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Check out the interview of me on Vitamin W

None of these people were involved in the interview, actually.
None of these people were involved in the interview, actually. Not even Aldo Ray.

The website Vitamin W did a little interview/profile of me; check it out here. When I was talking to the writer I got a bit more ranty than usual, so some of the quotes are a bit blunt.

One point of clarification on the references to my feminism at the start of the piece: what I was trying to convey was that while I was very much a feminist when I started Man Boobz, this was just a sort of taken-for-granted aspect of my life, not something I spent a great deal of time thinking about on a daily basis. Doing Man Boobz has made me much more of a feminist, both ideologically and in terms of how much of my time I spend thinking about and reading about and discussing feminist issues.

Also, the thing about me being driven by how much these guys annoy me was a reference to my motivation when I started the site, not to why I do the site now.

There are a few points where the author, well, oversimplifies things. To say that PUA sites “generally promote rape,” for example, isn’t quite right, though there are certainly PUA sites that encourage various forms of sexual harassment and have seriously problematic notions about consent. Our old nemesis Roosh, of course, has flat-out stated that by the standards of American law he raped a woman who was too intoxicated to consent.  (You can find his confession quoted here.)

Anyway, let me know what you think. I’m sure the MRAs will.

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11 years ago

Nice interview. Frankly, I didn’t notice most of the grammatical errors other people saw, but I’ve been grading Freshman essays for the past week, which has numbed my abilities in that area somewhat.

11 years ago

Grats on the interview, but like people are saying, I thought the article was a bit weak overall. I tried to leave a comment gushing about Manboobz 🙂 but I’m not sure if it worked

11 years ago

As others have said, it wasn’t the best written article, but it generally gets your point across at least =)

A part of me wonders if the interview was recorded or in shorthand, because if it was done in shorthand the author might just have been having trouble reading their notes back. But still, why no one would proof-read it for sense, grammar etc is beyond me.

11 years ago

[blahblahblah division is bad]

Especially long division. It’s evil.

11 years ago

Especially long division. It’s evil.


11 years ago

But but but

if long division is misandry

and I hate long division

does that make me a FEMRA? 😯

11 years ago

No! It means your poor ladybrains cannot comprehend something as complex as the very manly maths. (Being manly is misandry).

11 years ago

::wipes brow::

That is such a relief!

11 years ago

You are a kitteh controlled FEMZILLA!

11 years ago

It is more terrifying all the time – Femizilla Borg!


11 years ago

Oooh, we were talking yesterday about our feminist uniforms? How about this?

11 years ago

Can the color scheme be made a bit less eye-bleeding?

11 years ago


I like it.

11 years ago
11 years ago

Cassandra – doesn’t look like it, unfortunately.

11 years ago

@rjjspesh, I can’t even find the comments. I can see the form, but I can’t find where your comment would be…

Not LIkely
Not LIkely
11 years ago

You are so boring.

Ally S
11 years ago

You too!

Ally S
11 years ago

Oh wow, I was trying to do a gotcha there, and I ended up accidentally conceding that David is boring. Oops.

I’ve seen better days.

11 years ago

Eh, everyone’s boring sometimes.

11 years ago

I dunno, coming onto a blog to randomly write “you are so boring” sounds pretty much “pot, meet kettle” to me.

11 years ago

Meanwhile, I’m trying to decide what a supervillain should wear.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

katz – Polyester?