advocacy of violence alpha males asian fetishist attention seeking beta males hate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia trigger warning

Pickup guru Roosh V tries to drum up page views with vicious transphobia, his regulars applaud



Pickup guru and human stain Roosh V. continues his search for attention at any cost. His latest grab for page views takes the form of a nasty little post on Return of Kings ostensibly “warning” his readers how they can protect themselves from evil “[t]rannies [who] will try to trick a player to get some loving.”

The post, written by someone calling himself redpiller1985, is a transphobic rant in the form of a jokey list purporting to show guys “8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual.” Redpiller1985 starts off by declaring that

It’s not just betas and closet conning alphas trying to hold us back. It’s cross-dressing men who are so mentally ill that they think they’re women. They’re delusional omega men who think acting like a caricature of the women who don’t give them play is how they can finally get some sexual pleasure from unwitting men.

The “humor” of the post is so strained it’s doubtful it would even elicit a chuckle from even the most egregious transphobe. Redpiller1985 mocks “trannies” for allegedly having silly names “[l]ike the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika.” He think’s its hilarious that they don’t like being referred to as “he,” and that some “trannies” use words like “kyriarchy” and “cisgender.” He thinks it’s risible that “[t]ranssexuals have an incredibly high suicide and drug abuse rate..”

Indeed, a portion of the article is devoted to mocking the suicide attempt of a trans game designer; I’m not going to quote any of that.

Redpiller1985 ends by proclaiming, with mock sincerity, that all this nastiness is really an attempt to help poor “trannies” get their lives in order:

We as red pillers must even tell the most beta blue pillers in existence when the “hot girl” at the bar is really a lying mentally ill man in a dress. If we stand up to their mental illness and call them out instead of making their delusions worse. It will inspire these disfigured men to stop being omegas and start being true men again.

In the comments, someone calling himself Ben “Race War Now” Garrison declares that “Trannies will be the first to hang on the Day of the Rope.” Another commenter posts a photo of a murdered trans woman lying dead in the street, with the note “[h]ere’s a good example photo of what happens once trannies get found out.”

Not all the commenters are on board with the transbashing. One suggests that

[T]rannies (especially the Asian kind) are super friendly and outgoing. No girl is every as nice or friendly to the strange guys around her.

That bit of racial and sexual fetisihization is about as “trans-friendly” as it gets on Roosh’s hate site.

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11 years ago

1. Bunnies exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

Is this an example of ‘make-believe ivory tower academia terms’? Or just NO GIRLS* ALLOWED’ treehouse talk? Is one better than the other? Is their made up bullpoops to support their broken worldview just unquestioningly accepted whereas words like cis that actually have a meaning are some kind of fancy fusty academia that no no knows about? Am I thinking too much into this?
In meatspace I use the very feminine name my parents gave me, but it is at least spelled ‘correctly’. half a point.

2. Kittens require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

Literally no one in the world other than trans people ever need to be propped up now and then. Cough. I don’t consider being trans to be a delusion.
I am happy and relieved when people debunk my delusions. No points.

3. Puppies either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

Oh dear, some people who could potentially please your boner aren’t making every effort to do so? Bad humans and their own free will.
I probably vastly ‘underwhelm’. One point.

4. Fishies like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

‘Employable skills’ sounds like some kid of unquantifiable bullpoop. Colour me shocked. Also are all trans* women feminist?
I have worked plenty but am currently unemployed. The biggest thing preventing me from employment is stinkface recruitment agencies with absurd amounts of power. Half a point.

5. Terapins have cut marks on their bodies.

Cut marks? This could really mean anything. Lets imagine you mean scars. I would think it would be very very difficult to find an adult with absolutely no scars.
Do you mean self harm scars? One point.

6. Birdies talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

We’ve been through this.
Do I use words you refuse to acknowledge? Yes. One point.

7. Ratties require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.

Government subsidies is the arbitrator of acceptance now? Also pretty sure you can get ‘gender reassignment’ surgery on the NHS if that’s what you were oh so cleverly referring to.
I require new brain surgery. This doesn’t even exist let alone get subsidised. Half a point

8. Ferretbabies are masters of destroying relationships.

Cough. I don’t even understand. No points.

4.5/8. I’m nearly there! *Dances about*

11 years ago

Holy absurdly long post batman! Sorry chaps and chapesses and non binary chapinis.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Needing others to prop you up and support your delusions, no employable skills, make believe academic lingo, masters of destroying relationships?

That describes most MRAs to a T.

I love how they’re always publishing long, breathless laundry lists of “how to recognize [despised member of out-group]”, like it’s some major public service announcement, in case one of their brethren forgets what they’re supposed to find attractive, slips up, and accidentally behaves decently towards another person. The horror!

11 years ago


I think I’m going to decide to believe that for the rest of tonight, otherwise my mind might shatter.

Now, at last, you realise why the rest of us buy our irony meters in bulk.

11 years ago

A little fun test is to imply the hottie in the dress is a he. Most (hateful connotation) women would laugh at that and chuckle

Yeah, this claim is really weird – that cis women in general wouldn’t care about being misgendered, but merely find it funny.

Personally, I don’t care at all whether someone thinks I’m a man or a woman. But my impression is that I’m in a minority here. And I still get pissed off if someone is acting like a transphobic idiot against me, because obviously. (Like that time I told you about where I was in a hardware store and this man loudly went on about how he’d totally thought I was a man and only now realized I was a woman and yada yada. That’s just way out of line.)

I think the real reason cis people in general are upset about being misgendered less often than trans people is simply that this kind of thing happens to cis people less often. And if an average cis person gets misgendered for the first time ever, zir first reaction may be mere puzzlement, and zie might get sad/upset/insulted only later on, when the event has had some time to sink in.

11 years ago

Like everything else, they only said ‘misgendering people is funny lol’ is because (as I believe someone else has already picked up on) they know they’d absolutely lose their shiz if anyone did it to them as they’re so wrapped up in their pathetic identity as proper manly men men.
What all bullies do, put their weaknesses onto others.

(Also of course deliberately trying to hurt trans* people, but thats a given.)

11 years ago

I would really like to know how they went on misgendering people in my language. Even the pronouns are gender neutral… :]
(There are words which define gender in Hungarian, and an obnoxious male-being-default cultural assumption, but it is not built into the language.)

11 years ago


I love how they’re always publishing long, breathless laundry lists of “how to recognize [despised member of out-group]“, like it’s some major public service announcement, in case one of their brethren forgets what they’re supposed to find attractive, slips up, and accidentally behaves decently towards another person. The horror!

I’m pretty sure that the reason PUAs do that is because they measure their self-worth by the amount of sex they have, however, contrary to what they say, the vast majority of people who are not PUAs have no problem finding sexual partners. These lists are a way to “disqualify” said sexual partners so that PUAs can continue believing that they are the sole owners of some super-secret guide to sex.

11 years ago

Brodt: One of my operating theories with regard to the MRM is that most of them are stuck in the ‘angry high school freshman geek, as seen through the eyes of Hollywood’ mindset–everyone has a strictly defined place in the pecking order, and that’s all they get. If you’re not the Jock or the Cheerleader, you’re pathetic.

11 years ago

Myoo: Defining the out-groups is one way of creating an in-group. This is really common behavior when one is either part of an out-group, or trying to create a new in-group; which are slightly different. To make an analogy which will cause the MRM to mistakenly call Godwin, the Nazis weren’t an in-group in 1928.

They wanted to be. They wanted to be THE in-group. So they set about making it socially unacceptable to belong to one of several out-groups. That got them enough traction (by targeting a couple of extant out-groups) to gain enough power to make the law reflect their in-group status.

At which point anyone who wasn’t toeing the line become an out-group member (for a good take on that see the film., “Swing Kids”, about how in-group identification was created, maintained).

The MRM is an out-group. Yes, misogyny is prevalent, even rampant, but the level of misogyny the MRM expresses is past what society, as a whole, is willing to (publicly) tolerate. Some out-groups who are becoming part of the greater in-group (gays) threaten them, by making the types of insult they used to be able to use as social control less functional (asserting that someone is gay is less likely to inhibit them than it was even 10 years ago, much less 20).

So they need to define what they are not more strongly, and what everyone else is supposed to be. If they were as politically savvy as the Nazi, or the Bolsheviks, we would have a major problem; even a threat to civilised life.

But, at present (and for the foreseeable future, they have no Lenin, nor even a Hitler; and no good cause to rally round, so they aren’t likely to find one; esp. with fools like Elam and Esmay and so on being the locus of activity, and gatekeepers to “fame”), so they are a dangerous nuisance, not an existential threat.

11 years ago

Paul Elam and Dean Esmay would have to aim up at this point to aspire to be the Chairman Bob Avakian of the MRM (I would link to Wikipedia, but it’s too much of a pain on my tablet). They are definitely (Paul especially) trying to create a cult of personality; it’s just that they’re personality-challenged.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

At least we learned some style examples for standard pickup lines:

1. “Jen, eh? How do you spell that?”
2. “Hello, honey…*wink* I don’t think you’re really a woman.”
3. “Don’t mind me while I evaluate your gender presentation. This will take a while.”
4. “What kind of professional skills do you have? I mean generally.”
5. “Let me look at your forearms.”
6. “I’d like to hear your view on [insert social issue].”
7. “How much cash have you spent on your sexual anatomy?”
8. “Anyone been called a pervert for cheating their wife with you?”

I think I’m getting a hang of this PUA thing.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

Unrelated, but the first day of every month is “Stop Violence Against Men Day”. I would like to point out that since violent people hone their violence on people they perceive as weaker, and then escalate, that the best way to end violence against men is to end violence against women.

I hope that worked.

11 years ago


It’s just willful ignorance, they might as well also claim that the world is flat (or only 6000 years old, which I bet some of them do).

Nooo, of course not! They’re all totes rational atheists who could never fall for something as foolish and unscientifical as all of that nonsense! No, they prefer their pseudoscientific beliefs to stem from a misrepresentation of evolution and history – not the denial of them.
Also, hi!


Yep. The very first day of every month has been officially designated as Stop Violence Against Men Day

Officially? By whom? ‘Cuz, if it’s Paul Elam… that’s not really official by any official definition of the word official.

And if some people don’t like it, tough.

And if it irritates some people, too bad.
I don’t give a hoot. And neither should you.

Why wouldn’t we like it?
Why would it irritate us?
Why should we give a hoot?
Oh… right. We’re misandrists. I forgot. Boo! Down with the MRM doing something arguably worthwhile for a change! Boo! Etc.

11 years ago

For LBT, who’s so damn manly.

11 years ago

But, at present (and for the foreseeable future, they have no Lenin, nor even a Hitler; and no good cause to rally round, so they aren’t likely to find one; esp. with fools like Elam and Esmay and so on being the locus of activity, and gatekeepers to “fame”), so they are a dangerous nuisance, not an existential threat.

Or even Mussolini. Somehow I don’t think “Say what you like about Elam, at least he got the trains to run on time” is ever going to be a thing.

11 years ago

RE: Quackers

Am I making sense? o.O

Yeah, I get what you mean. These guys just don’t CARE about folks. They want to have their cake and eat it too, and they throw tantrums over it.

RE: Shaun DarthBatman Day

Ennnnnh. Children and animals are usually THE FIRST targets of violence, and males can be part of those. Sorry, not quite buying it.

RE: Falconer


11 years ago

Ennnnnh. Children and animals are usually THE FIRST targets of violence, and males can be part of those. Sorry, not quite buying it.

😮 Do you see that? Ohhhh the misandry of it all! LBT called men animals!!! 😛
But yeah, roughly half of almost all subjugated groups will be men. Therefore men do, in fact, end up being targets of violence and oppression. But this is because those particular men are members of groups other than “Men” rather than because they are men.
I mean, how often do we hear complaints that start, “homeless men…” or “gay men…” or “Mexican men…”? And how often do we hear complaints that just start, “men…” which aren’t simply restating those other complaints without acknowledging the specific group to which they apply?

What forms of oppression do men face as a class? I can’t think of any that aren’t a result of women being considered inferior and unsuited for “men’s jobs,” and while the MRM does make a big show of complaining about those issues, they also oppose the solution to them in upholding the idea of women’s inferiority and unsuitability. While I’ll agree that you can support your own oppression, I’m not sure it’s sensible to complain about it while supporting it.

11 years ago
Reply to  David Futrelle

I am a transwoman, and this is the first I’ve heard of objections to that word. Doesn’t obviously mean that it’s non-existent, but I don’t think such objections are prevalent. Thank you for deferring on it, even still.

11 years ago

*facepalm* I totally borked my communication there. I agree with everything you just said. I just meant that I figured abusive people were more likely to abuse animals or children of any gender before they take on tougher quarry like adults.

11 years ago

I have never encountered the word kyriarchy before, anyone got a definition?

11 years ago

RE: Zolnier

I think it’s gone a bit out of vogue; it’s a term for all the oppresive systems meshed together — sexism, classism, ableism, all the rest.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Zolnier – Wiki says that kyriarchy refers to a sort of intersectional version of patriarchy.

11 years ago

“A little fun test is to imply the hottie in the dress is a he. Most normal women would laugh at that and chuckle, allowing you to game on and win them over. The tranny views this as an attack on them and will get hostile with you. Expect a “pronoun” check with some snark.”

Yeah the trans* person is just going to be reactionary because you’ve offended them or found them out. It has nothing to do with the fact that trans* people are murdered every single fucking day just for being who they are. Right…

Why do these guys seem to believe that trans* people are simultaneously easy to spot and always lurking in the shadows ready to ensnare a hapless peen? I can’t even…

Also, I am glad that anyone trans* here is able to laugh this stupid shit off, especially because I know that doing that IRL is a whole hell of a lot more difficult. I hope you know that there are more and more people out here who support and love you guys. Thank you, just for being. 🙂