse. Thus, if we declare that “feminism is x”, we are expecting proof that feminism is NOT x, and shall expect our concerns to be sensitively and respectfully addressed. …

If a particular idea is not expressly stated in this document, it cannot be attributed to the document. Equally, however, it cannot be said that the document excludes it. …

We seek to bring about a decolonization of the non-feminist mind. To that end, we claim an epistemic standpoint independent of feminist discourse, and from said standpoint we develop a counter-discourse. …

We assert the prerogative to define feminism in absolute terms in the light of our own study, regardless of feminist objection to such a proceeding. Simply put, feminism categorically IS what WE say it is. …

We assert that feminism is like a product that must be sold, and that nobody is obligated to buy. …

I’m thinking that Fidelbogen’s He Man Antifeminism Club 4NtevaSh — sorry, “Coalition JS38“ — isn’t going to be making a lot of sales itself.

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11 years ago

1. Aw, geez, for the love of crimeny.

2. “As a project, JS38 is designed to overcome the problems which labels often generate – such problems as branding, false grouping, conflation, stereotypification, message degradation and the like.

Dude, you can’t have message degradation if you don’t have a message. You have to work on getting the message together first.

3. “We recognize that we are in a contest to sway hearts and minds…”

We recognize that this contest is played out on the field of public rhetoric…”

We value self-containment and aplomb in our spoken and written communications.…”*

I assume that by “we”, dude, you mean “you”?

4. “A spectre is haunting Europe” = Seneca.

We hold these truths to be self-evident” = Cicero.

JS38 is a coalition of politically conscious non-feminist groups and individuals. The name itself is a random character string which serves only as an identification tag.” = Moose egged on by Jughead or Jughead egged on by Moose, whichever; possibly aided by Snorlax.

11 years ago

If you Google JS38, you’ll find it’s a popular self-propelled mower from John Deere.

Today, in things that are more popular than MRA coalitions…

If your search thingie happens to be set to Amazon, you get a book about WWII aviation, a watch, and a Thai Chi sword.

11 years ago

Fiddlestyx is pretty obviously one of those guys.

11 years ago

This guy is a mix between an inane bureaucrat (I mean, assigning a movement based on a random configuration of letters and numbers?!) and something out of Private Eye’s Pseuds Corner

11 years ago

* (oh, brother)

11 years ago

Thus, if we declare that “feminism is x”, we are expecting proof that feminism is NOT x, and shall expect our concerns to be sensitively and respectfully addressed. …

This demand will definitely be met by everyone, and will absolutely not be met by bafflement or peals of laughter.

11 years ago

“We recognize that this contest is played out on the field of public rhetoric…”

I read that as pubic rhetoric.

Which is of course closely related to talking out of his arse.

11 years ago

Oh btw I actually real life lol’ed when I got to the first line of his manifesto after the US Declaration and Marx and Engels.

11 years ago

@katz: Fortunately, you used swearing, so that evidence is compromised by not being delivered sensitively enough.

Also, I can’t stop smiling.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

thebewilderness – Wow. Why are there so many assholes?

11 years ago

So I’m reading this thing, and it’s equal parts overly wordy gibberish and way too long. I mean, I’m a proprietor of purple prose, and even I think that manifesto is over the top.

11 years ago

Assholes seem to be the world’s greatest renewable resource. Shame we can’t figure out a way to use their bloviating to generate electricity.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

CassandraSays – If we could, would that mean we’d have succeeded in making a perpetual motion machine?

11 years ago

kittehs – Are you suggesting that Fidelbogen is a time traveling AI?

OMG, Fidelbogen is the Basilisk!?!?!? (cuz reading his posts is pretty tortuous… )

11 years ago

*are tortuous, I fail at grammar today…

11 years ago

Imagine the possibilities! Cheap, easy space travel – just stick a misogynist on a spaceship with a handful of women and watch him (and the ship) go. We could generate enough electricity for entire regions by depositing one virulent racist in a power plant staffed mostly by POC. Want to recharge your car battery before a road trip? Just take a homophobe to Pride.

Ally S
11 years ago

I read “JS38” and programming immediately came to mind because JS stands for JavaScript.

Maybe MRAs can name their collectives after programming jargon.

“JVM309” – Java Virtual Machine 309
“RG124” – RubyGems 124
“NPM7” – Node Package Manager 7

They’ve already reached rock bottom in regards to logic and argumentation. They might as well start using ridiculous coding-inspired names.

11 years ago

33. We affirm that misandry and misogyny are two aspects of an underlying unity, that they cannot be understood separately, and that they increase or decrease in direct proportion to each other.

So, are they saying that you’re either misogynist or misandrist and the only way to maintain a gender equality is to balance the two in equal proportions, or am I misunderstanding that?

11 years ago

“We assert the prerogative to define feminism in absolute terms in the light of our own study, regardless of feminist objection to such a proceeding. Simply put, feminism categorically IS what WE say it is”

No, it’s not.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

The opening passage of

In 1884, meridian time personnel met
in Washington to change Earth time.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The bible time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it’s wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

It’s official: the timecube dude is more succinct than Fidelbogen.

11 years ago

He continues on in this fashion for approximately one million words (rough estimate).

I chuckled when I first read this, but after I clicked to Fidelbogen’s blog entry I realized it is a classic example of “it’s funny because it’s true”.

From the “Prime Constitution”,

The Prime Constitution follows. Points are listed in a numbered format, for ease of citation.

There are 40(!) points that are in no danger of ever being cited.

I’m trying to pick the best cartoon voice to imagine reading his endless drivel. A 1950s robot? Droopy Dog?

11 years ago

So, are they saying that you’re either misogynist or misandrist and the only way to maintain a gender equality is to balance the two in equal proportions, or am I misunderstanding that?

I think he’s trying to assert that misandry and misogyny are inseperable as part of sexism, and that more sexism means more of both in equal proportion.

Essentially trying to be able to say that “if there is misogyny, there must also be misandry, so if misandry isn’t a real thing then misogyny must not exist either”

11 years ago

I’m trying to pick the best cartoon voice to imagine reading his endless drivel. A 1950s robot? Droopy Dog?

Alan Rickman, as Snape. Hands down.

11 years ago

It’s just so funny that he thinks that if he demands things in purple enough prose people will be forced to obey his commands. He reminds me of this, but without the indulgent parents to help him along.

Sorry, Fiddly, but it’s not cute when adults do it.

11 years ago

That quote made my brain hurt so much that it refused to try to figure what it meant. My brain actually tapped out.