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Men’s Rightser on the Bechdel Test: “Why do Women need to talk to each other ? I don’t get it.”

Talk amongst yourselves.

So some Swedish movie theaters have decided to institute a new rating system to let viewers know whether or not the films they show pass the Bechdel Test — that is, if at any point in the film two female characters have a conversation about something other than a man.

Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella with the classy handle classypedobear takes strong exception to this terrible affront to human decency. His argument?

classypedobear 28 points 1 day ago (37|9)  This test is BS, simply. I think what they are trying to accomplish is noble but that is where the good stops.  Why do Women need to talk to each other ? I don't get it. I have plenty of female friends who get along better with males. If two women hav a conversation about their kitten or their baby ? I think it's even worse.  Bad idea overall


Thanks, AgainstMensRights subreddit!

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11 years ago

He’s just softening you up, wordsp1nner. Beware!

11 years ago

I’m with Karalora: I want to know the women are people in their own right, so I will accept as, “passing” a movie in which women talk to men, about things they have in common, which relate to things outside themselves (if that makes sense).

So I’d say Fargo counts, and so does, “Across the Universe”, because in the first our heroine talks about her work with lots of people (and at least once to another woman; the man in that conversation; as I recall it, was the subject of her work related inquiries), and in the second we have several women who are being independent (which means more to me than the one conversation between two women which is about a non-male; but even that conversation has an unstated male; but the relationship between the three is integral to that arc of the plot, and that arc is about the women, not the man.

11 years ago

I just remembered a TV cat moment from a drama series about Richelieu done in the 70s. There’s a scene in the Cardinal’s study, where a white cat’s sprawled on a cushion on his desk and playing with a quill. Richelieu walks in and ruffles kitteh’s fur while he’s talking. Trouble is the mic must have been a bit close, ‘cos you can hear the cat grrrRRRRrrrowling.

Best bit’s when kitty goes on playing with the quill and manages to knock it off the desk. Then of course zie has to peer over the edge, then wash zir face because zie totally meant to do that and didn’t want that stupid quill anyway.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“PoC Bechdel”

Does it count if they’re married?

And the Moko one is mentally ill people?

Gothika gets a B if those are both “yes”

11 years ago

So MRAs are against people discussing and rating a film based on a test they dont like because FEMINISMSMSM and want to stop it? And women should not talk to other women because this jerk thinks their conversations are dumb?

Gosh, what about our freedom of speech? I thought they were all about that!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Quackers – There’s one fatal flaw in your reasoning. You forgot that women =! people in the minds of misogynists. Hence, there is no repression of speech, because women =! people.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

“Why do women need to talk to each other? I don’t get it.”

“I know, sweetie. I know.”

11 years ago


Yep. Freedom of speech is only for men. Or more accurately, only for women and men who agree with MRAs.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Quackers – And not even then, since we have Spearheaders and other MRAs saying that women can’t take part in the MRA movement (and hating on the FeMRAs on AVFM).

11 years ago

“Why do women need to talk to each other? I don’t get it.”

Because…good writing? Compelling characters?

But no really, I’m having myself a big ol’ giggle imagining a movie where all the characters refuse to interact with each other. Especially if it’s an action movie. ‘Hero’ walks in, blows stuff up for reasons, no one notices. He makes a daring escape with lots of backflips and ‘ki-YAHHHH” noises–while no one tries to stop him–and then in the final scene he dashes toward the heroine. She stands there, gazing out at the sunset, hair blowing softly in the wind… Then they just sort of walk past each other.
Screen fades to black. Roll credits.

11 years ago

Mort, I would watch the hell out of that movie.

11 years ago

Gosh, what about our freedom of speech? I thought they were all about that!

Ah, no. I see the confusion. It’s different freedoms. Men have freedom of speech, while women have freedom of Screech. It’s the way it’s always been.

11 years ago

Regarding horror movies, as was mentioned by David earlier in the thread… A while ago me and Husband watched through all the nightmare on Elm Street movies, and I’m pretty certain every movie in that series pass with flying colours. They all have a female hero, and she always has some female friends, usually a mum that appears in the story and so on. Of course a lot of the conversations are about Freddy, but not every single one.
And I think this goes to show by Bechdel is really a pretty good test, although not the perfect “feminist test” (which NO ONE has ever CLAIMED that it is, so I don’t get it why people have to point it out over and over and over again). The Elm Street movies pass because they are set in world which is unlike ours in some ways, but it seem to be like ours in that women make up 50 % of that world’s population rather than being this small minority.

11 years ago

Exactly. Bechdel isn’t really about finding movies that are perfectly feminist, it’s just about wanting movies to have women in them, and for those women to be actual characters. That’s pretty much it. It really shouldn’t be too much to ask for.

11 years ago

cloudiah – it’s not quite the movie Mort imagined (which I’d also watch) but this one has nothing I’d really call interaction between the main characters.

11 years ago

Kitteh: Some people really should have lived in the days of the internet.

11 years ago

I don’t know if his work’s on the Net, but Marv Newland’s still making animated films.

Mum worked at the Education Dept film library in the 70s and schools were always borrowing Bambi Meets Godzilla. Some of ’em for film studies, yeah … and some had no idea and waxed indignant when they found out it ran all of ninety seconds.

11 years ago


Misandry at it’s finest- teh innocent menz (bambi) being squashed by the ebil femizillas (Godzilla).

Love it!

11 years ago

FEMZILLAS I love that!

11 years ago

The Reddit thread is nightmare, it’s like a contest to see which poster can understand the fewest things and who ever wrote the header, “Sweden wants 2 females per movie. This is getting ridiculous”, is a strong contender Some don’t understand Bechdel test (“Could your life pass the Bechdel test? Could anyone’s?”), others think it would be government enforced film law leading to censorship and a few just do what MRAs do best, spin wild tales of misandry gone wild. My favorite of the last type is the one who thinks Sweden is close to a feminist apocalypse that will compel all young men to flee the country.

Add a gloomy pedantic gotcha from GirlWritesWhat, “that would be a world wherein every movie has a female villain. Problem solved”. And 12 people thought this was a excellent point,

I think most movies fail the Bechdel test mainly because they have male baddies. The movie has to stay on the plot, the baddies are doing bad things, the good guys have to stop them. All the conversations are going to be about the baddies and how to stop them.

The Bechdel law is simplistic, yet pointed because it’s not some grand feminist film theory, it was a joke in a comic strip. As a side note, that strip, Dykes to Watch Out For, would pass any turbo charged WoC version of the law; Bechdel’s female characters were a variety of races and body types. She also had a character who uses a wheelchair and another with multiple sclerosis, and never mucked them up with “a very special episode”-style patronizing schmaltz.

Finally, her devastating memoir, A Fun Home, is critically acclaimed, brilliant and highly recommended. FYI.

11 years ago

“Could your life pass the Bechdel test? Could anyone’s?”

Could this person be any more self-centered? It would take some serious effort.

11 years ago

Presumably this jackass thinks no women ever talk to each other about anything but men.

Which is … weird.

11 years ago

As a straight male, I actually prefer it when a series’ cast is all female

11 years ago

Apparently, no women ever talk to him so the Bechdel test is really misandry.