So A Voice for Men, classy joint that it is, “reported” yesterday that Elizabeth Vargas of ABC’s 20/20, who interviewed Paul Elam for a 20/20 piece that has yet to air, has checked into rehab in order to deal with her alcoholism. The general reaction of commenters there ranged from “ha ha” to “well, maybe once she’s cured she’ll see how oppressed we men really are.” Those aren’t exact quotes. The exact quotes are below.
Here’s one especially classy exchange. Note the upvotes.
In another comment a bit too long to conveniently screenshot, Laddition explained his position in a bit more detail, winning a few upvotes in the process:
She doesn’t care about me or my gender, in fact she intended to do material harm to my brothers and I, she has no right to expect any better response from me than that.
If she drains the poison from her soul and comes back as a better person and does better for the other half of humanity, I may have some encouragement for her. Until then; none, nada, nietski, sweet fa.
And why do I hold such an uncharitable view?
Because I think that until women in general understand that there are costs (indifference from men) to their feminist acts, they’ll never see a reason to change. At the moment the best many of them’ll do is cluck at what the ‘extreme’ feminists say and keep taking the goodies provided for them by such harpies over the backs of men.
Men don’t have to hate women, a world of male indifference will be a cold place to be a woman. If you want to be loved and cared for, try being lovable, at the very least.
In a followup comment, he added:
And I hope that the interview with Paul was part of the breakdown and subsequent recognition of the darkness in her own twisted heart. May she benefit from the lesson by going and doing no more evil unto men.
Even the putatively “sympathetic” comments quickly turned into smug little “told-you-sos.”
One commenter even managed to work in a snide reference to Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” slogan:
Elam’s own comment on the story was a small masterpiece of passive-aggressive faux-sympathy:
That’s right, Paul. It’s all about you. And the only reason she was troubled by your hateful shit is because she was a drunkard with no “compassion” for poor oppressed assholes like you.
Elam was once, he says, an addiction counselor. Given his incredible narcissism and clear lack of empathy for at least half of the human race, if not the vast majority of it, it is rather hard to see how he could have been any good at that job.
Yeah, if that’s your idea of gloating from Paul Elam, and 5 upvotes is significant in your life, then, whatever dude.
You can make some pretty strong cases at times, but this is yet another premature ejaculation on your part.
Wait, the piece hasn’t even aired and they are sure that it will be negative? These guys seem to be gluttons for punishment — not to mention big on schadenfreud. Scary.
But I already am loved and cared for by the men in my life, and they all know I’m a feminist.
RE: not that guy
The damn post hasn’t been up for 24 hours. How many upvotes can we expect? And what would qualify as gloating, in your opinion?
Also, WTF. There are a LOT of people who have ill intent towards me. There are a lot of people I find reprehensible. I have no internal conflict over saying, “I am sorry they are dealing with X; no one should have to go through that, and I hope they get better.” Because I have met precious few people who became nicer and less assholey in times of intense duress.
To try and take someone’s tragedy as laughs is really gross.
@not that guy: The gloating is in the fact that he has made her problem all about him. The subtext of this little blurb is that he feels vindicated that one of the many women who disagree with him only did it because she was a drunkard and bitter.
From the OP: “Because I think that until women in general understand that there are costs (indifference from men) to their feminist acts, they’ll never see a reason to change.”
“… a world of male indifference will be a cold place to be a woman.”
Dude, your love and attention is really not that important. In fact, (and I know this might come as somewhat of a shock) women have their own lives, and they are quite capable of living a life divorced from male attention, and even being PRODUCTIVE despite not being lovable to you. Just ask the women that you think are “fat” or “ugly” or “useless”.
Still around and doing stuff, aren’t they?
Elam: I’m sorry that you’re suffering, I hope that you’ll be okay so that you can come to your senses and not think of me as a misogynistic a-hole.
I can’t say I’m shocked.
About the ‘threat’ of indifference…
Please do. I long for the day MRAs (and mgtows) will finally be indifferent towards women. For now, I just see a bunch of people who are *obsessed* with women.
In my post above, I just wanted to make clear: I didn’t mean that Vargas’ motivation for disagreeing with Elam was ACTUALLY that she was a “drunkard” and “bitter”, but that’s what Elam PERCEIVES it to be.
Sorry if that was worded wrong, I was being careless.
It really is just all about them, isn’t it? MRA’s are a self licking ice cream cone.
Out of curiosity, how many folks here, on hearing about Schwyzer’s latest meltdown, rubbed their hands together and went, “maybe now you’ll be a better feminist!”
Nobody? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
To these guys, wanting to be treated like a human being makes a woman unlovable. Says it all, really.
Also – huge eeeek at Elam ever being an addictions counsellor. My BIL is one. Treatment centres (good ones) are choosy about who they employ and… well, I just can’t see it.
I think I missed the part where Vargas made a personal appeal to Laddition for his sympathy and support.
So That Guy seems to demand Snidely Whiplash levels of mustache twirling while chortling, Mwuahhahah! to call it gloating.
Never mind that the subtext of this is, “thankk goodness people think she’s a soak, so we can say it was all an alcohol-fueled hatchet job, and any way we knew she had it in for us, now we know why”.
Which raises the question, if he was so certain it was going to be a hatchet job why consent to the interview?
Oh, right, he figured he could get attention, and that would cause people to come look at his “satire” and presto, Feminism is ended.
I was actually surprised at Elam’s lack of vitriol, but then I realized that, until the 20/20 special comes out, they could update the content, and not in his favour.
Is that a thing that feminists frequently point out?
@CassandraSays: It’s almost as if being a feminist doesn’t automatically make one unlovable. It’s almost as if you have other priorities besides making sure people like. Funny, that.
Viscaria – I think it’s a reference to “slut having drunk sex, and then reports it as rape the next day to not lose face”.
Remember, men are being horribly oppressed when feminists educate people on consent, cause that means they can’t fuck the passed out drunk girl. *nodnod*
By “feminists” I assume he means “some woman who I saw saying something that annoyed me”.
Compassion for…who again?
These guys really, REALLY don’t understand what “don’t take advantage of drunk people” mean, do they? Yech.
LBT – It’s not like they have a good record of such. See: “WAAHHH THE DON’T BE THAT GUY CAMPAIGN CALLED ME A POTENTIAL RAPIST!!!” and “What do you mean I can’t fuck drunk people?! Are you calling me a rapist? MY BONER MUST NOT BE IMPEDED!”
“We are the wooooorrrrrld,
We are the childreeeeeeen,
We are gonna fuck their shit
Right up through the ceiliiiiiin’!
And there are terrible things,
Like comedies with funny dads
And sometimes
You can’t
Abandon your childreeeeeen
We are the wooooorrrrrld,
We are the childreeeeeeen,
We are gonna fuck their shit
Right up through the ceiliiiiiin’!
And there are terrible things,
Like boys not beating girls at ev’rything.
We’re gonna make-it-right
We’re gonna show-them-now
With in-dif-fereeeeence
We are the wooooorrrrrld,
We are the childreeeeeeen,
We are gonna fuck their shit
Right up through the ceiliiiiiin’!”
*waves a candle*